

Ask the RD: What’s the Healthiest Cooking Oil?
A dietitian weighs in on how to choose between common cooking oils based on nutrition and cooking heat.
6 minute read
A dietitian weighs in on how to choose between common cooking oils based on
5 minute read
Here’s how every part of your body uses dietary fat and why some types
5 minute read

You’ve likely heard about the keto diet for weight loss and advocates say it also helps decrease

6 minute read
A RD weighs in on why you shouldn’t fear fat.
4 minute read
Drinking low-fat milk could help you live longer but other studies show full-fat has
15 minute read
Learn what key nutrition terms actually mean, from antioxidants and cholesterol to net carbs
2 minute read
A long-time staple of the American diet, butter is best enjoyed in moderation.
5 minute read
Most Americans’ diets rank below average (which means a C grade), according to a
2 minute read
If you’re looking to try the popular diet, these breakfasts contain healthy fats from
5 minute read
Our expert weighs in on the fat-loss benefits of cardio.
3 minute read
Don’t overlook fat, it’s a vital part of fueling your performance!
4 minute read
Canola, olive, hemp, grapeseed, avocado — there’s a big world of cooking oils out
5 minute read
Losing fat is generally the goal; while simultaneously building muscle. Here’s how to keep
6 minute read
A dietitian weighs in on how to choose between common cooking oils based on
5 minute read
Here’s how every part of your body uses dietary fat and why some types
5 minute read

You’ve likely heard about the keto diet for weight loss and advocates say it also helps decrease

6 minute read
A RD weighs in on why you shouldn’t fear fat.
4 minute read
Drinking low-fat milk could help you live longer but other studies show full-fat has
15 minute read
Learn what key nutrition terms actually mean, from antioxidants and cholesterol to net carbs
2 minute read
A long-time staple of the American diet, butter is best enjoyed in moderation.
5 minute read
Most Americans’ diets rank below average (which means a C grade), according to a
2 minute read
If you’re looking to try the popular diet, these breakfasts contain healthy fats from
5 minute read
Our expert weighs in on the fat-loss benefits of cardio.
3 minute read
Don’t overlook fat, it’s a vital part of fueling your performance!
4 minute read
Canola, olive, hemp, grapeseed, avocado — there’s a big world of cooking oils out
5 minute read
Losing fat is generally the goal; while simultaneously building muscle. Here’s how to keep
4 minute read
Here, we tackle this common myth of turning fat into muscle.
5 minute read
Dietitians weigh in on trends to look for in the new year.
5 minute read
Here’s why you should opt for real ice cream and skip the juice cleanse.
2 minute read
A nutritionist weighs in on the pros and cons of cooking with avocado oil.
4 minute read
Is HIIT or standard cardio better for fat loss? Here’s what the research says.
7 minute read

Are you afraid of fat? Don’t be. In addition to making food taste good,

4 minute read

Anyone who’s been around long enough remembers the days when eating fat — any

12 minute read

Most people have been trained to choose low-fat foods over high-fat foods. Fat has

7 minute read

Are you (still) afraid of fat? Don’t be. For decades, we’ve been advised to

3 minute read

Do you take dietary supplements? If you use  MyFitnessPal to track nutrition, you may

2 minute read

It’s one of those common fitness misconceptions you hear all the time when it

4 minute read

As the dietitian for MyFitnessPal, I’m often asked, “Is a calorie a calorie?” Well,

4 minute read

Remember the low-fat diet craze during the 80s? Today, many people still believe you

4 minute read

We all know adequate nutrition is a big component of athletic performance, particularly for

4 minute read

Eat more plants, less red and processed meat, and don’t worry so much about


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