

3 minute read
Essential oils, like lavender and peppermint, can reduce stress and increase athletic performance.
4 minute read
When to stop eating before bed varies, but what you eat is an important
6 minute read
Plus, how to stimulate it for better health.
5 minute read
We asked a behavior change specialist how to break bad habits and form new
3 minute read
Learn what throws off your melatonin levels and when a supplement might be necessary.
4 minute read
Alcohol-free doesn’t always mean healthy.
6 minute read
Learn why some inflammation is good, and some is bad.
6 minute read
Five tips on forming good habits, from the author of “Good Habits, Bad Habits.”
5 minute read
A list of our top-10 most-read wellness stories in 2019, plus this editor’s extra
4 minute read
If you’re tired of waking up from a nap feeling even more tired, try
4 minute read
The belief that exercise makes arthritis worse may be a myth, research suggests.
3 minute read
Cupping is usually done by someone else with glass cups, but now athletes can
3 minute read
Not seeing people as objects is step number 1.
3 minute read
After a poor night’s sleep, should you get up and work out or sleep
3 minute read
Essential oils, like lavender and peppermint, can reduce stress and increase athletic performance.
4 minute read
When to stop eating before bed varies, but what you eat is an important
6 minute read
Plus, how to stimulate it for better health.
5 minute read
We asked a behavior change specialist how to break bad habits and form new
3 minute read
Learn what throws off your melatonin levels and when a supplement might be necessary.
4 minute read
Alcohol-free doesn’t always mean healthy.
6 minute read
Learn why some inflammation is good, and some is bad.
6 minute read
Five tips on forming good habits, from the author of “Good Habits, Bad Habits.”
5 minute read
A list of our top-10 most-read wellness stories in 2019, plus this editor’s extra
4 minute read
If you’re tired of waking up from a nap feeling even more tired, try
4 minute read
The belief that exercise makes arthritis worse may be a myth, research suggests.
3 minute read
Cupping is usually done by someone else with glass cups, but now athletes can
3 minute read
Not seeing people as objects is step number 1.
3 minute read
After a poor night’s sleep, should you get up and work out or sleep
4 minute read
Skip the focus on BMI numbers and take a look at these instead.
4 minute read
When it comes to lowering inflammation and increasing bone density and joint flexibility, what
3 minute read
A slew of new studies have associated eating red meat with a higher risk
3 minute read
The praise for apple cider vinegar is seemingly endless — are there any limitations
3 minute read
Waist circumference is more predictive of heart disease than weight. Losing belly fat could
5 minute read
Here are a few quick ways to help you feel calmer ASAP.
5 minute read
When you focus on habits that support your self-control, it’s easier to stay on
4 minute read
Quick fixes to stay healthy during cold and flu season, here and now.
3 minute read
Is there a real benefit to drinking lemon water?
4 minute read
Struggling to fall (and stay) asleep? These mistakes could be hindering your ZZZ’s.
4 minute read
A few coffee alternatives for your morning energy boost.
4 minute read
Exercise boosts mood and coaching in a class or trainer setting could alleviate depression.
3 minute read
Can’t focus come 3 o’clock? Here’s why — and how to bounce back.
4 minute read
From counting sheep to drinking herbal tea, there is no shortage of advice to
4 minute read
Check out these simple strategies to start getting your resting heart rate on track.
3 minute read
Research shows daily smartphone use of more than five hours was linked to a


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