Our MyFitnessPal users inspire us every day by achieving personal goals that go beyond a number on a scale. From completing a first half-marathon to holding a 1,150-day logging streak, here are a few non-scale victories users shared on the MyFitnessPal Facebook page:
1. Crossing her legs once again
2. Climbing not one, but three, mountains a day
3. Giving up smoking and staying on track
4. Keeping her eyes on the prize
5. Staying true to a daily walking habit
6. Saying no to cookies, and then some
7. An hour of kickboxing is no joke
8. Pushing an impressive 1,150-day logging streak
9. Prepping for a big bike ride
10. Taking care of yourself and others
11. Resisting Ghirardelli crème brûlée at Target
12. Completing a first half-marathon
13. Getting husband to sign up for MyFitnessPal
14. Going back to work 40 days after cancer surgery
15. Staying on track with meal prep
16. Kicking the sugar habit
17. Holding an elbow plank for one minute
18. Getting back on the wagon
19. Saying no to midnight snacking
20. Fitting into a smaller pair of jeans
> 200 Days Logged & 19 Other Non-Scale Victories by MyFitnessPal Users
> 100 Soda-Free Days and 10 More Non-Scale Victories by MyFitnessPal Users
> 100 Logged Days and 10 Other Non-Scale Victories by MyFitnessPal Users