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Maple Cinnamon Breakfast Trail Mix
Thismaple-cinnamon trail mix contains only 6 grams of sugar per serving, making it a great choice for breakfast.
2 minute read
Thismaple-cinnamon trail mix contains only 6 grams of sugar per serving, making it a
2 minute read
Oat milk and cashews make this cheeseless cheesecake possible. Vegans and vegetarians, rejoice!
2 minute read
Move over peanut noodles. Say hello to these cashew noodles, which are just as
3 minute read
A guide (and recipe!) for making delicious, nutritious not-cheese … with nuts.
3 minute read

Any athlete knows the feeling: You’re heading out for a run, hike, ride or

2 minute read

It’s not hard to make your own Asian-inspired meal at home when you combine

1 minute read

Made with deliciously simple whole-food ingredients, this banana “yogurt” from Nutrition Stripped is dairy-free.

2 minute read

Adding just a little texture to your meals can make all the difference, especially

2 minute read

Make Hummusapien‘s low-carb comfort food using spaghetti squash flavored with a simple 5-ingredient sauce.

3 minute read

Make quick and tasty cashew beef with broccoli stir-fry for dinner courtesy of the

2 minute read
Thismaple-cinnamon trail mix contains only 6 grams of sugar per serving, making it a
2 minute read
Oat milk and cashews make this cheeseless cheesecake possible. Vegans and vegetarians, rejoice!
2 minute read
Move over peanut noodles. Say hello to these cashew noodles, which are just as
3 minute read
A guide (and recipe!) for making delicious, nutritious not-cheese … with nuts.
3 minute read

Any athlete knows the feeling: You’re heading out for a run, hike, ride or

2 minute read

It’s not hard to make your own Asian-inspired meal at home when you combine

1 minute read

Made with deliciously simple whole-food ingredients, this banana “yogurt” from Nutrition Stripped is dairy-free.

2 minute read

Adding just a little texture to your meals can make all the difference, especially

2 minute read

Make Hummusapien‘s low-carb comfort food using spaghetti squash flavored with a simple 5-ingredient sauce.

3 minute read

Make quick and tasty cashew beef with broccoli stir-fry for dinner courtesy of the


Easy Prep Recipes