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The Simple Tool That Can Prevent Overeating

The Simple Tool That Can Prevent Overeating
In This Article

The ability to feel hunger and fullness is a quality we were each born with. Babies and little kids don’t need to be told how much milk or food they need to consume to stay healthy; instead, when they are satisfied, they become disinterested in food and simply stop eating. As adults, it’s harder to gauge when our tank is full or nearing empty since food becomes social and also a way to deal with emotions like stress or sleep deprivation.

The good news is there’s a tool called a hunger scale that can help you tune in to your hunger and fullness meter so you don’t overfill your belly or wait too long to eat between meals.


We can train ourselves to tune in to our ability to feel hunger and fullness by visualizing a Hunger Scale. Imagine a meter ranging from 0–10, with zero being empty and 10 being overly full. While everyone has their own definitions, physical experiences and symptoms of what hunger and fullness ranges look like, for a reference point and further explanation, the ranges are described here for you.

The Simple Tool That Can Prevent Overeating


If you want to gain better control and lessen the chances of mindless or emotional eating, try using the Hunger Scale. Here’s how it works:



If you rate yourself overly hungry at 0–2, pay extra attention to how fast you are eating. Purposely slow down, so you don’t pass through satisfaction without even recognizing it.

Gentle hunger can be felt at 4, and slight satisfaction is felt at 6. These are ranges in which it is normal to eat, but keep in mind, you may not need very much at all to get you to the point of satisfaction. A small snack may do the trick.

If you’re satisfied and not physically hungry, but food is in front of you and you’re tempted to eat, ask yourself, “What do I need right now?” This is a good way to dodge eating for emotional reasons and take care of yourself because food will still leave you feeling empty if you’re eating as a reaction to emotions.



As you move through your meal, continue to check in with your satisfaction level from 1–10 instead of eating on autopilot and cleaning your plate. Keep in mind, it may only take a couple of bites to feel gentle satisfaction.

If you are stuffed and still have food on your plate, don’t throw in the towel and continue eating to oblivion. Instead, push your plate away, ask for a to-go box, freeze leftovers or compost it.



If you are at a comfortable satisfaction at the end of your meal, you likely chose the right portion sizes for that meal, which is great.

If you find you’ve overdone it, realize that overeating happens, even to intuitive eaters. Don’t beat yourself up or feel guilty. Instead, question why you continued to eat past the point of fullness. Were you overly hungry when you started? Did the food just taste too good, so you didn’t want to stop? Or maybe you didn’t want to “waste” it?



Before you can accurately use the scale to tune in to your body’s hunger and fullness and eat intuitively, you first have to determine if your Hunger Scale is operating properly or if it needs to be recalibrated. If you’ve been severely restricting your calories for a while or find yourself yo-yo dieting and going through periods of binge eating, it’s tough to determine true hunger and fullness because the body is all out of whack. Those innate senses have been turned off and ignored for too long, and they need to be brought back to life before jumping into intuitive eating.

A great way to recalibrate is by eating balanced meals, including a variety of food groups (fiber-rich carbsfats, proteins) with appropriate portions and following a pattern of eating every four hours, give or take. This helps your body get back in tune with a rhythmic eating pattern and allows normal peaks and valleys in satiety. Until your meter has been recalibrated, it’s tough to really get a clue on hunger and fullness. If you feel nervous about doing this, it might be smart to work with a registered dietitian to help you design a meal plan that meets your “recalibration” needs.

Originally published November 2017, updated with additional information

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103 Responses

  1. Do not tell people to feed their leftovers to their puppy! That’s not necessary to include in this article and it’s terrible for your pet. Dogs are very likely to get pancreatitis from eating human food.

    1. This is true. I think she edited that part out because I read this entire thing and didn’t see anything about a puppy. Lol

      1. It’s just a puppy that probably weights 1% of you and eat the same food with the same added salt, sugar and fat. There’s a lot of people nowdays hating every comment around the web, and I hate them as well, but this is something wrong.

        1. not to mention that many human foods are poison to dogs, ie, onions, garlic, grapes, raisin….. JUST DONT DO IT.

    2. Bruno, if you’re not adding butter and salt to your food, then a lot of “human food” is good for your pup. Chicken, Salmon, broccoli, green beans, sweet potatoes, carrots, oatmeal, yogurt etc. are all GOOD for you dog!! Don’t post if you don’t know what you’re talking about.

    3. Bruno, if you’re not adding butter and salt to your food, then a lot of “human food” is good for your pup. Chicken, Salmon, broccoli, green beans, carrots, oatmeal, yogurt etc. are all GOOD for you dog!! Don’t post if you don’t know what you’re talking about. What do you think dog food is made of? Dirt?

      1. Oh good grief. We don’t have to take everything literally, nor do we need to assume that dog owners are stupid and don’t know which foods are appropriate for dogs.

        1. Yes and no. Too much of anything is bad for any living thing (hence “too much”), but to say that a particular food can harm or kill dogs is a bit misleading. For example, chocolate is potentially toxic to dogs, but the fatal amount is about 1 lb. of chocolate per 10 lbs. of dog. Giving a small piece to a large dog will not harm them assuming they’re healthy, though more caution with smaller dogs is advised.

          There is an old saying in toxicology: the poison is in the dosage.

    4. I agree wholeheartedly, giving the puppy the left over can lead to puppy expecting and begging for left over and its not a balanced diet for puppy.

    5. I totally agree with Bruno on this one. It would be one thing to feed our pets clean table scraps… but we’re not. “We” are giving them everything under the kitchen sink…. These foods were designed for the human body and we can’t handle it. So why do we think our pets bodies can???

    6. Right! And how about mentioning that the ToGo container needs to be biodegradable… no foam! Personally, I think no consideration was given to those poor Orange farmers that are likely to lose business now based on this article. While we are at it, let’s just delete this article, as it’s obviously a misguided attempt to get us to behave cruelly.

  2. This is a great idea. Sometimes I ask myself, “how will I feel an hour from now, guilty that I kept eating even though I was already full, or happy because I was able to stop when my body told me to?’

  3. with all due respect, you started off your article saying
    “Wouldn’t it be great if our body told us how many more calories we
    needed to consume to gain, lose and maintain our weight? It’s a bummer
    Mother Nature didn’t think that one through.”

    And then in the next paragraph say
    “The ability to feel hunger and fullness is a quality that we were each born with.”

    So therefore, Mother Nature DID give us the guild and as you do say…..after you said we didn’t have it. I agree with you that have we learned not to use it, that’s the bummer!

    We are all born with it. Mother Nature has provided us with everything. It is our free will, our mindset that we need to look at and our relationship with ourselves and being able to listen to our bodies, our hearts and our desires through intuition. People need to start with a healthy relationship with them self though, otherwise every decision or changing of habit with be short lived.

    These articles are another way to look at the outcome issue not the source. GO to the source of people’s problems….a lack of self love on a deep and a lot of time unconscious level. That’s why people choose to not to respect their own bodies on so many levels. That’s what needs to be healed, and then better decisions in all areas of lives will improve.

    1. Really good point. I think most people overeat because they are thinking of the taste rather than when they are starting to feel full. If you are self aware and arent eating for the wrong reasons it should be easier to feel those triggers that let you know you are full or almost full. It has soooo much to do with your head.

      1. I think most people overeat because they were taught to. “You aren’t leaving the table until your plate is empty.” “You better eat it now because I’m not giving it to you later.”

          1. No, I think Eliot is correct. Many of us grew up belonging to the ‘clean plate’ club, and our mom was president. That’s a definite influence…

    2. People who eat wheat are proven to eat 400 calories more a day than people who don’t. By dropping wheat, you drop a powerful appetite stimulant. Do you think it’s a coincidence that food manufacturers put wheat in everything? It makes you hungry and you buy more of their cheap junk food.
      If you go low carb and remove grains, starches, sugar, processed foods, etc. from your diet you should not be controlled by hunger anymore. You eat to live, not live to eat.

      1. You aren’t anywhere near as informed as you think you are. Educate yourself. And before you say you already have, you haven’t done it *right*. Educate yourself *better* before you go around dispensing advice that hurts people, like the author of this article thinks her various educational achievements give her the knowledge to do.

        1. Every post you have made on here is extremely negative and useless. You have nothing helpful to add to the conversation. Wipe the hot pocket cheese from your disgusting beard, pick up your computer and throw it directly out of the highest window in your apartment building.

          1. “Wipe the hot pocket cheese from your disgusting beard.” Nice. Read at least a little research on weight control before you work so hard to make people feel badly about themselves.

    3. You’re behind on the research. Look up recent journal articles on obesity research, and you will find obesity is extremely complex and has little to do with willpower or a lack of self love.

    4. She said we didn’t have a *visual* guide of a gauge, or a display(counter) where we could exactly how many calories we needed at a given time…

  4. “Am I Hungry” by Dr. Michelle May has helped me finally understand how intuitive, mindful eating can help my diabetes. Its so relaxing not to be fraught with guilt & anxiety about food anymore. I’m much happier, getting healthier.

    1. If you think about it, humans have had togo without food for a long time in tough times. Cavemen did not get to feast 24/7 like Americans can. Intermittent fasting can really help you lose weight and gain control of your appetite.

      1. You do realize that the whole “caveman” thing was a few years ago now, and that human beings as a species have kind of evolved a bit since then, making this kind of advice sort of maybe around 100,000 years or so out of date, give or take a few hundred millennia. Right?

        1. Explain to me why obesity has skyrocketed since the 80’s? That’s when the government started pushing more grains and low fat. So people ate more grains and low fat and now we have an obesity crisis and millions of Americans are diabetic.

          1. That’s because when you do something ‘low fat’ you’re also cutting out lipids (which are good in case you didn’t know) and actually the problem isn’t carbs it’s added sugars. ADDED not the kind from grains and wheat.

        2. Spoken like a true, brainwashed (via public education) “progressive” who is so out of touch with the reality that the “system” has produced a culture where no “truth” exist. The doors of “do whatever feels good to you” now rules the universe. Just sayin.

    2. Janeen:I’ve never read this blog before- great insights from all of you! I’ve never heard of intuitive eating but wow it makes sense. I have a lot of self- exploration ahead. Thank you all!

    3. Beckyj, THANK YOU SO MUCH for your comment. I checked out that site and was so encouraged by it that I bought the book and will start reading it tonight. I’m feeling at the end of my rope and I hope this will help.

  5. Well when you remove grains and eat low carb hunger fades away. I have no problem fasting, I only eat when my body needs food. I’m not controlled by hunger anymore.

  6. Great way to look at hunger and think about it. Our hunger monitor, or hormones such as leptin can go away as we age or due to other factors. It’s not just about re-awakening them. After menopause I realized that I was never full, but I’ve learned to eat smaller portions and not focus on full. I agree with some comments that refined carbs can produce a cyle of extreme hunger every two hours which would easily lead to weight gain. Yes, leave out the puppy feeding–although I’m sure that is just humor rather than advice.

  7. I learned a couple useful tips from Naturopathic doctors.

    1. Chew thoroughly. That means chew until the food is nearly liquified in your mouth. That way, it’s already on its way to being digested when it hits the stomach. In this way, the stomach can better sense what’s in the food and the satiation response is more accurate – hunger will dissipate more quickly. This also prevents that bloated feeling.
    2. Watch for the burp. In it’s rested state, the stomach is like a deflated bag. As you eat, the stomach stars to fill. Initially, the top of the stomach primarily fills, then at some point the stomach suddenly expands to allow the complete filling of the bottom part. This sudden expansion causes a small burp that you can easily notice if you’e looking for it. In most cases, the burp is the perfect time to stop eating.

  8. This may work for some but I find still taking small portions and starting with a salad works best for me. I think emptying your plate sends a message to your brain your done.

  9. In number 2, PLEASE REMOVE ‘FEED THE REST TO YOUR PUPPY’. Do NOT give puppies, or even grown dogs, your leftovers. This is NOT good for them! Aside from pancreatitis, they can have a severe reaction to any one of the ingredients. Some food has garlic in it. Dogs cannot have garlic. It’s just as bad as chocolate. Please REMOVE that part in number two above.

  10. So you really have no idea whatsoever what it means to have an overeating problem, do you, Kristina LaRue?

    No. You have no idea what it means to have an overeating problem. If you did, you would never, ever suggest something as worthless and useless as this scale – at least not with a straight face – for being a “tool” to use to “prevent” overeating.

    And this is just one more reason why dietitians and nutritionists are even lower on the scale of completely and utterly pointless and ineffectual health care providers than chiropractors are. Because although chiropractors are quacks, at least they can give you a good massage in exchange for their hugely overinflated fees. All a dietitian does is waste your time, lie to you, and then charge you for it.

    Also, the advice about feeding your dog your leftovers could actually wind up killing that animal. So you’re not only uninformed, but you are dangerous. And on top of everything else, you seem to have no understanding whatsoever about human biology or how hunger actually works. I sure hope you dont actually get paid to do this for a living. I shudder to think of the terrible fate people will face if they actually go to you for help. You’re a menace.

    Glad this particular waste of time was free, though as someone who has an eating disorder that involves overeating, emotional binge eating, and uncontrolled hunger, it was worse than disappointing. It was a trigger for a great, big binge eating session. Or it would have been, if I hadn’t learned how to deal with it on my own after decades of dealing with people as futile as you.

    1. Wow – this is obviously not an article aimed at people with a serious disorder. It is for the average person looking to loose those extra few pounds who might continue to clear their plate when they are actually full. You obviously have come across some people in the industry that weren’t very helpful. A blanket statement that all Chiropractors are quacks and dietitians lie is ridiculous. We all need to be responsible enough to read or listen to information given to us whether by health professionals or others in the fitness and wellness industry, decide if the information is pertinent to our specific situation and discard the rest. We are blessed to live in an era when we can get on the internet and research. We have easy access to the resources to question those that give us advise (including dietician and doctors) and thereby have an open discussion about what the best options are for you. I have been blessed to not have dietary issues in my youth but now find it difficult to keep the weight off in my later years. As a busy mom, consultant and wife – a reminder to think more about myself is great.

      How about you try making some positive comments or at least phrase your negative comments in a constructive manner. No one needs to come to a site for positive ideas to hear such negativity.

    2. If you are unstable enough that an informative article would cause you to have a “great, big binge eating session”, you shouldn’t be commenting on general forums for fear of ruining everyone else’s experience. This negativity and rudeness is absolutely ridiculous and needs to stop. People who don’t have anything kind to say should keep their opinions to themselves. So do everyone else a favor and quit. This is childish and frankly idiotic. Your argument lacks foundation and your speech lacks general decency, so just stop.

    3. I have eating disorders and this article did not bother me. I thought it was a decent article, and not every article is going to address every issue, like disorders, especially since people with disorders probably have them for varying reasons.

  11. I read the puppy part, and agree with Bruno. Table food is very bad for dogs. Otherwise, the article was helpful!

  12. every one of you should have your head examined!!!! your sooo concerned about the puppy and not even a word she said to you. what is wrong with americans??? they, excluding me and donald trump are only the sane ones. it was a figure of speech. looks as though every person that commented about the puppy care about what should not go to the puppy but to yourself. hahahah that is so funny. So basically, your concerned that puppy is not overfed but its ok that you are???? omg!!!!!!! everyone of you that cannot see that she was only saying it, and thats how i interrupted her statement as give the puppy some of your food, which I am sure those that have dogs do give them table scraps. i would delete every comment that discussed the puppy and banned them from this website if i were Kristina.

    1. Everything is wrong with Americans nowadays, plus the government has almost no clue what’s making everyone obese. The whole puppy comments are so stupid, it’s OKAY to give them food as long as it’s not toxic or high in salts.

  13. This would be great if knowing when to stop was the problem. So many of us overeat NOT because we’re hungry, but because we want a particular flavor in our mouths (say, sweets) at a particular time. Emotions play such a huge part in our diets – at least for most people I know.

    1. You’re absolutely right… Stopping is key. You may find this article helpful regarding emotional eating & following a hunger scale: vidanutrition(dot)com/1-weight-management-tool-give-clients-part-3/

  14. I have had dogs most of my life and not only do they get table food, I cook for them as well. How would you like to eat the same food day after day? BORING. I have 4 rescue dogs at the moment, the oldest one is a wolf hybrid and not one of my girls have had any digestion problems with “people food”. Where I have had some problem is when they catch something wild rabbit etc. , then the tummies start rumbling and they are intelligent enough to not eat anything until their stomachs have settled down. Of course there are foods that are toxic for them, grapes or raisins, cocoa are a couple of the no-nos. They love sweet potatoes, green beans, broccoli. They love fish and chicken & beef; I cook as I would for myself not too spicy and very little salt. My male Spaniel passed away at 18yrs. old, so I guess the table food didn’t hurt him at all. They love cottage cheese, it is good for them and when they urinate it neutralizes the acid and doesn’t burn my lawn. Yogurt is great for prevent ear infections caused by yeast. The list could go on and on.

  15. As for the person that said garlic was bad for them; it is a great for keeping fleas away. Mine have eaten it for years and it hasn’t had any bad side effects ever. Now onions are one to stay away from because it can cause anemia. At 68 yrs. old I have had dogs since my late teens, so I do know from experience what I am talking about.

  16. I eat when I’m not even hungry. This always happens at night. And I don’t eat anything nutritious either. I quit smoking 11 years ago and retired from my kindergarten teaching position. Every morning I get on the scale and say “:yikes..I must lose weight” and every evening I just don’t think about it and eat snacks while watching T.V. I’m ready to give up!

  17. I think everyone is getting distracted by the puppy comment. Maybe don’t take things so literally and focus on what the article is saying about hunget

  18. I enjoyed the article, even the puppy part.
    I have a 7lb Chihuahua mix and I’m a132lb 5’8″ reformed Vegan, juicer, smoothie junkie who now enjoys a wide variety of balanced organic whole foods, none of which would harm my puppy if I chose to share my meal with her.
    I did have to recalibrate my metabolism and now am in better shape than most people half my age. We dish up in the kitchen then sit at the table as a family. Seconds have to be deliberate since you’d have to get up to get them. It works.

  19. I see you are a registered dietician. You must be familiar with recent research into obesity. Your article ignores the research and provides only old information that doesn’t get to the crux of obesity. It also leads people to say things like (see below), “Wipe the Hot Pocket cheese from your disgusting beard.” It doesn’t help to spread myths about overeating and encourage the trolls among us to hurl insults at people who struggle with weight.

    1. Ketosis is perfectly normal for the body. It’s ketoacidosis that is dangerous for a diabetic. Anyone using ketosis to lose weight should be testing the ketones and blood sugar levels. There are ketone levels to stay within to promote fat burning. If you talk to a Dr. of course they will say being in ketosis is dangerous because they don’t understand the difference between ketosis and ketoacidosis just like you don’t, BJ.

      1. Right. Physicians don’t know the difference. People can go on low carb-high protein diets without going into ketosis. Ketosis does have short-term and long-term side-effects. The biggest concern is for the long term. It is not recommended for everyone.

  20. I love this article! Intuitive eating is one of the main things I help my clients with. I help people who are sick of dieting by helping them relearn their natural eating cues and combine this with nutrition to lose weight in a non-restrictive way.

  21. Hi Joan, when I read your comment, it was if I had written it! I have the exact same problem. I can eat healthy all day and feel full but in the late evening, I want to eat even though I am not hungry! It’s like all I think about is food (I don’t binge eat though) I had heard your not suppose to eat after 8pm. Every morning I get on the scale and then promise myself that I will not eat after 8pm that evening! I sometimes wish we had a door for the kitchen and my husband could lock it at 8pm then hide the key! I would probably have withdrawal symtoms at first though!

  22. Both Bruno and Josh are right. Some human food is dangerous, especially chocolate. However, as Josh points out, some human food is okay. Just be wary of the type you feed your dog. I believe the author had this in mind, however, she was trusting that her readers use common sense. Yet, it is good to point out as a reminder to be careful of what human food to feed your pet.

  23. “I need to find some food fast, and my energy levels are dropping. I’m likely tempted to order unhealthy food at a restaurant and make poor food choices.” Why would I be tempted to eat unhealthy food just because I’m very hungry? I’ve never had that temptation. You can train yourself to leave junk behind 100%. It’s absolutely the way to go. I do not agree with theories where you are allowed to eat junk or processed stuff time to time. If you keep them in your diet, you’ll always be craving them. I am not obsessed with any specific diet, but I definitely opt for real, natural food vs modified, processed, fast food and all that is not designed for the human body. My grandfather lived to 90, healthy, active, fit and he ate home-made food all his life. Never even touched anything else. Sooner or later we have to realize that trends and fancy diets come and go, but the way to go is to reach for the real thing and leave everything else behind.

    1. I think she meant she would be tempted to eat unhealthy food because fast food is usually quicker than prepping and cooking something at home…

  24. Well written and good advice! I plan to begin this approach today. Sometimes I’m thirsty rather than hungry so I try to drink water first.

    1. Could be a 1, 2 or a 3. I’ve felt my stomach growl when I was just a little hungry (a 3) but sometimes I’m at a 3 with no growling. Usually at a 1 or a 2 my stomach is making some noise but sometimes I’m without hunger pangs or growling but rather I feel weak, light headed, or have a headache. As you practice paying attention to how YOUR body responds to hunger and satiety it will get easier for you to know where you are on the scale.

  25. Very similar to an article I wrote 6 months before this article was published…hmm vidanutrition(dot)com/1-weight-loss-tool-give-clients/

  26. I like the article. People need to use common sense. Eat slowly when your hungry and stop when you are not hungry. wait 3-5 hours and repeat.

  27. How about just determine the right portion ahead of time and put what’s over that amount into a container for later or for whomever : room mate, dog, pig, elephant, etc

    Before you start eating!

  28. I have seen a similar concept, but with a very valuable graphic, from the Maharishi Vedic Medicine people. They use a fan-shaped “gas tank” graphic. The idea is to avoid going below 20% full or above 75% full.
    The problem I’ve had with this type of thing is that I don’t feel how full I am until 2 hours after I eat, especially if I start out very hungry. So I just have to make an intellectual decision to stop eating while I still feel hungry, or I’ll feel overfull 2 hours later.
    Suggestions would be welcome.

  29. Food for though the manufacturing, perspectives and chemicals put into our food that makes us crave food that’s bad for us.

  30. Kristina: I love the idea, but “recalibrating” is simply not that simple for some. I can still feel ravenously hungry an hour after eating a normal-sized meal. My strategies include filling up on vegetables and closely monitoring portion size, but some days that doesn’t work well. The feeling of hunger is a complicating mind/body interaction for some. I wish you’d at least acknowledged this in your piece – it would seem less superficial.

  31. The challenge with this.. Is given that I’m counting calories and exercising a lot more than I used to I am hungry all the time.

  32. To me, a hunger scale doesn’t make any sense. And eating between 4-6 when the scale is 1-10 seems like the scale is cumbersome and unnecessarily too large.
    Also, for some, hunger is friven by hormones, such as gherlin, leptin and insulin. These tell the brain that you must eat or you’ll starve to death. You also don’t address that many foods have additives that drive or amp up the feeling of hunger.
    Hunger is influenced by more than the simplicity you imply.

  33. As someone who has lost 80 pounds but struggled in the past with binge eating, the mantra “eat until satisfied, not until full” has been incredibly helpful.

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