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4-Week Walking Plan for Beginners

A graphic with a dark blue background and light green borders. The text reads, "4-Week Walking Plan for Beginners" in large white and teal letters. The top and bottom sections feature the logos and names "myfitnesspal" and "mapmyfitness," respectively—a perfect introduction to a walking exercise routine. MyFitnessPal Blog
In This Article

Welcome everybody! You have just made a smart, healthy choice for yourself by beginning this program. By following this plan, you will lose weight, get fit and feel your very best. There is nothing better than committing to your health. I know you can do it!

In one short month, you will be a better version of yourself. Keep in mind: Do not let one day make you feel like you can’t continue. If you have a slip-up, always remember that tomorrow is another day and don’t let that day go by. One off-day will not ruin your success. With that said, this is the plan for you! Get ready to walk taller, smile brighter and feel fantastic!

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4 Week 1

YouTube video

4 Week 2

YouTube video

4 Week 3

YouTube video

4 Week 4

YouTube video

4 Week 5

YouTube video

4 Week 6

Get Leslie’s DVDs and Playlists:

link “The Big Burn

link “Ultimate 5 Day Walk Plan

link “Radio Remixes

link 4 Basic Walking Steps

link “Belly Blasting Walk

link “Walk to the Hits: Radio Remixes

link Walk to the Beat MP4 Player

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36 Responses

  1. I have several Leslie Sansone DVDs (7) and I love them. They are easy to follow and do but really get your heart pumping and body sweating!! Highly recommend these workouts!!

  2. What am I missing … I haven’t worked out in 5 years and you want me to walk 1 mile the first day and 3 miles the second day?

    1. Bob, you can do it. Walking 1 mile is a lot easier than it sounds. You can do it under 20 minutes. Trust me I was feeling the same way when I start at the beginning of August. Now I am able to do 3 miles under 1 hour.

    2. Pick out a nice location to walk. Make sure it’s level. Do what you can at a leisurely pace. Set you goal for that mile. If you can’t do it. Try it again and go farther until you make it! I have been in your shoes! I wanted to start bike riding. My first ride I went about 1000 feet and headed home. The next time I just took my time and went around the block. Eventually I started going on 5 and 10 mile rides. For my 50th birthday I treated my self to a 26 mile bike ride . You can do it !

    3. The 3 miles is a bit extensive but 1 isn’t as bad as it sounds. My suggestion is not to set a time limit. A 15 minute mile is rather face paced. 20 is average but if it takes 45, it takes 45. If you have a friend to walk with and talk to, you’ll be finished before you know it. If 3 miles is too much, cut yourself a break, if you reach 3 miles in the 3rd month, I’d say you made major strides!! Have fun with it rather than make it feel like work. Do what you can and strive to add a few extra steps each day.

    4. Go at your own pace then get back to this later, specifically when your legs are more well adjusted continuous walking.

  3. 3 miles the 2nd day? I’m 69 & 1 or 2 will do me in to start! Lets be reasonable with this program. NOT for beginners who have not exercised for a while.

    1. I agree. I’d start out with a time limit rather than mileage. If you think you can manage 30 minutes, walk 15 out and then 15 back. If it’s shorter, just turn around at your halfway point. Then try and add on to your time as you feel able. Super simple. 🙂

  4. One mile is nothing. Even if you haven’t exercised in a while, you should be able to walk a mile in under 15 minutes. Good luck!

    1. Ouch, Good Luck. You are “shoulding” all over me. I have been walking on and off for years. Starting with a mile is a challenge for people who have any chronic health issues, including extra weight. I don’t think I’ve ever been under 15 minutes per mile, although it is still a goal. It is much more helpful to enjoy it and keep doing it than to push ourselves into failure, especially for us “old” walkers.

      1. Cynthia, thanks for setting “Good Luck” straight!!! one mile is indeed something! and not every one can walk it in under 15 min. if that were the case, everyone would be in shape and not need advice, tips, or motivation to get started. saying that not only runs risk of discouraging those who can not do a-less-than-15 min-mile, but also making them feel that they needn’t bother and, or are not “normal.” life is too difficult and full of too many challenges of which only each person knows for us to post things that make others feel inadequate. support & encouragement is a much better use of one’s time and energy I think. Keep walking Cynthia and the rest of us who may or may not be able to do that less-than-15 min-mile….yet 🙂

  5. There are many Leslie Sansone videos on youtube. Just look up her 1 mile walk. It takes 15 min and you will break a sweat.:)

  6. This is NOT a beginners walking plan. This wold be a plan for people that have finished a beginners 30 day walking plan

    1. I agree!! Maybe beginners should start by walking 1 mile for several days!! I have not been walking for a while and I wouldn’t start this way.

    1. Richard. Congrats on giving it a try. the first step is not easy for anyone and although I do not know you, I am proud of you for taking that step. Divided by 10…..it’s still movement…..so it is movement in the right direction!

    1. Really agree with more realistic goals. Thanks for messages. Music can definitely make it easier. I have been fast dancing to classic rock music rather than walking because I have bunions and flat feet. Any other ideas?

  7. I’ve lost 62 pounds in a year walking , no fast food and no soda. I started with a specific location I’d walk to from my house (4 blocks to the pharmacy) I was 317 pounds and 5’7 when I got there I’d spend $1 on a reward 1st few days it was flavored water the next few I’d buy 1 $1 scratch ticket. After a week I made the goal a bit further , a coffee shop about a mile away I’d order a tea and rest after about a month it was the park them the mall. I stopped needing my “rewards” when on a whim I walked into a Target and tried on a pair of size 26 jeans and they were BIG! I was a 30/32 before. I’m now about a 22 and starting to do strength training and after 30 more pounds I’m going to really treat myself I’m going to start riding again! 225 is the max I feel a horse can handle 🙂 don’t set a mile/time goal just go move have fun with it and you’ll see results!

    1. You are doing a great job! Your giving me hope. I’m starting my weight loss journey on September 1. I’m 316 and I got a size 22 outfit to wear to my son’s 1st birthday on October 24th. I’m a size 26 right now. Thank you so much for sharing your story.

  8. I can’t wait to start this. I’m starting my second week of chemo and I must say I haven’t had any horrible side effects. I have been inert, which hasn’t been good for my state of mind. The steroids I have been given for nausea have given me a tremendous appetite. I need to move. This is something I feel I will be able to do!I have friends who want to be helpful. I’ve made up a plan to where one friend will meet with me each morning and we are going to walk together. I haven’t been motivated on my own. It is a double win!

  9. I began Leslie’s walking videos around 2010. I lost a lot of weight but then fell off the wagon. I started out only being able to do 1/2 – 1 mile, I eventually was up to the 5 miles, which I did religiously everyday. 5 miles only took me a little under 1 hour. I am happy to say that I am starting out once again with Leslie’s videos. I can’t wait to see my results.

  10. Thank you to everyone else who commented about the 3 miles on the second day. Glad I wasn’t alone in my thinking there. I like the idea if setting specific goals, and I have been trying to walk more, slowly but surely increasing my step counts and just standing more than sitting. I’ve been inspired and will keep trying.

  11. I’m 70 years old and was completely out of shape. I had gained over 70 pounds and had to start taking care of myself. I took Leslie’s tapes and started with one mile. I increased 1 mile every week and now am walking 4 to 5 fast paced miles a day at home. I started July 26 and as of today Sept 15 I have lost 15 lbs. I don’t get fatigued during the day, I sleep better at night and I move with grace and ease (whereas before I was out of breath and exhausted at the slightest exertion). I also eat a much healthier diet.
    The secret for me was increasing to the next mile when I was comfortable doing it. It was surprising how easy it was to increase the miles. I still have to push myself to exercise and exert self discipline to keep my diet healthy but it gets easier as I go and the results are irrefutable.

  12. This seems aggressive for a “beginner”. I used to be quite a walker, until an injury (which still causes pain & limping) sidelined me. I can walk for about 3 minutes and then I’m in pain, 5 minutes and my limp is really bad. One mile on day 1? Three miles on day 2? I don’t think so. How about a plan acknowledging that some of us truly have physical struggles to overcome?

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