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4 Comforting Non-Avocado Toasts

Four open-faced sandwiches on a wooden surface. One has mashed vegetables and greens, another features sautéed mushrooms, one has fresh figs, and the last—an avocado toast—is garnished with sprouts. Some fresh herbs are scattered around the sandwiches. MyFitnessPal Blog
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Avocado toast is all the rage, and while it’s true that healthy fats, folate, protein, phytonutrients and important trace minerals are found in this modern healthy-menu staple, there are lots of non-avocado ways to super-food your standard breakfast routine.

Avocado toast is a great option for breakfast because the fruits are easy to enjoy without cooking them; they’re ridiculously versatile. (Mash them up! Squeeze lime on top! Add miso or yogurt! Sprinkle with salt and pepper!) But you probably have quite a few more fruits and vegetables in your fridge and pantry that are ready for a toast spotlight.

Some of our favorite avocado toast alternatives require a bit of prep time. For example, roasted mushroom toasts are terrific but require a little sauté. But, we promise that as winter arrives and perfect avocados become harder to find, these sweet and savory options will fill your belly without taking up a lot of time.

So toast a slice of your favorite bread and take a peek in your pantry. Here are rough recipes for some of our favorite non-avocado toasts:


2 tablespoons pumpkin puree + 1 tablespoon Greek yogurt + cinnamon + 1/4 sliced apple + 1 tablespoon toasted pumpkin seeds

Mix the pumpkin, yogurt and cinnamon. Spread over toast and add apple and pepitas. Sprinkle with salt to taste.


1/4 cup sliced mushrooms + 1/4 cup feta + drizzle of olive oil + black pepper + crushed red pepper + lemon zest

Gently sauté the mushrooms in a drizzle of olive oil until fragrant. Mix together the feta, a drizzle of olive oil, black pepper and crushed red pepper to taste. Spread feta over toast, top with mushrooms and a pinch of lemon zest.


3–4 thinly sliced radishes + handful of sunflower or alfalfa sprouts + hummus + salt and pepper

Spread hummus on toast, top with sliced radishes and sprouts. Sprinkle with salt and pepper to taste.


1/4 cup ricotta + lemon + figs + honey + cinnamon + nutmeg

Whisk together the ricotta and a drizzle of honey plus cinnamon and nutmeg to taste. Spread on toast. Slice the figs and arrange on top of ricotta. Drizzle with a tiny bit of honey.

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One Response

  1. Avocado toast has been surprisingly controversial and seems to hit the news for all of the wrong reason. I love your alternatives here.

    For that matter, toast is much more versatile than we tend to assume. There are countless other options that are unusual and fun.

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