Author posts

How to Learn to Like Running
4 minute read

I’ve completed three marathons, but I wasn’t born with an I-love-running gene. In middle

2 minute read
Having an "All or Nothing!" attitude about exercise is great, but what happens on
2 minute read

Kale has long been touted as Mother Nature’s multivitamin—and for good reason! The leafy

1 minute read

The American Beverage Association and Alliance for a Healthier Generation, Coca-Cola, Pepsi Co., and

2 minute read

The short answer: more kids would eat them! And it’s a strategy produce company

6 minute read

Winging it doesn’t win triathlons. That’s a fact three-time Ironman Champion Chris Lieto knows

4 minute read

“What’s for dinner?” If you dread hearing (or even just thinking) this question, you’ve

4 minute read

Dollar menus have their appeal—cheap, quick food you can stuff in your face while

3 minute read

Friends are pretty awesome. They’re there to share a glass of champagne during the

3 minute read

Want to hit your weight loss goal? Start keeping track of everything you eat

2 minute read

One of the biggest hurdles to working out we hear from parents is they’d

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You’ve probably heard that 200 calories is about right for a snack, but finding

3 minute read

Have you ever noticed that when you create a “bad foods” list those items

2 minute read

Though they may seem bland or boring, seeds and grains are packed with all

3 minute read

Shuttling the kids to school in the morning, extra curricular activities before dinner, work,

3 minute read

When it comes to healthy eating, most of us know vegetables are king. They’re

7 minute read

When it comes to eating, there isn’t one diet that works for everyone. Which

3 minute read

Having trained for three marathons and roughly two-dozen half-marathons, I’ve done my fair share

3 minute read

Blaming a slow metabolism on your inability to drop unwanted pounds is a common

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According to our recent Fitness Tribes survey, yoga is the number 1 group exercise

4 minute read

With all this warm weather, it’s silly to stay inside just to exercise. Get

3 minute read

This week we’re celebrating Mother’s Day with our friends over at Fitbit. Whether you’re

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Last year the U.N. Food and Agriculture Organization released a report urging citizens of

3 minute read
Exercise is known to make you mentally sharp and increase your energy levels. And
2 minute read
After being stuck inside all winter (thanks a lot, Polar Vortex!), the last thing
2 minute read
With a little planning and the right container, you can make it to your