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Is the Keto Diet a Good Idea For Weight Loss?

A plated keto salad featuring halved grilled romaine lettuce topped with sliced avocado, bacon, cherry tomatoes, red onion, and crumbled cheese, drizzled with creamy dressing and seasoned with black pepper. Two black-handled utensils rest on the plate. MyFitnessPal Blog
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By now, you’ve probably heard the buzz about the ketogenic diet. Much like other popular weight-loss diets before it, advocates say it’s the fastest, easiest way to shed pounds.

After all, you can eat virtually unlimited fat. The only catch? You can hardly have any carbs, making the diet a serious commitment, regardless of the fact you can load up on foods you’d normally only be able to eat in small quantities on other weight-loss plans, like cheese, avocado and nut butters.


One thing it’s important to clarify is that the medical “ketogenic diet” and the popular “keto diet” can be slightly different.

“The ketogenic was originally used to help control seizures in children who did not see relief through medications only,” explains Deborah Malkoff-Cohen, a registered dietitian and certified diabetes educator. This diet included 4 grams of fat for every 1 gram of carbs, a ratio that’s difficult to maintain without being monitored by a dietitian. “It had to be started inpatient in a hospital,” she says.

The modern “keto diet” is similar in idea, but slightly less strict. “The diet is comprised of a very low-carb, moderate-protein and high-fat breakdown,” Malkoff-Cohen says. That might look like 5% of calories coming from carbs, 20% coming from protein and 75% coming from fat. These target percentages vary from person to person, but ketosis — or a state when your body begins using fat as fuel rather than glucose — is the goal.

It generally takes a few days or weeks to reach a state of ketosis, and when it happens, the liver releases ketones (the byproducts of using fat for energy) into the blood. When a certain level of ketones are present in someone’s urine, it’s generally an indicator that they’re in ketosis.

But does getting into ketosis automatically equal weight-loss success? Like any diet, the answer isn’t totally straightforward. Here are the pros and cons of the keto diet, according to nutrition experts.



“The keto diet is one of several lifestyle change techniques that an obesity medicine specialist is trained to use, in addition to medications and VLCDs (very low-calorie diet programs),” explains Dr. Eric C. Westman, an obesity medicine physician and director of the Duke Lifestyle Medicine Clinic. “One of the advantages of the keto diet is that there is no need to purchase medications or other products — it just changes the food that people eat.” That means with some careful planning, anyone can give the keto diet a try, regardless of their financial situation.



One thing people like about the keto diet is that weight loss happens almost immediately in the beginning. Much of the initial weight loss is water weight, though, according to Malkoff-Cohen. Still, it’s encouraging to see some scale movement, which can help people stay committed long enough to get into ketosis.



With the keto diet, you do need to watch your portions, but the proportions of macros you’re eating (fat vs. carbs vs. protein) is most important. “The keto diet is different from other lifestyle change approaches because after a day or two, the hunger and food cravings are gone, and there is no calorie counting,” Dr. Westman says. Theoretically, high amounts of fat help people on the keto diet feel full, so they don’t have to worry as much about how much they’re eating.



“The ketogenic diet is one of many ways to lose weight,” notes Amy M. Goss, PhD, RD, assistant professor in the Department of Nutrition Sciences at University of Alabama at Birmingham. But for people who have already tried many other approaches to weight loss, keto might be just what they need.

“Most clinical trials examining the effects of the ketogenic diet on change in body weight have been conducted in adults with obesity and have shown the ketogenic diet to be just as effective for weight loss, if not more so, compared to low-fat approaches,” Goss explains.

“For many people, other types of weight-loss diets that focus on calorie restriction have failed them.” That could be partially because as you lose weight, your metabolism slows, but hunger remains constant. “There is some evidence to suggest that the use of the ketogenic diet for weight loss may allow an individual to side step these adaptations, ultimately increasing the chances of maintaining weight loss long-term,” Goss says.



At least in a research setting. “Evidence from multiple randomized clinical trials suggest that the ketogenic diet may be particularly beneficial in adults with Type 2 diabetes,” Goss says. “Type 2 diabetes is essentially a condition of carbohydrate intolerance. By eliminating high glycemic and starchy carbohydrates from the diet, many patients with Type 2 diabetes are able to eliminate the use of most medications while lowering blood glucose and HbA1c levels.” In other words, the keto diet has been shown to help control blood sugar in people with Type 2 diabetes.



“I do not recommend the keto diet,” says Sarah Marjoram, a registered dietitian. “From my standpoint, a diet that is this restrictive is extremely difficult to follow long term. Diets this extreme are not sustainable and often result in what I call a backlash. Once people go ‘off’ of the diet, they often over-consume the very thing that they were restricting. It’s human nature.”



Similarly, Malkoff-Cohen points out that people often fail to realize that keto isn’t a “diet.” It’s a lifestyle. “Weight loss with keto depends on staying in ketosis,” she says. You cannot [go] off and on without gaining back lost weight.” Basically, the diet is no longer effective if you frequently go off-plan (Read: Cheat meals aren’t a ‘thing’) and, like many other restrictive diets, if you go back to your old style of eating (one that includes more carbs), you’re highly likely to regain the weight you lost.



Especially if those medications are for diabetes. “It is critical that patients with diabetes consult with their endocrinologist or physician before starting a ketogenic diet — especially if they are on medications such as insulin or sulfonylureas,” Goss says. “Medication needs to be reduced almost immediately when beginning this diet. If the medication dosage is not reduced, they could induce hypoglycemia in some patients.”

For the general public, supervision isn’t necessary, but it may be helpful in order to see the desired results, something that’s not required with other diets. “It may benefit most to consult with an experienced practitioner, whether it is an obesity medicine physician or a registered dietitian, to help them come up with a well-formulated ketogenic diet,” Goss says.



We now know that fat isn’t the completely unhealthy substance we once thought it was, but we also don’t know the long-term implications of eating an extremely high-fat diet, Malkoff-Cohen points out. While fat certainly has a well-established place in every healthy diet, we don’t totally know what a diet that’s mostly fat will do to someone’s body over decades.

In the end, whether or not the keto diet is a good fit for you depends on individual factors. If you think you can stick to it long-term, then it could be worth a try. “It is important to find an eating pattern that works with your lifestyle because, with any dietary change, adherence is one of the most important factors for long-term success,” Goss says.

And if you do decide to give it a go, focus on whole foods over processed ones. “There are a number of highly processed products on the market that may appear to fit with this type of diet approach, but are actually full of unnatural and potentially harmful additives,” Goss says. “I would warn consumers to avoid such products and focus on whole food consumption when embarking on a ketogenic diet.”

Lastly, you don’t have to go full keto to watch your carb intake. “Generally speaking, carbohydrates are the foods that most Americans tend to over-consume,” Marjoram says. “As a result, I often recommend that people reduce their intake of carbohydrates as a starting point for weight loss because their calorie intake from carbohydrates is too high. This has nothing to do ketosis or an attempt to achieve it.”

To implement this approach, simply follow the ‘healthy eating plate model,’ Marjoram suggests: “Fill half of your plate with fruits and vegetables, a quarter with lean protein and a quarter with carbohydrates. This is the first step in achieving a better balanced diet that promotes weight loss and improves health.”

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213 Responses

    1. What do you expect? Notice the number of “registered dietitians” providing the input. Stay away from them, they are married to the ridiculous food pyramid.

      1. Right, because a retarded troll who claims a linguistics degree is who they should listen to.

  1. if you half fill your plate with fruits and vegetables then that is already adding carbs to the plate so if you then add a quarter plate of carbs that is 3/4 of the plate filled with carbs! One quarter left for protein – so, where’s the fat?

    1. If you are going by the photo at the beginning of the blog then it’s not a good photo to go by.

      The fat I have is ghee, coconut milk, avocado oil, MCT oil, olives, etc. there are so many wonderful Keto delicious recipes with healthy foods and good fats!! I am dairy-free and egg-free and on Therapeutic Keto due to my Epilepsy, Migraines and Vertigo. I’ve been on Keto since the end of February and have lost 39 lbs. and have reduced 2 of my 3 Anti-Epilepsy Meds (AEDS). Ever since going dairy and egg free my Migraines have gotten better too!! (I have had Epilepsy since 1996 and Migraines and Vertigo since early 2005 and this is the first healthy, non-medicinal thing that has HELPED!

      Best wishes to you!

        1. very easy to stick to. I do not measure ketones but have in the past. use a blood test meter, don’t waste your money on pee strips

      1. My fat is lard, bacon fat, beef fat, pork fat, coconut oil, and any other fat all good fats. The thing missed in the article is keto is not for weight loss but for health. Westman will agree with that statement.

        1. I’ve never heard of that. Cutting sugar completely stopped my headaches. I haven’t had one in six months. Used to get one or so per week!

      2. I’ve been keto for over a year now, and even though I do both eggs and dairy, just the sugar removal stopped 90% of my migraines. Used to have them 4 or 5 x a month, now maybe once or none at all! Very happy with this diet, just takes a little more work in the kitchen than before but worth it to me. I make killer chocolate chip keto cookies so I never have to feel “deprived” and so much better for me too.

  2. This article is very misinformed. You cannot eat unlimited amounts of fat on keto. You still have to watch your calories just like any other diet.

    1. Exactly. Just because the “calories in vs calories out” model is wholly inadequate, doesn’t mean that our bodies are not systems. Macros are more important factor to look at when dieting than just overall calories, but calories are still important. Fats are higher in calories than are carbs, but carbs produce a spike in insulin whereas fats do not.

  3. I’ve been following the keto lifestyle for three years, and I’ll never go back. I had tried everything for thirty-five years, but had only succeeded in gaining weight over time. Finally, a coworker introduced me to the keto way of eating (WOE) and weight fell off. In two years, I lost 252 lbs and I’ve kept it off easily. While I didn’t worry about calories while I was losing, I find that I do have to watch them in maintenance. I am very active now, so that basically means staying under 2000 calories a day. On any other diet, I’d have gained weight eating that much. Not only have I lost all my excess weight (except for loose skin…you can’t do anything about that except surgery), but I no longer take heart, diabetes or pain medication. I do 5Ks instead of using a walker or a cane or the dreaded scooter I had to use to shop. And all this in my late 50s. The best part is what it’s done for my brain. It’s made me sharper and evened me out emotionally. If you’re interested in learning more, watch The Magic Pill documentary on Netflix.

    1. Perhaps you may want to research Intermittent Fasting (IF) as a way to lose the excess skin. There are many types of fasts that you can try. 5:2, 16:8 18:6. IF promotes autophagy which will help to eliminate some of that loose skin.

      1. I also practice intermittent fasting (16:8) as a component of my way of eating. My skin is like a deflated balloon. There is no springing back from all the stretching I did to it. (400 lbs on a 5’2″ body) Believe me, I’ve done tons of research. Thanks though!

        1. That’s actually not true, fasting will remove excess skin, and it’s proven. This can take years for someone in your case however. You can’t just do simple IF, you need 24-48 hour fasts back to back for a couple of years. I was over 400 as well.

          1. I’ll look into it. At 60 though, I’ve lost a lot of collagen and skin elasticity. I’ve had numerous doctors tell me it’s not possible with inch wide stretch marks.

          2. Margaret. Check out Dr Fung. He discusses autophagy and how to achieve it with fasting. Extended fasts are necessary.

    2. Does anyone have any recipes to share if so please bring me on Facebook and share them

  4. LCHF or Keto can be used as weight loss tools but it is not so much a diet as a lifestyle choice. For weight loss you have to watch your calories but the high fat content generally means you are full and the lack of sugar and white carbs means you don’t have the cravings associated w a high carb low calorie deprivation diet. I hate nutritionists who don’t recommend this WOE as it is so restrictive – totally untrue. I limit my fruit and root veggies but eat loads of dark green leafy vegetables, cauliflower, brocolli, cabbage and protein plus healthy fats. I rarely eat desserts but do have something small on special occasions. I do not eat pasta, rice or bread and guess what …. I don’t miss it. I lost 30 lbs but more importantly feel amazing. Old injuries from a bad accident no longer haunt me, I sleep better and have more energy. I eat when I am hungry and stop when I am full. My blood work has been amazing. I cannot tell you how liberating this WOE is. I have been on it for almost 3 years and will never look back. It saddens me that health professionals scare people away from this. Fat is not the enemy. Sugar and white carbs are.

  5. I lost the last 30 lbs of 90 total with keto, and enjoyed the diet very much. Once I hit my goal weight, I transitioned off of the diet and have been able to maintain my weight for about 6 months so far. I did see some bloating the first week or so back to eating carbs, but I didn’t “gain all the weight back” like this article insinuates. While keto isn’t for everyone, I think those willing to be disciplined with it can be very successful.

  6. I’m type 2 diabetic. When diagnosed I immediately went on a low carb diet along with meds. Doing that, within 9 months I dropped my A1c from 12.6 to 5.0, dropped most meds, and dropped it to 4.7.

    I was pulled from all meds and three months later I was at 5.0. I noticed the daily numbers going up a bit, and went full keto. My numbers are still 5.0 after six months eating keto, and have completely blown away the clinic with what I’ve done.

    I have no interest in returning to standard eating patterns.

    1. Very similar story. Went low-carb after a T2DM diagnosis. In nine months, dropped over 80 lbs, returned A1c from 11.8 to 5.1, glucose from 342 to 94, and ceased all medications. Three months later, all diagnoses were removed from my chart. Doc uses me as an anonymous example to other patients.

      I, too, shan’t be returning to the “sad” way of eating…

  7. Marjoram seems like one of those people who think the only right way is the way they learned back in school. All the others were more nuanced in weighing pros and cons.

    All diets are restrictive. That’s kind of the point – it is really just a matter of figuring out the combination of macros/calories/activity level that works for your body, eating preferences, and goals. Anyone who tells you there is only one true way for everyone (whether it is keto OR balanced plate) is a fanatic.

  8. I don’t know where to begin. First, it’s not restrictive. Yes, you do have to cook real food, but what’s wrong with that??? We make breads and pasta. We just don’t use gluten. Second, her cons were the same with any diet. Ugh

  9. “Fill half of your plate with fruits and vegetables, a quarter with lean protein and a quarter with carbohydrates..” What? Fruits and vegetables are carbohydrates, so healthy eating is 75% carbs and 25% protein? LOL. And my favorite, “people when you stop the way of eating, you gain everything back, so this diet stinks!” NO! Eating too many carbs is what stinks. It got people fat in the first place. How dare a diet do what it is meant to do, help someone to lose weight, only so when they want cake and donuts again they gain it all back. Yes it is so intelligent to blame the diet!! Btw, do they know why the initial weight loss is water weight? Because fat cells deplete of fat and for a few weeks remain large by retaining water…until they SHRINK and therefore shed the water. After eating high fat to get into Ketosis you don’t have to eat so much fat anymore. Your body eats it’s own fat. I am sure that is never going to be a bad, dangerous, or unhealthy thing for any obese person to keep up. Dieticians need to stop “speculating” and have some sort of “actual experience” in their field. This way of eating is about conquering Inflammation. It helps alleviate all types of autoimmune disorder pain. But doctors prefer to sell you drugs.

    1. Ummmm yeah. Keto is about the opposite of the Food Pyramid/My Plate. What an idiot – she didn’t even do basic research on the topic.

      1. It’s sad that things as simple as “invert the current food pyramid”, or “shop the grocery perimeter”, or “don’t eat C.R.A.P.” can’t (or won’t) enter mainstream thinking. These concepts are simple and easy to both understand and adopt, with tangible evidence to support their success.

    2. Exactly. If you consider Pros and Cons the Pros win out. The Cons can be said of any “diet” plan, but lowering your A1C, losing weight and keeping it off, and feeling satiated cannot be said of all diets. Then the VEGAN author chooses to carbohydrate load. Imagine that.

    3. I can attest it’s part true. I did keto for 6 months and lost 20 pounds, getting where I wanted. I went off it but then a few months later I went through an incredibly stressful deadline and between not being able to exercise and eating like crap I gained it back with interest.

      Personally I don’t want to do it again. I like the results but both times I had heart palpitations and really bad leg cramps. I’m gonna try a more rounded diet this time but if it doesn’t work I’ll use keto to get where I need.

      1. Getting heart palpitations and leg cramps while doing keto means that you’re low in electrolytes which is recommended to up while doing this diet. If you do it again try replenishing your electrolytes and you’ll see you’ll have a much better experience.

          1. Cramps are not caused by the lack of potassium or electrolytes. Cramps are caused by muscles being tired. The only real remedy for cramps is pickle juice. There is an enzyme there that helps alleviate the cramps. This is according to a doctor that works with professional athletes so not my personal idea. Just passing along what I have found after being on and researching the Ketogenic diet for 3 years.

          2. John, you’re a bit misinformed. There are more than one type of cramp. You’re describing a fatigue cramp. You can also get cramps from low electrolytes. That is that carries the electrical signal from your brain to fire a muscle group. If they are off, like running a car off the wrong octane, your muscles can misfire too. (layman explanation, but it fits)

          3. What enzyme is found in pickle juice? I thought it was the salt found in there that helped balance electrolytes

          4. Muscle cramps during exertion from what I’ve been told is Potassium, While at rest Magnesium.

      2. Next time increase your dark green-Cruciferous veggies. Your potassium was low that’s why you had leg cramps and heart palpitations…

        1. That’s what I was told. Most of the meat I ate was chicken so I thought I was getting enough potassium. If I do it again I found a few books that have better meal plans for it with more nutrient balances.

          1. Look up snake juice, this will solve all your electrolyte needs. (made at home not a product). The guy is wild but he is actually very truthful.

      3. Maybe do it again, and then when you get to your desired weight goal, eat clean instead of how you described you ate afterward and maybe the weight would stay status quo.
        Also low levels of potassium and magnesium can cause the symptoms you described.
        It’s worth a try next time you get the motivation:)

        1. That’s what I planned. I did gain some back (water weight most likely) immediately after quitting but I was eating better and maintaining around 155. Then the last few months of school got extremely stressful and stress-eating, no sleep and the like wound up taking their toll.

    4. You sound like you know what your talking about, I’m trying the keto but I’m vegan. I’m having a hard time keeping under my carbs can you help?

    5. Bingo. There is a lot of money in the “weight loss’ industry. I read the Ketogenic Bible. Extraordinary history and research. The American people have been bamboozled by the “low fat high carb” crap for years!

    6. One of the problems with these type of posts and replies is nobody is making a distinction of “carbs”. A donut is carbs? yes, refined sugar, refined wheat. A broccoli is a carb? yes. with lots of fiber. A mango is carb? yes. again with fiber and proved not to affect as a tablespoon of refined sugar will affect you. Are brown rice, farro and beans carbs? YES, very healthy carbs. For the ones interested, go out and do some investigation of plant-based diets. Carbs are 75% of the diet intake. Natural fats are included, around 10%. No problem with protein intake for those thinking “you won’t take enough protein”.
      #4 on the Cons here – no long term info on the Keto – well, sounds like an experiment to me.

    7. Well said Kimberly. Been keto for 1 1/2 years. Under 20 grams of carbs. No cravings for garbage. Why aren’t these dietitians going back to school??? Health benefits are too numerous to say. Easiest way of life ever!!! Check out dietdoctor a site created by doctors not dietitians with zero education.

  10. This is the same type of eating..not diet…that we got as diabetics. All the same! Nothing different, like 30 years ago.

    1. Sounds like you got competent advise on how to combat that horrible disease. It actually makes sense for a lot of us, or at least anyone who has issues with being overweight.

    2. You were lucky. Most diabetics I meet are not on a Ketogenic diet ( I am referring to Type 2 cases only). They are being advised to cut back on carbs but not to the extent of getting off of medication in most cases. Additionally, they find conflicting advice from their primary physician and the dietitian they are working with. Primarily because physicians don’t get any training in nutrition.

  11. Con #4: “THERE’S NOT MUCH LONG TERM INFO ON THE DIET” it’s like the person writing this didn’t even bother to do some homework. Take 5 mins and look up Dr. Atkins; he had books about this subject dating from like 1977. if that isn’t “long term info” then I simply do not know what is.

    1. Apparently author is unaware of the Inuit Eskimos. They subsisted, and THRIVED exclusively on a high fat diet for centuries! I’d say that’s long term enough!

    2. The diet has been around since at least the 1920’s. I suggest everyone read “The Ketogenic Bible”. Fascinating history, written by 2 doctors. Google it.

    3. Exactly! I just made quite a lengthy post here on the same thing last night:). Actually his book was published in 1972 and he himself was eating higher fat low carb in the early 60’s.

  12. There is plenty explanation on the subject as to why you cannot mix “fruits, vegetables, sugars, carbs, proteins fats” all onto one plate! That’s the reason why we as a global majority across ALL nations look like we do = fat and overweight with very bad skin! There are individuals out there still sprouting rubbish that taking these in combination are ok – it’s not. No animal eats this way, & neither should we. That’s plenty evidence enough for me. Furthermore, evidence is evident in the way people looked in the past especially Bushman and Aboriginals.. they weren’t eating “5 a day nonsense” and they looked GREAT!!! now it’s different – inspect their larder today, and you’ll find Kelloggs, Tate & Lyle’s, Coca Cola, Nesquik! I’ve eaten NO fruit of any kind in over 2 years & I’m doing great! No sickness, no tiredness, great skin, relaxed & chilled.. go figure!

  13. Yep. Another article that tries to discredit the ketogenic diet. I stopped using fitnesspal when I discovered that it kept defaulting my micros back to high carb high protein macros. Icouldnt understand why I couldn’t lose weight. Their answer was more workouts. If they were to to truly write a fair article about keto, they would have to renounce most of what they have been selling to the public thus far. As far as I am concerned this is nothing but fake news. If you are truly interested in learning the truth concerning the ketogenic diet, google an expert like Dr. Eric Berg who has spent decades on keto, researching and perfecting it.

    1. Interesting, especially when considering ownership and product promotion. Humm. Berg has a good channel. Have you seen Dr. Jason Fung and Dr. Rhonda Patrick on YouTube? Fung wrote “The Obesity Code” which is a great read if you find this stuff interesting. Dr. Patrick pretty amazing on a lot of topics like cruciferous vegetables and broccoli sprouts.

    2. I use fitness pal and have had no problems with the app tracking my macro’s. There must have been something amiss with you settings if it didn’t work.

  14. That is my image of the salad. You do not have permission to use that image – and you didn’t even credit. That is stealing. Please remove!!!!! ASAP!!!!!

  15. Plat if today doesnt make sense. You say full half with fruits and veggies…. but that is all carbs. If you want your body to start using fat as fuel all those carbs will not help!

    1. Some veggies and berries are ok. The only fruit that is ok is Avocado. The veggies and berries that are ok are low in fructose which the body uses in the same way as sugar. Sugar = Carbs. For those trying to lose weight a more realistic alternative is No Grains and No Sugars.

  16. Any type 1 diabetics on keto here? I am one, I tried it for almost 2 months, it nearly killed me, the hypoglycemias were almost constant, I had to beat them with 15grams of carb (or more) every time- the brain has no patience in getting glucose from fat or protein when you are under the normal levels of blood sugar. And being a type 1 I have no choice but have a minimum dosage of insulin daily, for my pancreas produces none, I tried that, too,of course,but my blood sugar was too high. My doctor scolded me for even trying the keto lifestyle, so I had to stop. I always mind the carb intake, my every day diet is basically protein, good fat (mostly) and fruit/veggie carbs, but a full blown keto is something my diabetic body couldn’t handle. Any advice from type 1 fellows here?

    1. I think the keto diet is more for Type 2 DM than Type 1’s. My sister is Type 1 and has had problems w/ severe hypoglycemia and ketosis. Type 2’s still produce some insulin so carbs are a much bigger problem for them. Most Type 2’s are not in imminent danger of going into severe hypoglycemia the way Type 1’s are. And always check w/ your doctor.

    2. I have several Type 1 patients who’ve tried a ketogenic diet and yes they needed to dramatically lower their insulin doses, and they love that they inject less insulin, or have a lower basal rate on their insulin pumps. Keto is not for everyone, please honor what your body intuitively tells you. Many medical professionals still believe incorrect study results about saturated fat.

  17. The medifast diet puts you in ketosis but is low fat. ON medifast my cholesterol goes to 130 and ldl to 70’s. i did the atkins diet and my cholesterol went to 400 and i had a heart attack and stent. But on the medifast diet I have always gained the weight back. I don’t know what the answer is but it seems like bread is the weight gainer for me after leaving the medifast diet. And bread/grains are a staple in the heart healthy Esselstyn diet.

    1. That would be difficult in that you can’t fall back on almond flour (which we use to make really nice but low carb breads, keto pizza crusts, etc). But, you can do it, I find that I don’t crave bread all that much. Besides, so long as you’re not diabetic, you can always have a little bread or whatever you like once or twice a week, it’s not an easy, just get back to keto on the next meal.

  18. I have PCOS and for me, it works. I started January 2018, and even though it’s been a long and sometimes frustrating process, I have lost 20 pounds. I not only look better but I feel better. I don’t look at it as a diet but more of a lifestyle change. Yes, sometimes I do cheat but that is more like once a month. I am now doing my water aerobics and water zumba for the summer and feel even better. This might not work for everyone but, for me, it’s the right decision.

  19. For me, Keto was not the answer.
    I’m generally healthy, an active sailor and marathoner, but getting older and finding my “offseason” weight doesn’t shed as quick, tried Keto for 3 months. Even though my test strips were in the purple most weeks, i only shed about 3 lbs. I felt sick every day, everything had a metallic taste, and of course most meal plans were wildly more expensive.
    If it works for you, fantastic. After 4 weeks back on the road, Im down 12lbs!

    1. It’s not for everyone, but it makes me wonder what you were eating. I just eat whatever meat, plus veggies. I replaced my sugar-cream coffee with bullet coffee and I try to fast between meals. I’ve cut my carbs to practically zero. It’s actually a really uncomplicated way to eat. Either way; great news, twelve pounds loss is pretty good!

    2. Getting Keto adapted takes different amounts of time for different people. As a Mountain Biker myself I felt absolutely horrible on the bike for about 3 months. After that I started to rebound and I felt great. As a marathoner you are the ideal candidate for a Ketogenic Diet as you spend long periods of time in the Aerobic zone which is where the Ketogenic diet comes in as you burn your fat reserves. I’m sorry to hear that it didn’t work out for you but I would give it another try. If you are willing to accept that your performance will suffer for 3-4 months the rewards afterwards will far outweigh that short time period.

  20. LOL I always have to chuckle at comments like this. Please feel free to continue to call keto bullshit while I have lost 252 lbs and regained my health because of it. I find it sad when people continue to hold onto false beliefs when evidence is right in front of their faces, but you do you.

  21. Sarah Marjoram is an idiot. Keto should be a lifestyle change for LIFE, not just a “diet”. ANY diet you come off of will make you gain back the weight. That’s why diets don’t work but LIFESTYLE changes do. Someone revoke Sarah’s certificate, she’s a moron.

  22. As a refugee of HPLC and other diet regimens, I heartily endorse KETO life style. Any diet will trigger weight loss – but the resulting hunger pangs and binges cause a rebound. ONLY KETO KILLS CRAVINGS. Ergo, no binges and no rebound. . . AS LONG AS YOU STAY KETO ADAPTED.

    AS to the fears of long term consequences, remember that American Indians relied on PEMMICAN (80% fat, 20% protein) as their staple food for centuries, if not millennia.

  23. facts are no the food…macronutritet…if u eat less you lose weight,fact. Its been proven, atkins..low carbs..no carb and keto, u lose weight BECAUSE OF OVER ALL A LOWER CALORIE INTAKE,. No one has ever been able to prove u can eat more than ya maintance..and not gain weight…

    1. Could you completely gloss over all the actual facts any more succinctly? I think not. The calorie in out model is useless pablum that does NOT APPLY in the real world. It sort of works if you are like 10 lbs overweight. More than that, It practically never works. Your metabolism will slow down, and if you TRY to eat low fat (all carbs) you will NEVER be able to burn any fat whatsoever. It will come right back, and you will be insanely hungry until it does.

  24. Keto is easy and I’ve actually quit craving sugar, which I thought would never happen. Also, keto is easy to buy for and I’ve saved a lot of money, not buying junk food. I think keto is an actual lifestyle change that I will sustain; who needs to eat a bunch of garbage anyway.

  25. They mentioned there’s not been enough long term studies about low carb higher fat diets. But what about Dr Robert Atkins original diet Revolution book was published in 1972. He himself was doing it himself in the early 60’s with the mission to get rid of the amphetamine drugs as the aide to weight loss. He knew there had to be a better way..
    That type of diet was used by many people; even when the medical community scoffed at him for what they thought was nonsense.
    Now I’m not saying eat a boat load of processed low or no carb foods like bacon and deli meats as we all know we can do a better version of Atkins (so to speak) with better choices by basically eating clean if you will. And throwing in a bit of consistent physical activity as simple as walking more.
    Mediterranean type food choices but paying closer attention with regard to being a bit more conservative with the higher starch veggies which have more carbs.
    You’d think there would of been studies on people that for the most part stayed somewhat in the parameters of the low carb higher fat diet even if they occasionally lapsed from it for a short while then returned to it where they would have somewhat of an idea how it has affected that group of people over the last 40 years or so from springing off the Atkins plan.

    1. I might add, at the end of the day, not everyone’s body will respond the same way just the same as not everyone will respond the same to certain medications. Some people can achieve a better result by restricting carbs, and others may get the desired result from other forms of dietary guidelines. I suppose everyone needs to find what’s easy for them to “stick with” and what works for themselves and roll with it:)

  26. What do you suppose would happen to cows, if they served no purpose to anyone? Nobody would keep a pet cow, for the heck of it. Horses are in the same crisis right now and end up in some really abusive situations. Cows would have to be slaughtered and disposed of, which would create an environmental crisis by itself. Cows would eventually become extinct. Is that what you would prefer?

  27. I was diagnosed with a fatty liver and was a type 2 diabetic, insulin dependent. I began the keto diet 27 months ago and without the knowledge of my general physician nor my sugar doctor. I dropped 65 lbs. and began not to need the insulin. When I went to my main doctor, he told me to keep up the good work. My sugar doctor tole me that I not only needed the insulin, but I could eliminate the metformin. I had already stopped the cholesterol medicine. My blood work was perfect, my cholesterol normal, and most recently, my liver is now normal. There is no evidence that it is fatty. My skin is better, I sleep better, I think clearer, I have more energy and my chiropractor is amazed at how my body responds to treatments. It no longer fights him, but cooperates fully. I have eliminated 90% of all my meds, having only to continue on a blood pressure pill to stop my kidneys from releasing protein. I’m working now to heal my kidneys. My waist is now 6″ smaller and am fitting into clothes that I haven’t been able to fit in for over 40 years. I have learned how to cook this way and prepare “treats” that fit within my eating plan. I don’t crave the sugar. I eat 7 – 10 cups of vegetables daily and the fat keeps me satisfied between meals. I am much healthier than I have ever been in my life. I’ve been on it for 27 months and will continue on it. It works for me.

  28. The only problem with the final suggestion about how to implement the healthy eating plate model & “reduce your carbs” is if you fill 1/2 your plate with fruits & vegetables… Almost ALL fruits & many vegetables are loaded with carbs!

    1. Amen! We’ve GOT to get away from this obssesson with eating fruit. In many cases you may as well be eating a Snickers bar.

  29. I was misdiagnosed with T2 diabetes 10 years ago and almost immediately went on a lower carb diet, about 120 gm/day. I also measured everything I ate. I lost almost 40 pounds in 11 months, going from 172 to 134. That was actually too much loss. In 2015, I was full keto,, measured at 1.5-2.0 mmoles, but my BG kept going up. I was properly diagnosed with LADA. With some medication adjustments, I was able to stay off bolus insulin for another year. Eventually I had to start taking bolus insulin, as LADA is normally treated as T1. I still do low carb, but since I do have an occasional low, I have to eat carbs sometimes. I am still in mild ketosis (about .5-1.0 mmoles). My weight has gone up to a healthier 147 lbs. which fits my 5’11” frame quite well.

  30. Bart, for the Ketogenic diet/lifestyle, your carbs are too high as it is recommended to stay at 50 or under. If you used a macro counter tool, it may have given you the incorrect amount. You are doing a great job but as you try to get closer to your goal and if you stall, you may want to adjust that so I just wanted to give you that information. 🙂 Have you checked out Dr. Shawn Baker? He is an orthopedic surgeon who is full out Carnivore (0 carbs ever). He has a lot of informative videos on YouTube. I also follow Dr. Ken D. Berry, a family practice doctor in Tennessee who does both Ketogenic and Carnivore. Good luck on your journey!!

    1. Thanks Holly. I’m probably hitting between 50-100 on most days. I don’t really count them super closely and try to stick to an 8 hr eating window. I think I can stick to it, it doesn’t feel like dieting (calorie counting) at all.

      1. Hey Bart, are you eating 50-100 gross carbs, or net carbs? Net carbs are what you get when you subtract your fibre from your gross carbs. If you’re eating lots of fibre-rich carbs, you’re probably under the 50 gram limit.

  31. So, the keto diet says to eat 70% fat, 25% protein and 5% carbs.

    I thought, no way I could do that…ever!!

    Well, I’ve been on the keto diet for 8 months now. I’ve lost 20 pounds and my annual wellness exam was the best I’ve ever had. My glucose and A1C were the best they’ve ever been and all of my results for Cholesterol, LDL, HDL and triglycerides improved dramatically.

    After about 2 weeks on keto, I stopped craving sweets and other carbs, like breads and pasta.

    Think about this,
    There are essential fatty acids…these are fats like omega-3 that your body cannot make and the only source is from what you eat.
    There are essential amino acids…these are proteins, again, that your body cannot make and they must be consumed in your diet.
    However, there are absolutely no such things as essential carbohydrates or sugars…the human body can function perfectly fine without carbs…any glucose needed your body can make it by converting other substances into glucose.

    Some keto tips that work for me,
    – Eat lots of salads with vegetables.
    – Add electrolytes to your water.
    – If you’re at risk for T2D, do keto along with intermittent fasting (look it up on YouTube).

    While this style of eating is not for everyone it’s worth considering, especially for people with T2D or those that are prediabetic, which, according to some sources, is over 50% of US citizens.

  32. I agree with the Author & some of the others. Keto has pros & cons. I did Keto 3 months & had past health issues to resurface. Although I lost 25lbs during the time, I had to stop several times in between for flare ups. Acid reflux, BP went way up, Electrolytes out of control causing bad cramps, kidney pain. I were under Dr supervision & address every flare up as it came. BP went down, Electrolytes got under control with pickle juice potassium & magnesium pills, acid reflux reduced with meds but Kidney pain remained. Visited urgent care & PH were way off balance & had really bad bladder infection. Trying to get it under control now. Dr advised to increase carbs to 40, more fiber rich veggies. I love Keto results but afraid of medical issues. I don’t knock anyone wanting to try it & congrats to the ones that it work for ,but my opinion, it doesn’t work for everyone as everybody system processes it differently. Don’t knock it until U try it . Hope this help clear up some of the Kaos on here.

  33. This article was more balanced than I thought it’d be, coming from the world of nutritional “experts”, I figured the Keto diet would be thoroughly trashed since it goes against everything we’ve been told for generations as far as nutritional advice. One thing did jump out and nearly had me spitting out my coffee – where one of the “cons” is that there isn’t enough long term evidence of the diets success. Uh, we have that info on low calorie dieting I thing don’t we? And isn’t it pretty much a 100% failure rate? Maybe it’s time to embrace a different way of thinking, and I’m glad to see some folks in the nutrition business open to new ideas.

    1. Paradigms shift slowly. MDs are ironically too busy to have given diet adequate attention. It seems sorta logical that if we eat a lot of fat that we would have more in our bloodstream. It seems as if carbs are “preferred” fuel because the body works so hard to eliminate them.

      My theory is, the body treats carbs as poison. It eliminates them, and converts any extra to its ACTUAL preferred fuel—fat.

      It’s easy to be upset with our for profit, pill pushing medical establishment. To point to nutritionists, having graduated from Home Ec programs, trying to do their jobs by endlessly parroting the rhetoric of a few ill informed doctors from the 1960s.

      But the truth will come out. We are being poisoned by a huge profit machine pushing cheap food and dangerous narcotics while simultaneously denigrating actual nutrition science and harmless natural substances that are a threat to the machine.

  34. Lots of folks take fat supplements, little capsules of MCT oil (fat). I use coconut oil in my morning coffee. Bacon is a great keto food, high in fat and 0 carbs. Soak that grease up, enjoy. Low fat intake is a big non-no on keto. Your body needs it and deals with it just fine, as it’s designed to do. If there’s one thing we’ve learned, fat does not make you fat. Good luck to you.

  35. Does anyone else see the humor in a “My Fitness Pal” article telling people you DON’T need to track calories or macros while doing a keto diet? Why not everyone cancel their MFP subscriptions and simply switch to keto?

  36. I am sort of on Keto, I just cut out most sugar, grains, and starchy veggies (corn and potatoes). I don’t check to see if I am in Keto or get crazy. I eat meats, cheeses, eggs, and lots of fibrous green veggies. I stay away from potatoes and really limit my fruit. I don’t go crazy if someone invites me over and they just have pizza, I pass on the bread sticks, just have 2 small slices and don’t have soda, just drink water. I just make sure out of the 21 meals in a week I have 19 or 20 which are low carb and the ones that are not I just take it easy and don’t go nuts. Results, so far 25lbs lost, A1C looks great, cholesterol is great, my doctor called my test results a miracle and wanted to know what I was following. I told her read the book “Why We Get Fat” by Gary Taubes and watch the Netflix documentary “The Magic Pill”. The thing about low carb eating is each person is going to have to find their right level, some can cut a few carbs and lose weight and others will have to be extreme. Each body is different and you need to try and find your own level of happiness. 6 more months and if I still look good I can go off of my meds. This isn’t a diet for me, it is a new way of eating for the rest of my life.

  37. One side effect that i have experience is depression. Probably due to low serotonin. After 10 month of losing 30 kg I had to bring back the carbs. Gained 20 kg back and could not do keto again. Great diet plan but not for everyone.

  38. Sarah Marjoram.

    Really. You are a dietitian and you really don’t understand how the keto diet works. Do some more research there is my paper on the subject. Restrictive maybe but what I can eat makes up for all that sugar and GMO carbs which basically messes up you whole body. Unless you have a food addiction this diet will work for anyone you will do it right. If you go on the keto diet for 60 days most people don’t go back to the SAD diet. And for a diabetic this is the only diet that will control blood with out meds. You should help people do this diet. It is completely sustainable

  39. I have tried many diets including the Atkins diet. I’ve been on Keto for almost 3 months now and I’m losing 10lbs a month. I feel great and I’m not hungry very much. Next month is bloodwork to see if my triglycerides are lower. I went off 5mg of Lipitor 2 months ago. My best bloodwork I’ve ever had was when I was on Atkins. I’ve come to realize at 61 years old that carbs make you fat, All the science is there to prove that but everybody is still pushing the low fat diet lie. No turning back, Keto is my lifestyle.

  40. This article is ridiculous. Maybe the authors should do a little more research.

  41. So I’m 51 years old. 5’11” tall. Last year I hit 315 but was bouncing around 305-310 most of the time. Been Type 2 for 12 years. Tried to count calories. Tried Phen/Fen back when that was popular. Nothing ever really stuck. I would be good then go right off the wagon. My blood sugars would still be sky high at times and I just got so tired of it all. Would try to do serious work outs. Hiking, biking, walking, weights. Nothing really ever made a lasting difference. Started Keto back in March. I’m now down to 270.

    The best news was from last week. Went into the doc for blood work. A1C was 5.9 (one tenth out of normal). This is considered pre-diabetic. I would like to think I’m currently post-diabetic. All other blood work was normal. I actually have a goal to get down to a “normal” weight and for the first time in decades I can see that happening.

    I’ve also added intermittent fasting. A concept that was totally crazy to me when I heard it – before I was on Keto. I couldn’t imagine skipping a meal. Yet once on Keto I just wasn’t hungry. So I would skip breakfast if I wasn’t hungry. Now I’m probably doing more what they call restricted feeding. I try to eat only between 1pm and 7pm. Basically I eat now when I’m hungry….and listen to my body.

    I really can’t imagine going back. I can’t really believe I’m saying that either.

  42. American or European nutrition has NO minimal requirement for carbohydrates. Keto is 70% fat, 15% protein and 10% or less carbs for ketosis. There is research going back to the mid 1950s for epilepsy and keto. Dr. Steven Phinney, MD,PHD has research on keto and performance training for endurance athletes and great information on YouTube.
    As low fat and standard American diet (SAD) has increased through the years so has American obesity and diabetes. The research shows a direct correlation. The way to decrease obesity is to eat FAT.
    I started keto in mid Nov 2017 and have slowly lost 30 pounds and had the best labs results in my life.

  43. As far as the cons go. The ones listed are true for any diet. By definition any weight loss diet will restrict something whether it’s calories, carbs, sugar, red meat, or whatever. As for number two, I’ve tried em all and as soon as I reached my goal weight and went on “maintenance” I blew back up bigger than ever. This is the first eating plan I have ever tried where I feel satisfied and haven’t thought about mugging the pizza delivery guy and making off with his pizzas. Number three is common sense for any diet. They all recommend that you see your doctor first. As to a lack of long term studies, we have lots of long term info on the so called “healthy plans” and how well have they worked over the years.

  44. “You’ll gain the weight back once you go off the plan and return to your old ways…” Well…duh…of course! If I were to go back to pounding down processed carbs all day I’m not going to expect to keep the weight off. Expecting that people will go back to their old ways is not a “con” of the Keto diet or any other diet, for that matter. Nobody should go back to consuming hundred or thousands of calories worth of junk food or so much fruit and potato that they gain all the weight back.

  45. Hi, I’m sorry there were problems with a troll pretending to be vegan in the discussion, it doesn’t help at all vegetarian and vegan people.

    I’m a long-time vegetarian considering a vegan-keto diet for the inflammation-reducing properties.
    I’m not overweight, my body fat is quite low actually. I had a low-fat diet, without really thinking about it. Lately, I went dairy-free and started consuming nuts instead and noticed an improvement in my health and skin. I’m noticing less hypoglycemia and was thinking it was because of the way the body uses fat more slowly, avoiding sugar crashes. So I was wondering if going vegan-keto could be a good choice when you don’t want to loose weight but be in good shape, exercise, and age well.

    Again, vegetarians and vegans are not the enemy, most of us are just trying to make a personal kind choice while trying to stay healthy, and to think about the future of the planet. Just reducing meat consumption does help, so if everyone is tolerant and tries to understand each other, we definitely can do positive things :).

    Congratulations to the keto-dieters who have made such extraodinary progress for their health. Wishing you all the best!
    (sorry for my English, I’m French 🙂 )

  46. I was diagnosed with Type 2 Diabetes in 29 Aug 2017. Blood Glucose of 594, and an HBa1c of 11.8%.

    I tried the suggested diabetic diet coming from the ADA (American Diabetes Assoc). Basically eating a normal SAD (Standard American Diet) with a slight restriction on carb intake. They wanted me to keep my carb intake at 60 grams of carbs per meal, and 3 meals a day. So 180 grams of carbs a day.

    After six weeks of 200 to 350 avg BG readings each day I gave up on the ADA. OBVIOUSLY they wanted me to stay sick. I believe that statement to be 100% accurate based on what happened next. I went Ketogenic. And not just normal Keto either. I went 100% carb free. Carbonongrata. Zilcho on the carbo’s. As much as was measurable anyway. I realize a few things like leafy greens still have a few. But those would be few and far between.

    The very next day after starting a ketogenic diet, my BG was reading a damn near steady 85. In the morning it was mid 80s’. After lunch, mid 80 to high 80’s. After dinner the same.

    After 2 weeks (thats 14 days) I weighed myself. I went from 245 pounds to 205 pounds. FORTY POUNDS in TWO WEEKS!! I attribute most of this weight loss to water loss, water loss from the depletion of glycogen stores being depleted as my carb addicted body eagerly burnt that sugar. But it soon adapted to burning the fat instead, and my energy levels went through the roof! I felt 30 years younger.

    On my 4 month check up with my Endocrinologist, I blew them all away. My A1C dropped from 11.8% to 5.8%. My roller coaster ride of BG averages went from a wild Magic Mountain main attraction to a boring sunday drive in the country.

    My estimated A1C based on average BG readings puts me at 4.9% now. But thats not official until I get another A1C test, due to come up very soon.

    This is a permanent life style change. There is nothing difficult about it. The food tastes better than ever now, and I can eat until i feel full every time.

  47. I’m 63 years old… a former athelete of most of my life… but at 51 was seriously injured in a tanker accident..
    Became disabled, depressed and did nothing to change it… After 12 years I was sick of it… and at my highest weight , ever… 232… I hit the gym, ketogenic diet and mindful meditation… 6 months later… 170 lbs.. and cut like a 30 year old…Almost anyone can do this…if they have the proper knowledge… Me, I had an advantage because I was a martial arts master instructor… who had trained thousands to be the best they were capable of… but for all you out there.. you can do it too…I got decades on most… but what I said is true…. Keto, works for the weight reduction… but you have to be all in… 100%… no more half measures if you want to get to where you want to go.

  48. Keto diet works like a charm for fat loss and you feel great. And once you got use to eating this way it becomes a lifestyle. A lot of people still think the old way about diets, but once you accepted that fat doesn’t really make you fat you start to think differently about what REALLY makes you fat. On a kieto diet you start to “feel” how your body reacts to some foods and then adjust accordingly without following a rule book. Love it!

  49. “After all, you can eat virtually unlimited fat.” Uh, nooooo.

    That´s a lesson I learned during my first (failed) attempt at Keto for weight loss. Did some more research and realized that the excess fat I consume is not going to allow my body to get rid of the fat that´s on my body.

    Round Two of Keto, though: 40 pounds down in 16 weeks, and I have so much more energy. Feeling like myself again.

    1. Just want to add… fat folks don´t need ´fat bombs´. Keto isn´t about ´getting your fat in´. Not about unlimited fat. It´s about low carb. It´s about eating in a way that allows you to have a better relationship with your body and its hunger signals – being able to eat when hungry and stop when full is easier on Keto than on any other diet I´ve tried. It´s nice not to obsess over food anymore. I can just live my life and not think too much about it.

  50. I was overweight for my height of 5’3″, tried dieting but did not work. I started to try keto diet for a month and notice a drop to my weight of 1lb. Did exercise for twice to four times a week and it works. I highly recommend it.

  51. Don’t make it complicated very simple you don’t lose cuz it keto you lose because overall lower calorie intake that’s a fact that nobody can prove wrong or dispute

  52. Great tips! I really love the keto diet and I’ve made a lot of progress in changing my eating habits in the past year.

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