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8 Single-Serving Meals

A close-up of a tostada meal on a white plate. The tostada is topped with black beans, shredded chicken, chopped lettuce, diced tomatoes, shredded cheese, and cilantro. A lime wedge and a fork are placed next to it. Another delicious tostada is visible in the background. MyFitnessPal Blog
In This Article

Cooking for one can be a tricky proposition when you’re watching your portions and don’t want leftovers. These meals are tailored to  those moments when you want an easy-to-make, healthy meal just for you. Requiring 8 ingredients or fewer, these 400-calorie (or less) meals easily spice up your weekday routine.

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13 Responses

  1. What a joke. Easy single serving meals with items like 1/4 can of black beans, 1 corn tortilla (sold in packs of 12), 2 Tbsp of canned cranberry sauce. That’s when I called foul on easy recipes. I don’t need a bunch of opened cans…

    1. No need for you to have a bunch of open cans. Tortillas can be kept in the freezer and take minutes to defrost, one at a time. Ditto cranberries….buy a bag of frozen cranberries and cook required amount from frozen, in a little water, either on the stove top or microwave. Takes only a few minutes. Add a little sweetener of your choice, some grated orange zest, a little cinnamon ….whatever you like. Black beans can be frozen in individual serving freezer bags, and I’ve even seen bags of frozen black beans in the frozen veg section in many supermarkets. Hope this helps.

      1. When I buy a rotisserie chicken, I go ahead and shred all the meat. Then, whatever I don’t use, I place in a single layer on a jellyroll (cookie sheet with edges) pan and put in the freezer for a couple of hours to “flash freeze.” Then, I remove it from the freezer and put it in plastic freezer bags. It’s so easy to just take a handful of chicken or whatever I need and throw it in a pan to saute with vegetables or throw in a soup while it’s cooking. (Yes, I do this straight from frozen, and it works perfectly every time.)

        1. Jenn, I’m so glad you took the time to write up your success story – I wouldn’t have thought of trying this during my whole-life-time, and now, I can try it with some of the BBQ’d salmon I’ll be preparing in a few hours – truly thanks – and if it doesn’t work for fish and only chicken, fine – I learned something today, truly, thanks for sharin’!

          1. It works for salmon too!!! I do this same thing a lot with chicken and salmon. So much easier to cook a lot at once and then freeze it. Makes future meal prep a lot faster.

          2. James, that’s great – honestly, I wouldn’t have thought of it – One question, “Are shreds better than small pieces?” (aka, “Does size matter?” lol)

    1. It’s hard to keep to the lower caloric intake. I have an allowance of 1200; so I appreciate these 400 calories or less meal ideas. They are nutrition packed.

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