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Your 6-Week Belly Fat Blasting Walking Plan

Your 6-Week Belly Fat Blasting Walking Plan
In This Article

Melt off belly fat faster with this progressive walking plan, created by Jessica Smith, a certified personal trainer and creator of the “Walk On: Walk Off Belly Fat 5 Days A Week!” program, that combines the power of interval training with the belly fat-blasting effectiveness of walking.


When it comes to your walking pace, gauge your intensity on a scale of 1–10 — a 5–6 effort should have you breathing quickly, but still allow you to carry on a conversation easily. An 8–9 effort should have you breathing very heavily and able to answer yes or no questions only. Since your intensity varies with your personal fitness level, vary your speed and power to reach the recommended effort range for each walk.


This walk is steady but strong. After walking for 3 minutes at an easy pace to warm up, focus on maintaining a steady effort level of a 5–6 intensity until you’ve completed your session for the day (be sure to spend about 3–5 minutes walking at an easy pace to cool down, catch your breath and complete your walk).


Go the distance in less time with this interval walk! After walking for 3 minutes at an easy pace to warm up, begin repeating your HIIT interval sets (spend 3 minutes walking at a brisk pace, at an intensity of about a 5–6, power walk or jog at 1 minute at an intensity of an 8–9) until you’ve completed your session for the day (be sure to spend about 3–5 minutes walking at an easy pace to cool down, catch your breath and complete your walk).


It’s important not to over do it, and this active recovery walk is all about keeping a balance in your fitness routine. Plus, science has shown stress relief is a great way to help reduce belly-fat causing cortisol levels. This walk is all about enjoying the movement (stride at a comfortable 3–4 effort level). Take in your surroundings, focus on feeling good — try to be mindful of your breath and steps along the way.


[pdf_insert pdf=”https://blog.myfitnesspal.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/03/UACF-6-week-belly-fat-walking-PDF.pdf”]



Your walking time gradually increases each week to build up to the proven, belly busting total of 150–210 minutes of walking per week.

The main point is to make it work for you. If you’re already a regular walker, feel free to add additional time to your walk — or extra days if you feel up for more. You can also skip ahead to the weeks that contain more walking and simply repeat the schedule from there. It’s easy to switch the daily and weekly schedule as you see fit, just be sure to make it work for you. It’s also a great idea to cross-train with other activities such as strength training, stretching and other movement such as bicycling, swimming, etc., to avoid overuse injuries and continue to build strength and endurance.

Walk with good posture, keeping your abs drawn slightly in (you should still be able to breathe comfortably), with your shoulders back and chest wide. Drive your arms back and forth to help power up your pace.

Of course, it’s important to note that nutrition plays a vital role in the permanent reduction of belly fat. Consuming nutritious food in the right amount is important and some research also suggests adding foods that help fight inflammation to your diet may also assist losing deep abdominal fat, so be sure you are also pairing your walks with healthy meals for the best results.

Notes: Your total walk time can include your warmup and cooldown — or not — it’s up to you. If you have enough time, add the additional 6–10 minutes to gradually warm up for and wrap up your walks to your walk total for the day (if, for example, your HIIT walk is 15 minutes, you’ll really be walking for 21 minutes with a 3 minute warm up and 3 minute cool down). However, if you are short on time, include the warm up and cool down into your daily total, just don’t skip them — it’s important to ease into and wind down your walk properly.

Remember that you can always adjust your walk days and times as needed to make them work for your schedule. And don’t forget to keep challenging yourself during the plan — as you become more fit, work on pumping up your pace when appropriate to cover more miles in less time.


Are you going to join us for this plan? Leave a comment below and let us know. We’re here to support each other and be accountable.

Enjoy your walks, everybody. Don’t forget to have fun while you’re getting fit!

To become more active, try setting a simple goal to increase (and track) your daily steps. Go to “Plans” in the MyFitnessPal app and choose a 28-day step plan to learn tips to boost your activity.

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193 Responses

  1. I’m in. I’ve used interval training walking before, and it works. I’ve let myself go after a 75-lb wait loss 4 years ago, and am returning to daily fitness routines. I look forward to this. Love this blog–very helpful.

    1. I’ve been walking a lot. I mean A LOT. I do 8-11 miles a day. I’ve hit a wall/plateau and it’s driving me crazy.

  2. Joining the 6-week walking plan and just did my first HIIT walk. Can you find a way to link this plan into MYP logging function so that I don’t have to create new exercises? Would make it VERY easy to jump in and stay on track.

    1. You can use the MapMyWalk app on your phone and just start workout when to go and finish when your done. Then you can set up MyFitnessPal and MapMyWalk and it will automatically log from MapMyWalk to MyFitnessPal.

  3. I’m in! Here in Maine, it’s still a bit cold (30’s, 40’s, some 50’s) but I’m really out of shape and just starting MFP. Thanks, Jessica!

  4. I’m in – start Monday. Got a wedding to go to this weekend so probably gonna eat and drink more than I should.

  5. In the hiit what is the interval between repetitions? I need to burn the belly. John in Ireland

    1. Don’t think there is one. Walk at intensity of 5-6 for 3 minutes, then amp it up to intensity 8-9 for one minutes, then drop back to 5-6 for 3 minutes, amp it up for 1 minute, rinse and repeat until you’ve completed the amount of minutes in your schedule for the day. 😉

  6. I’m in! Can you tell me if this plan will work with a walker. I have to use one because my gate is off and I fall easily. How do I increase my walking speed and keep my balance at the same time.. I live in the country and the roads are not all paved,they are dirt roads.

  7. If you don’t have a buddy or partner to walk with, walk with your dog if you have one. It’s a lot more fun even though they stop from time to time to sniff or go potty. Just make sure you check them for ticks when you return, especially if you take them on hiking trails

    1. Stop from time to time? LOL. My dog sniffs every blade of grass and greets every single person that comes by! Wish I could take him but he’s also getting up there at 13 and while he’s still very spry, I wouldn’t want to overtax him. Of course I’ll feel terrible leaving him behind…

  8. Wish I had read this weeks ago! I’ve been trying to build speed have went from a Slow 20 minute pace per mile! To a 15 min/ per mile! I think I have overused my right hamstring is sore! I must continue to train for a PT test in 2 weeks! Any suggestions/ help for me to compete!

  9. I walk 6-9 miles a day, every day for the past few years… but I think what I’ve been missing is the HIIT! Thanks for a great plan! Oh… and I’m in.

  10. I’m in! I’ve been trying to figure out ways to change up my workouts and this sounds like a great plan to try right before summer. =)

    1. I’m pretty sure these are up to you. As in a 10 is the highest intensity you can possibly do, think “running from a rabid dog”. 5-6 would be increasing your heart rate and breathing but at a pace you can maintain for a while. 1 would be a stroll.

    2. A 5-6 is a comfortable walk on the treadmill, say about 3.5 MPH. An 8-9 is the same treadmill speed as the 5-6, but you must use a “run” form rather than a “walk” form. That is, at your comfortable walking speed on the treadmill, break into a run. You will look like you are running but your speed will not go up. Your beats per minute will climb to the 8-9 range.

  11. Want to join, but can’t right now. Still recovering from an abdominal surgery so will want to strengthen those muscles without putting any big strain on them at first. Doctor also recommended walking as the best exercise along with the chemo therapy I just started. Any suggestions on starting out so I don’t over do it too quickly?

  12. I’m a regular walker, currently getting legs in order for 105km overnight walk for charity in a few weeks. Must say now reached 40 years old, the walking alone is only half the battle, I still eat and drink way too much to make a massive difference.

  13. Igo power walking every morning at 5am before i start work for 10 k i pull my stomach in every over lampost lost 2 stone iam adicted too it i feel realy strong and healthy iam 51 years old do u think iam doing too much ?i go even further on a weak end i have a active job as a scaffolder aswell ??

  14. I’m going to give it a try. I’ve lost 10.2kg over the past 12 months, but the force is strong in the belly fat.

  15. Would like to try this out but I use a cane while walking. Any suggestions on how to fit this in with a cane? I can probably handle the power walk, with some difficulty, but I’m not sure how to ad HIIT given my limitations. Frankly, the power walk is probably at the upper edge, given the cane and my walking difficulties. Any suggestions on how to make it work so that it could still help me lose some of this way too much belly fat? Thanks everyone.

    1. I’m in the same situation. I use my cane to walk. I would love some pointers to join in. Thanks

    2. I doubt that you could reach HIIT with a cane. You might do better with a machine, such as a recumbent bike or an elliptical. If you use a treadmill, you must rest the bottom of the cane on one of the foot rails, as the cane will fly off the back if it ever touches the moving belt.

  16. I’m definitely going to try this walking plan! I don’t have anyone to walk with so I’m going to need some motivation from the Community!

    1. Walking alone can be hard at first but keep at it, it can be great and you will love how you feel later!

  17. Can I follow this plan on a treadmill? Do I need to make any specific adjustments? Will it be as effective on a treadmill as outdoors walking?

    1. Yes, you can be as effective on a treadmill as you can outdoors. There is no air resistance on a treadmill. Pay no attention to your outdoor speed (where there is air resistance). Set your treadmill to a comfortable pace (probably 2.5-3.5 MPH). Or raise the incline above 0.5%. Personally, I do much of my exercising on treadmills.

  18. Starting this walking plan on May 7th, 2018. Wish me luck and success during the next 6 weeks.

  19. Sharing here for accountability. Starting this 6-week walking plan today with a friend @ work. We are walking at lunchtime.

  20. Looking for support from the group. I want to start the 6-week plan starting today. Help anyone?

      1. Starting today. Monday May 14th. Hope to have some online buddy for this. Will update by end of day. Thnx much

  21. I definitely plan on trying this. I e just seriously started walking a couple of days ago.

  22. Started my walking journey about 2 years ago. I was very unhealthy and overweight. Like a lot of folks I thought to get in shape I needed to run. Huge mistake, first morning was miserable and very painful. Tried it off and on for a couple weeks, mostly off because I found all kinds of excuses not to run. Finally one morning an epiphany! Get up and stroll!! That’s exactly what I did. What an enjoyable experience. I just strolled in the early morning. No ear buds, just me and God and His creation. I listened to the birds and geese and smelled the woods and took in the early breeze and freshness of the morning. I could not wait for the next morning to do that again. In fact I was up before the alarm. I was addicted to “strolling” that quickly. Within just a couple weeks I was stepping up the pace with no discomfort or pain. At some point in my journey I got Map My Walk app. Game changer!! I really started upping the pace. Within like 5 months I was cranking out 14-15 minute miles and maintaining that pace for 5 to 6 miles. Needless to say combined with a good eating plan, lean proteins, salads, plain oatmeal sweetened with fruit, knocked out sugar and bad carbs the weight began to melt off. I then began jogging every grade I came to on my walking routes and after getting to the top (took me awhile to be able to get to the top of some of them jogging all the way) going back into a fast power walk. I confess I am totally addicted now to walking/jogging. I have dropped 80 lbs. and kept it off. I am 59 and feel better than I did at 39. I work out in a gym 3 to 4 times a week with weights and core strength building. I do 100 push ups a day and can hold a full plank for 2 minutes. It all started with strolling. A slow easy enjoyable stroll. You will do what you enjoy. Don’t push it too hard in the beginning. Just stroll because strolling is enjoyable and again we tend to do what we enjoy. Please I can’t stress this enough for those of you who are struggling to get in shape. Just stroll! I promise you it will take off from there. You’ll be power walking before you know it. Maybe depending on your age and or other factors it’s not possible for you to power walk or jog, no problem, just keep strolling. You’ll still get the great benefits and an increase in health. Do it tomorrow morning, get up and stroll and keep strolling your way into health.

    1. Thank you for sharing that! I have struggled with weight since I started gaining at about age 9. Will be 45 this fall. I am sitting at about 30# from my heaviest ever but can’t seem to break through this plateau I’ve been at for a few years.
      Your story is wonderful!

      1. Hey Joey, you can do this my friend. I have always been so far from being some kind of uber disciplined kind of person. So starting out strolling just clicked with me. I enjoyed it and from there it just kind of took on a life of it’s own. Now I find myself being that more disciplined person. I don’t feel right if for some reason my walking gets interrupted or I can’t get to the gym. Even now I’ll occasionally leave the Map My Walk off and just go for a stroll again. It reminds me all over again of why I enjoy walking so much. Go for it, you can do this!

    2. Thanks for the great post. Im going to start on Monday. Today makes day 10 days of healthy eating. Time to start adding a stroll.

      1. Good for you! I am right there with you. I’ve been eating better for the last couple weeks. Time for the exercise! I’ll be
        starting on Monday as well. Let’s keep each other accountable!

    3. I am reading this and remembering how I started my walking journey. It started because I looked in the mirror and said no more.Good for you George! I have since had health issues and gain some weight back but I am back at the gym and treadmill. I feel so much better when I go and exercise! I hope to continue in between taking care of family.

      1. Good for you Devonne!! I love your comment, “I looked in the mirror and said no more.” That seems to be where change begins on so many levels, when we confront the reality of who we are determine we are going to make changes. Thank you for your post.

        1. Thanks George! I love My Fitness Pal. I at times forget to post especially when I have to travel to see about my Mother. I am trying to stay focused on my health!

      2. Hi Devonne, It was the mirror that did it for me too that got me too wake up from my rut . When looking after every body else its easy to forget yourself , Hopefully i can emulate everyone else here. Cheers

        1. Yes, It is easy to forget yourself when looking after others. I am happy for you! It begins from within. Thank you for your comment.

    4. Thanks for the great post – all of this is so true…it’s not necessary to do workouts with the word insanity or turbo in them to get fit. I love my walks and look forward to them. They can be high or low intensity- I need to lose ten pounds and I know that with walking, I can have fun losing it!

  23. I have been walking for years. I do around five miles a day. My goal for at least three of those days is an hour and twenty minutes. Before starting out I stretch for about 15 minutes, too. It definitely controls your belly fat. Walking alone is good therapy, you can plan your day, work through problems, count your blessings, pray, see what’s going on in your neighborhood, and just enjoy being out. Do it, you have nothing to lose except some belly fat, lol xo

  24. I’m in! This is my third go around with weight loss and fitness and want this last round to be the final no more stopping and re- starting. It’s sooooo hard starting over! I will definitely need encouragement.

    1. Ive been on that roller coaster all my life culminating in a heart attack last October definitely motivated to make these changes

  25. Pencil me in. I already use an elliptical at least 3 ties a week, but will push it even further.

  26. Going to give this a try, to strengthen knee replacement and get rid of some belly fat that I accumulated post-surgery (6 mos. ago)

  27. what would be a suggestion i have been walking 11k as an average but usually are between 10k and 15k everyday usually HR is 100-110, sometimes i have tried for a short time to get it up to 120. my walks are usually between 40 min to 1 1/2 hours. Should I change my routing

    1. You are doing great! However, you can’t get to 120 beats per minute (bpm) while walking unless perhaps you go fast (i.e., you are an Olympic race walker) or you go long (i.e., you walk to exhaustion). Hills will definitely add to your beats per minute. You seem like you are wearing a Heart Rate monitor. If you want to get to 120 bpm, then walk on a rolling route. When you get to the downhill parts, start running slowly until you drive your HR to your desired zone. Walk the other parts. Keep doing as many intervals of run/walk as necessary to sustain your desired bpm.

    1. It is in the article – they do explain it. I think it is the beginning where they talk about effort levels

      1. To reach HIIT levels, walk comfortably on a treadmill until you are warmed up. You might be at an incline of 0% and a speed of 3.2 MPH, but this will vary on your conditioning. Now start running. Do not touch the controls. Keep your incline and speed at your comfortable walking levels. The only change is that now you will look like you are running if anyone is looking. You will find that running at your walking speed is easy yet it still will pump your heart to the HIIT range.

  28. I’m in! I’ve been promising myself to get walking ever since it finally stopped snowing (not very long ago!). I may spend a week just strolling to get started and then move on to this plan. I’ve always loved walking–I lived and/or worked in NYC for 30 years and you couldn’t get anywhere without walking. I miss it!

  29. I am in! Started walking four or five times a week a couple of months ago when I retired but can’t seem to lose any belly fat. Wish me luck!

  30. Count me in!!!! I need to loose 50 pounds and after trying diet after diet only to see no results, my motivation is low. I’m also disabled and need exercise.

  31. Question on the 1-10 Intensity level: what does a “5-6” or “8-9” compare to as a heart rate % of max? For those of us with a monitor, seems helpful to use that more accurate measure. Thanks!

    1. Just add “0% maxHR” to the intensity level. A 6 becomes a “60% maxHR.” Walking at 60% of your maximum Heart Rate will earn you 2 Intensity Minutes (IM) on your watch for each minute that you walk. You will earn 1 IM for slower speeds. The author’s preferred range would put you at 80-90% maxHR. Your watch should compute your maxHR based on your minHR (i.e., your heart rate in the middle of the night). Otherwise, just subtract your age from 220 beats per minute (bpm). A 70yo like me would have a maxHR of 220-70 or 150 bpm.

  32. I’m going to give it a try. I really need to get fit and lose some weight but finances are tight, so a gym is out….but this is FREE! Perfect!

  33. I’m in! I have already started walking but this gave me some great ideas to increase the challenge!

  34. I’m in on this Belly Fat Blasting Walking Plan starting tomorrow. Looking forward to it.

  35. You talk of effort levels, but effort levels are not useful without some way to measure them. Request you mention minutes per mile, which can easily be measured when walking.

    1. Hi Jim. Minutes per mile might not be useful, as the correct pace would vary from 2 MPH to 12 MPH depending on one’s conditioning. Here is an easy way to get to the author’s 8-9 intensity level. Set your treadmill to a comfortable walk (probably 2.5-3.5 MPH, but if you are super conditioned it could be 3.5-4.5 MPH). Warmup for 5 minutes. Break into a run for the remainder of your exercise period. Do not change the treadmill’s speed or incline. The only change you will make from your walk to your run is in form, not in speed or incline. The change in form should be adequate to push you to the 8-9 intensity level. This will be about 80-90% of your maximum Heart Rate. Wear very soft shoes if you are a bouncy runner.

  36. I am 54 years old but consider myself active, but evidently I am doing something wrong! I saw this 6 week belly blasting walk and I am going to give it a try. I have spent lots of money on trying to lose weight and have been unsuccessful. I have eaten salads with tuna everyday at work and protein shakes for breakfast, a light supper, exercise at the local gym and I am still the same size that I started with. It is important for me to feel healthy, it doesn’t cost anything to walk so thank you for the easy guide to go by. I just finished a 7 day 10,000 step challenge but I still have my belly fat and weight I am hanging onto but ready to get rid of! I do not have a good support system, doing this on your own is hard! I have been ready some of these success stories, thanks for sharing, it gives me encouragement!

  37. I’m in! I’ve been a runner in the past and really want to get back to running. This seems like a good work up to that goal.

    1. If your goal is to run, then do some of your walking on a treadmill. Set your treadmill to a comfortable walking speed. After a 5-minute warmup, start to run. Do not change any of your settings, simply change your form from walking to running. You will be “running” at your walking speed. Do this fake run for whatever length of time you normally run (say 60 minutes). You will quickly regain your ability to go long.

  38. This is one of the best blogs I have read on MyFitnessPal. Thank you Jessica for sharing this effective and flexible walking plan. I have been successful with a continuous 3 day cycle of 2 days of challenging walk/run workouts and 1 day of strength training. Doing that cycle mixed with a delicious whole food diet consistently (key word – consistently) makes feel better than anything else I have tried in life. I find joy in overcoming the darkness.

    1. An incline will increase your heart’s beats per minute (bpm). If you are wearing a fitness watch, set the treadmill’s incline and speed to where you earn 2 Intensity Minutes per minute of exercise. This will be equivalent to the author’s 8-9 intensity level. Without a watch, just set your treadmill’s incline and speed to something comfortable for you. Walk for 5 minutes at a comfortable pace for you. Then without touching the controls, start to run. This will be an easy run, done at the same incline and speed that you found comfortable for walking. Just the change from walking to running (no other change!) will pump your heart to the 8-9 intensity level (i.e., 80-90% of your maximum Heart Rate). Your maximum Heart Rate is approximately 220 bpm less your age (i.e., 220-70 for me, or a maximum of 150 bpm and an 80-90% intensity of 120-135 bpm).

  39. Can I follow this plan on a treadmill? Do I need to make any specific adjustments? Will it be as effective on a treadmill as outdoors walking?

    1. Yes, you can. Set your treadmill to a comfortable walking speed, say 2.5-3.5 MPH. Walk for 5 minutes. Then, without changing your treadmill’s speed, break into a run. You will look to bystanders to be running, but your speed will be the same as when you were walking. Running at your walking speed should be easy for you. Even though the run is easy, you will pump your heart rate to the 80-90% of maximum Heart Rate. This 80-90% of maxHR will correspond to the author’s 8-9 intensity level. You will get a little more bounce from the running than you would from the walking, so wear soft shoes that are laced tightly.

  40. Thanks, Jessica Smith

    Its great and knowledgeable post for 6 Week Belly Fat Blasting Walking Plan. Really Great. Thanks Once again for this post.

  41. I am definitely in!!!! I quit smoking two years ago, and I’ve gained 50 pounds since then. I feel awful, and I’m tired all the time. The whole point to quitting smoking was to be healthier, but I only managed to trade one bad habit for another so now I’ve made a healthy meal plan and will incorporate this into my exercise schedule. After reading the comments here, I can hardly wait to get started!!!

    1. Fitness watches that cost more than $100 should be able to measure Intensity Minutes (IM) and Beats per Minute (bpm). These IM aren’t the same as the article’s intensity levels, but you can estimate one from the other. A watch will reward you 1 Intensity Minute for walking a minute at less than 60% of your maximum heart rate (maxHR), and 2 Intensity Minutes for walking a minute above 60%. The rule of thump is that your maxHR is 220 bpm less your age (ie, about 220-70 for me, or 150 bpm, so my 60% is 90 bpm). If you are getting 1 IM per minute of walking, you are likely in the author’s 5-6 intensity level (below 60% maxHR). If you are getting 2 IM per minute of walking, you are likely in the author’s 6-10 intensity level (above 60% maxHR). Is this too complicated? Then just walk on your treadmill. Set your treadmill to a comfortable pace for you, something like 2.5 to 3.5 MPH. Walk for 5 minutes to warm up. Then start running. You will look like you are running, but your treadmill speed will be the same as when you were walking. You will find that running at your walking speed is not difficult, and it will put you in the 70-80% maxHR range so that you are in the author’s recommended intensity levels.

    1. It is defined by the individual from what i understand. At a 5-6 you should still be able to talk fairly easily but you are working harder than an easy warm up stroll. At 8-9 you should be able to answer yes or no questions.

  42. I will be starting this tomorrow, but what is a HIIT walk versus a power walk or an easy walk? I would assume an easy walk is just that, a walk….is there a stride rate or heart rate we are looking for in the other two…would love some clarification.

  43. Nevermind, I just went up to the top of the article, and she tells me at the beginning what they mean…..too impatient, thanks

  44. I am in! Started today. I have been an on and off walker for years, decided that after a long winter of inactivity I needed some structure, goals and incentive.

    1. Way to go Michael! I started last week and it was harder than I thought. I may stay at week 1 for a while…. You can do it!!!

  45. I’m in. We have no students during the summer so I have time to begin healthy habits without considering if I need to make sure I get photos for social media/publications or other marketing material. I am also participating in the Great Cycle Challenge to support children’s cancer research. Out of all the options for exercise, walking is my favorite.

  46. I am in! Can’t wait to start! Hope that I can actually go through with the whole plan. I always seem to start off really well but then just stop in the middle of any plan

  47. 2 weeks ago I decided I was sick of being unhappy with my body and changed my diet & exercise. I’m a real chocoholic so this has been hard! I’ve been doing a 40 minute power walk on the treadmill 5 days a week (while my 2 yr old naps) and cant wait to start seeing results. I can usually stick to it for 5-6 weeks but I get discouraged after I hit the 3-4kg mark & plateau. Does anyone have any advice on how to stay motivated and get passed that?

  48. I have joined a Nordic Walking group. This form of walking can be described as ‘ a walk with a workout’ and calorie loss for about an hours walk can be over 500 cals. I would recommend it to anyone who enjoys exercising outdoors. Local groups can be found online.

  49. Janice- I’m starting this tomorrow. I’m 58 and need to lose the belly bulge and gain back my energy. I bike and try to stay active but I’m one who needs the stability of a plan. This I can do!

  50. Not trying to hate. But is this app designed specifically for women. I am a man and every day I get news on my homepage that seems written by women for women. None of it’s bad stuff, but as a man I was hoping that it would include info relevant to me. So far it seems like a bunch of stuff about melting belly fat and checking the scale too often. Not to mention the ridiculous advertisements with pretty new dresses. All of that stuff is fine, IF YOUR A GIRL! But I’m not. Ive only had the app for two weeks, so I might just have joined at an odd time, but so far it seems like this app is managed by a team full of women. It would be nice if some of the informatio were catered towards men. Hopefully this is recieved as helpful feedback and not pointless criticism

  51. I’m in! The 6-week walking plan is perfect. And the inspiration from George is the icing on the cake too get started

  52. Can you please explain the walks and the intensities. Didn’t really understand the numbers.
    Can this be done on a treadmill?

  53. I’m in. Started in March, quit, started again in June, quit after 1 week. Started again in July after my 17 yr old granddaughter ran her first Utica Boilermaker and challenged me to run with her next year. I’ll be 70. I used to run often in my 30’s and 40’s, not much since. I’m healthy but slow. 😉

  54. Good Morning Everyone !
    I’m in too….yesterday went on a lovely hike with a friend over the hills around my home, this will help me keep on walking instead of lolling around on the couch now school hols are on ! Im a healthy 62 yr old, but laziness and some depression bouts mean I just let go sometimes..
    I am using Map your Hike which is great for hill walks..
    Just been brave and booked 8 days trekking in Israel in December so need to get in top form !

  55. I ride my bicycle for fitness during spring and summer and walk in the fall and winter. I struggled but finally lost 60 lbs. This winter I want to gradually incorporate running into my fitness plan and this walking plan sounds like a great way to start. I thought I could jog during the HIIT workouts for the one minute and walk four minutes. I could then slowly increase the jogging time.

  56. I wish a fitness trainer would build a program for seniors over sixty. One with knee or shoulder and hips replacement.. I have knee replacement and its difficult to get up and down. Please there is a real need for move training programs for this generation.. Agape shirlee

  57. I’m in!!!! I’ve been in a plateau for a year now. I’ve lost a solid 40 pounds, but I need to get over this crap!!! I’ve got around 40 to go!!!!

    1. I’m in exactly the same. I thought it was the world’s longest plateau … and it stinks. I am hoping a regular walking schedule will help amp up my fat-burning capability.

  58. I’m interested to try the anti-belly-fat plan but how do I know what my intensity levels are? I assume they vary according to one’s fitness. But I have no idea what speed I’d need to walk in order to reach a 6 or 8 intensity level. Can anyone help me here? Thanks.

  59. Already walking and trying to keep it fresh. My treadmill, thankfully, has different inclines from 0 to 10% and this plan will help change it even more. I can’t run, but I can power walk and HIIT walk. Looking forward to getting on my treadmill tonight.

  60. HELP! I can do this! I want to do this but I don’t have a special watch to keep track of 1 minute, 3 minutes, etc. How are y’all tracking the appropriate amount of time? Thanks! Jamie

    1. I walk on a track – speed up on the straights – slow down on the curves or do half and half. If you’re walking where there are light poles or other sorta evenly marked intervals use those, fast for 2-3 slow for the same, then increase as you build up stamina.

  61. I’m in. Started this morning before I read the article. I have lots of belly fat, but 3 weeks ago I was diagnosed with high blood pressure. I don’t want to take meds with all the awful side affects, one of them being weight gain!!! How does that make any sense? That day was my ground zero and I have changed so much in my lifestyle, my diet, my moving. I feel so much better already and when I don’t MOVE I have so much pain. I track daily, the good, the bad and the ugly. I haven’t had many ugly days, but the one day I went off the rails and ate out, the very next day I woke up bloated and sore. Salt & sugar astla-bye-bye. Thanks for the great tips.

  62. How would you adjust this plan for walking on a treadmill. Living in the northeast, we are getting into weather conditions and early darkness that doesn’t make it feasible to walk outside.

  63. im inspired. im getting up off the couch as soon as i finish typing this. im walking all the way to the fridge for some ice cream

    1. Sure, it’s all grins and giggles now. Then comes the day when you have to heave your ice cream bloated body off the couch and waddle all the way to the fridge, and when you get there lean against it heaving and gasping for air.

  64. I’m going to start this tomorrow. Is there an easier way to use the plan besides downloading the pdf to my phone? It would be nice if it was integrated on the myfitness app.

  65. Been on a mission to lose weight and improve my health. Unfortunately I gained a lot of weight over the last 5 years and have lost about 25-30 on Keto. But I am stuck so this will be a good way to up my exercise and start getting me moving. 🙂

  66. Are the HIIT intervals time intervals? I see picking up to 50-60% – I assume that hard work – what is the recovery time? Sorry if this has been asked, I browsed the questions and didn’t see it.

  67. Hey, newbie here. Im assuming one walks easy, 3 minutes, then hit it hard 3 minutes, then back down 3 minutes etc. correct? And not hit it hard for 15 minutes then cool down? I think I answered my question. But no where in the article it says for how long to do the intervals. Or maybe I missed it.

  68. I’m in my fifth week of the six-week walking program and I love it. I am a relatively fit, 49-year-old man. I am pretty active, but the holidays tend to put on a few extra pounds. Even though others can’t see this, I can definitely feel it and I was looking for a way to knock those few extra pounds away. As I’ve approached 50, naturally, I have found that it’s harder and harder to keep those love handles from expanding. I am a casual runner and a year-round bike commuter, but even with this exercise, the extra pounds still came on. This walking program is easy to do, is low-impact, and fits easily into the busiest schedule. In fact, it’s just as good as starting a running regime. In addition to the walking, I’ve focused on removing added sugars and increased my protein intake a bit. Once I hit week six, I plan to continue the plan as part of my lifestyle. I’m down 6 pounds from December and would recommend this plan for anyone looking to feel better.

  69. Hello, I plan on starting my walking routine tomorrow. I have steadily gained weight over the last few years. Doing weigh watchers and now will start walking. I’m the Queen of talking myself out of things. Need accountability

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