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Little Milestones, Big Motivation! MyFitnessPal Users Share their Non-Scale Victories

A person with long hair, wearing a red shirt and sunglasses, is standing with both arms raised in the air. The individual, perhaps celebrating non-scale victories from MyFitnessPal, is facing away from the camera towards a sunrise or sunset. The sky is bright with a warm glow surrounding the person. MyFitnessPal Blog
In This Article

Losing weight is a huge accomplishment, but there are so many personal health milestones that can’t be measured in pounds. We recently asked MyFitnessPal users on Facebook, “What non-scale victories are you proud of?” And now we want to high-five all of you! Here’s a short list of your non-scale victories.

My Health has Improved

  • “My doctor told me that after more than 20 years, I no longer needed medication for high blood pressure.” —Bob B.
  • “I didn’t pick up a cigarette this week.” —Marisa D.
  • “I reversed my diabetes! I’ve been off the meds for 6 months and my labs are the best they’ve been in a couple years.” Jodi C.
  • “My GERD is gone. Before losing weight, I was taking antacids daily. Now, practically never!” —Marion Y.
  • “I have more energy. It’s amazing how much it’s increased.” —Heather K.

Others are Noticing My Success

  •  “Had my ex walk past me and do a double take.” —Shellie P.
  •  “In the bank, the tellers were making a huge fuss over my toned arms and shoulders—cool!” —Launa V.
  • “The TSA agent looked at my driver’s license, then me, then back to the license, then back to me, and said, ‘Well done!’ with a big smile.” —Andrea L.
  • “My daughter can hug me and fit her arms around my middle!” —Jennifer M. B.
  • “Someone stopped me in the grocery store and said, ‘Please tell me how I can get legs like that!?’ Best kind of compliment.”
—Lisa H.

I’m More in Control

  •  “I stayed under my daily calorie limit ALL week…love MyFitnessPal!” —Roshawnda W.
  • ”Skipped the doughnuts at work.” —Kate P.
  • “I drove by McDonalds and didn’t stop—even though I was craving a Quarter Pounder. That was a victory for me!” —Faye W.
  • “I broke my Mountain Dew addiction!” —Amanda S.
  • “I went grocery shopping and bought all healthy foods.” —Danielle L.

I’m Moving More

  •  “I can touch my toes.” —Lori T.
  •  “I walked my kids to school three times, instead of driving!” —Sara S.
  • “I ran for 25 minutes without stopping.” —Erin V.
  • “I did 18 real pushups. In January I could barely do one. My goal is 20 by the summer solstice. I’ve got this!” —Melissa R. B.
  • “I hit 10,000 steps before 11:00am today!” —Lori B.

Siting is Easier, too

  • “Being able to get rid of my car seat belt extension and wear a normal seat belt.” —Maggie D.
  • “I rode all the roller coasters in the normal seats.” —Matthew S.
  • “I slid my drivers seat forward.” —Robin vdM.
  • “I was able to sit down in a booth at my favorite restaurant without my stomach squished up against the table.” —Emily L.
  • “Sitting down in chair and not worrying about it breaking underneath me.” —John S.

I’m Wearing Smaller Sizes

  • “My wedding ring fits again for the first time since before I was pregnant with my now 17-month-old son!” — Tseli M. B.
  • “I was able to buy clothes from a regular store, not a specialty store or section, for the first time in a decade!” —Sara M.
  • “Having to put three new holes in my belt and remove a link from my watch.” —Scott W.
  • “My walking pants keep falling down.” Patrick B.
  • “Two pairs of jeans that didn’t fit when I bought them 8 months ago…they fit now!” —Gwendolyn T.

Sometimes the simplest things can have the biggest impact. What non-scale victory has motivated you to continue making healthy choices?


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28 Responses

  1. Joined FitnessPal today, love the calorie counter. My daughter and I were at a support group in Youngstown, Ohio, last night and were told about this site, so far we love it. Thank you to those who created MyFitnessPal.

  2. Joined FitnessPal today, love the calorie counter. My daughter and I were at a support group in Youngstown, Ohio, last night and were told about this site, so far we love it. Thank you to those who created MyFitnessPal.

  3. I couldn’t get my feet on the peddles of the stationary recumbent bike by myself or keep it going at the lowest level. Now I do a 5 minute mile on level 8 as a warm up!

  4. I couldn’t get my feet on the peddles of the stationary recumbent bike by myself or keep it going at the lowest level. Now I do a 5 minute mile on level 8 as a warm up!

  5. I couldn’t get my feet on the peddles of the stationary recumbent bike by myself or keep it going at the lowest level. Now I do a 5 minute mile on level 8 as a warm up!

  6. My little girl came up to me and said, “Daddy, your tummy is smaller!” Also my 42” pants were so tight that I was going to have to go buy new ones, now I have to buy pants, but because they are falling off! SO AWESOME!

  7. My little girl came up to me and said, “Daddy, your tummy is smaller!” Also my 42” pants were so tight that I was going to have to go buy new ones, now I have to buy pants, but because they are falling off! SO AWESOME!

  8. I had some tests done at the doctor’s recently, and my blood sugar is the lowest it’s ever been!

  9. I had some tests done at the doctor’s recently, and my blood sugar is the lowest it’s ever been!

  10. I had some tests done at the doctor’s recently, and my blood sugar is the lowest it’s ever been!

  11. I had some tests done at the doctor’s recently, and my blood sugar is the lowest it’s ever been!

  12. I had some tests done at the doctor’s recently, and my blood sugar is the lowest it’s ever been!

  13. I’m at the dress size I’ve been craving for 5 years! Only dropped 1-2 sizes, but it’s made such a difference 🙂

  14. I needed this today, as I’m finding myself frustrated that my scale isn’t budging much. I went down a size on Friday, that should be success on its own!!

  15. I needed this today, as I’m finding myself frustrated that my scale isn’t budging much. I went down a size on Friday, that should be success on its own!!

    1. Monica joining a gym and finding a workout buddy can be one of the most supportive. That wonder where you are when you aren’t in class. Support yourself. At the end of the day you only have you. I write down my goals and see them every day! Before I got to bed and when I wake up. Set a goal, do it, and be proud of you and what you can accomplish!

    2. Monica joining a gym and finding a workout buddy can be one of the most supportive. That wonder where you are when you aren’t in class. Support yourself. At the end of the day you only have you. I write down my goals and see them every day! Before I got to bed and when I wake up. Set a goal, do it, and be proud of you and what you can accomplish!

        1. Feel free to email me any time I’m always here for words of encouragement and can always use a push myself! Greenwinglover@yahoo.com sometimes support comes from places that you never would have expected and people too but biggest thing is you have to do it for you and love you and be happy with YOU!

        2. Feel free to email me any time I’m always here for words of encouragement and can always use a push myself! Greenwinglover@yahoo.com sometimes support comes from places that you never would have expected and people too but biggest thing is you have to do it for you and love you and be happy with YOU!

    3. I don’t have much support either. I find the meal tracking to be greatly beneficial because my doctor reads my logs. I am completely honest about all the food that goes in my mouth. The bottom line for me without support is that I am in control. Every small success is compounded by the next and work together to bring me closer to my goals. I get tempted to stray from my eating regime, but try to remind myself that if I give in I have taken away some of my success. We are all capable of success !

  16. This is great to read because I was feeling down for only losing 2 pounds in the past few weeks but I measured and I’ve lost 7 inches! AND I can run almost 2 miles without stopping when 3 months ago I couldn’t go half a mile without feeling like my heart was gonna explode!

  17. I went for drinks with friends last week and for the first time in years I wasn’t embarrassed by the photos on FB. I was actually proud of how much slimmer I looked!

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