

10 Simple Changes That Lead to Weight Loss
Set yourself up for long-term weight-loss success with research-backed micro-strategies.
7 minute read
Set yourself up for long-term weight-loss success with research-backed micro-strategies.
8 minute read
Set yourself up for a healthy start to the day by following this simple
5 minute read
Get a fitness baseline and track your progress with this at-home walking test.
5 minute read
Banning visceral belly fat is an important first step toward achieving long-term health goals.
5 minute read
Walking is great exercise for weight loss, but when you hit a plateau it's
4 minute read
Find out how long and how fast you need to walk to shed pounds.
9 minute read
Find out which greens, nuts and fish you should add to your plate.
5 minute read
This study may hold the key to successfully losing weight and keeping it off.
10 minute read
Health experts share proven tips for moving the scale in the right direction.
7 minute read
Knowing the ins and outs of snacking is key to a successful weight-loss plan.
7 minute read
Losing weight doesn’t always have to be about deprivation and denial. In fact, it
6 minute read
Simple tweaks like a protein-rich breakfast and sleeping in a cool room can improve
4 minute read
Time-restricted eating, a form of intermittent fasting, has been associated with weight loss and
7 minute read
Set yourself up for long-term weight-loss success with research-backed micro-strategies.
8 minute read
Set yourself up for a healthy start to the day by following this simple
5 minute read
Get a fitness baseline and track your progress with this at-home walking test.
5 minute read
Banning visceral belly fat is an important first step toward achieving long-term health goals.
5 minute read
Walking is great exercise for weight loss, but when you hit a plateau it's
4 minute read
Find out how long and how fast you need to walk to shed pounds.
9 minute read
Find out which greens, nuts and fish you should add to your plate.
5 minute read
This study may hold the key to successfully losing weight and keeping it off.
10 minute read
Health experts share proven tips for moving the scale in the right direction.
7 minute read
Knowing the ins and outs of snacking is key to a successful weight-loss plan.
7 minute read
Losing weight doesn’t always have to be about deprivation and denial. In fact, it
6 minute read
Simple tweaks like a protein-rich breakfast and sleeping in a cool room can improve
4 minute read
Time-restricted eating, a form of intermittent fasting, has been associated with weight loss and
8 minute read
RDs weigh in on myths about carbs and show how carbs can help you
7 minute read
Cutting back on processed meat can help you lose weight and improve your metabolism.
7 minute read
New research shows sitting in front of the TV is worse than sitting at
7 minute read
You’re ready to exercise to get healthier and lose weight, but the options may
3 minute read
A sports dietitian lays out a modified food pyramid tailored to athletic needs.
8 minute read
Experts discuss the best practices for an effective weight-loss plan, as well as which
4 minute read
Active adults can use calorie cutting for effective weight loss as long as they
5 minute read
Spice up your training with these essential bodyweight moves.
4 minute read
This 6-week plan helps you burn dangerous visceral fat.
4 minute read
Are you doing too much HIIT? Keep this advice handy when penciling in your
6 minute read
Learn why some inflammation is good, and some is bad.
3 minute read
Waist circumference is more predictive of heart disease than weight. Losing belly fat could
3 minute read
Sweet potatoes are a perfect pre-workout food for providing a steady stream of energy
4 minute read
RDs share smart tips for eating satisfying, nutritious breakfasts that help you meet your
5 minute read
Workouts that maximize afterburn may be your best bet for fat loss.
3 minute read
Weaving breakfast salad into my routine was one big wake-up call to a better
5 minute read
You need heavy weights to build strength, but not muscle.


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