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Wok-Seared Purple Broccoli With Creamy Sauce

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Active time: 15 minutes Total time: 20 minutes

Meet your new vegetable crush, purple sprouting broccoli. This heirloom cousin of broccoli looks like long-stemmed broccolini, but features vibrant purple stems, fluffy leaves and yellow flowers. Sweeter than regular broccoli, with a delicious crunch when seared in a screaming-hot pan, it’s popping up at farmers markets and grocery stores and is definitely worth a try.

RD tip: One serving of this recipe gives you 100% of your daily vitamin C, thanks to the broccolini. Vitamin C is great for your immune system, but it also works with protein to make collagen (the main component of skin, muscles and ligaments), so serve this recipe as a side to your favorite lean protein.

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