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Author posts

6 Tips for Lower-Sugar Smoothies
4 minute read
Few things can beat the sweltering summer heat better than a cold smoothie. Start
3 minute read
Maintain your weight through the holidays even when the alcohol is flowing.
5 minute read
Banning visceral belly fat is an important first step toward achieving long-term health goals.
4 minute read
Plus, why you need to be hydrated to burn fat.
4 minute read
Eating late at night isn’t always ideal, but we have tips to help you
3 minute read
We’ve been told to go low-fat for so long, but is the trend shifting?
7 minute read
From cauliflower to lentils, there are plenty of healthy food options for tight budgets.
2 minute read
This easy chicken dish comes together in just 20 minutes.
4 minute read
Hint: It’s not referring to body weight.
3 minute read
Here’s what you need to know about labeling protein complete or incomplete.
1 minute read
Satisfy dessert cravings with this healthy three-ingredient recipe.
3 minute read
Fruit contains sugar in the form of fructose, but isn’t fruit good for you?
3 minute read
Are you ignoring the trimmings and forgetting to log?
4 minute read
You need protein to lose weight and build muscle, but are you overdoing it?
4 minute read
Here’s what you need to know about how genes play a role in weight
5 minute read
A RD breaks down using intermittent fasting for weight loss.
2 minute read

Take advantage of the convenience and ease of the slow-cooker with this carnita recipe

5 minute read
Look into how calorie calculators work and learn how to use them.
5 minute read
How a registered dietitian chooses healthy food items to make $50 go far.
4 minute read
How do you develop a healthy relationship with food when you've framed food as
5 minute read
How a registered dietitian chooses healthy food items to make $50 go far.
4 minute read
While most food allergies emerge in childhood, you can also develop them later in
6 minute read

People often cite price point as a hurdle that undermines their goal to eat

3 minute read
A registered dietitian discusses sugar alcohols and ways to avoid added sugar.
5 minute read
From organic to low-fat, all-natural to grassfed — find out what food labels really
5 minute read
The ketogenic diet is popular, but is it really healthy?
4 minute read
Learn how this approach to eating can decrease your blood pressure — for good.
4 minute read
Overcome the temptation to overeat with these dietitian-backed tips.
3 minute read

Micronutrients include vitamins and minerals, the dynamic duo that makes superfoods possible. Whether you

4 minute read

Have you ever looked for sleep at the bottom of a wineglass? Sometimes, we’re