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in food and nutrition

Pitcher of oat milk with bowl of oats
The concern about oat milk is understandable, because there are some confusing nuances about it.

Dining Out

Healthier options at
fast-casual restaurants

5 minute read
Save this for the next time you're craving a sub or looking for a
6 minute read
You can find healthy options at McDonald’s that will let you enjoy your favorite
6 minute read
Our registered dietitian reviewed the Panda Express nutrition info to pick out the healthiest
4 minute read
The key to any healthy diet is everything in moderation. That said, there’s no
4 minute read
To help you pick a healthier on-the-go meal, we asked two registered dietitians what
4 minute read
Don’t give up your favorite Starbucks order in order to hit your health goals.

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Our 7-day plan offers expert-backed tips & tools to help you find success when using prescription drugs for weight loss.

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Weight Loss

Learn the science of sustainable weight loss

A midnight snack might taste good, but is it doing you any good?
8 minute read
RDs weigh in on myths about carbs and show how carbs can help you
7 minute read
Weight loss isn’t quite as simple as cutting calories; here are some signs you’re
6 minute read
Take note of these tech do’s and don’ts that can impact your weight-loss success.
5 minute read
New research shows if you don’t change anything else, you have to exercise 300
7 minute read
Dietitians share their favorite nutrient-dense foods to add to your plate.
5 minute read
Setting specific goals and having strategies to implement them is key to long-term weight
7 minute read
Set yourself up for long-term weight-loss success by dialing into your why and focusing

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