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6 Label-Reading Mistakes to Avoid, According to RDs
5 minute read
Good nutrition sounds simple enough. But you may find yourself confused when trying to read an ingredient
6 minute read
Grab these 10 staples dietitians always have on their grocery list!
7 minute read
Experts share how to keep your body within a healthy weight range.
6 minute read
Add bodyweight exercises to treadmill intervals to tone your entire body.
5 minute read
Registered dietitians share tips for including all foods in your diet without guilt to
8 minute read
Any weight-loss journey is guaranteed to have its setbacks, but we can use failure
5 minute read
Postbiotics, not necessarily probiotics, might be the end game goal for gut health.
6 minute read

Family walks are a great way to get fresh air and bond while increasing your step count and getting much-needed

8 minute read

Eating nutritious food is a pillar of healthy living, yet no matter how clean your diet

4 minute read
Compared to traditional coffee, cold brew lasts longer in the fridge and contains more
4 minute read
When you give your usual form of movement a break, walking is an ideal
6 minute read
Experts in food science and farming weigh in on whether or not it’s worth
9 minute read
Is your relationship with food derailing your weight-loss efforts?
4 minute read
Recent research shows oxytocin could have promising effects on your waistline.
5 minute read
While some research shows coffee can protect against disease, caffeine is still a drug.
5 minute read
Self-control should be viewed as an ongoing decision process rather than a set of
5 minute read
While gum won’t make or break your weight loss, it could be a helpful
5 minute read
Experts weigh in on collagen’s beauty- and health-boosting abilities.
4 minute read
Here’s how to scan an ingredient label before you try a new protein drink.
1 minute read
Whole fruit is healthy but experts weigh in on the pros and cons of
6 minute read
RDs weigh in on what to look for when choosing a protein bar.
2 minute read
Sleep specialists take sides on how the body’s internal clock affects nutrition.
4 minute read
Finding your zen with food could help you eat healthier and lose weight.
1 minute read
Experts weigh in on whether you should prioritize movement or nutrition for definition.
6 minute read
You don’t have to go cold turkey on meat and cheese to reap the
1 minute read
Nutrition experts take sides on whether supplements are worth the trouble.
5 minute read
Faux meat products look and taste better than ever before but here’s what RDs
1 minute read
RDs weigh in on what the GMO label really means and whether to include
5 minute read
Physical weight loss might be the ultimate goal, but overcoming mental hurdles is part
4 minute read
Regardless of ability level, walking can help improve balance, strength and more.