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How Do You Stay Motivated? 30 Tips from MyFitnessPal Users!

A blonde woman in athletic wear is working out, performing a squat exercise with hands clasped together. She is in a bright and well-lit gym, where staying motivated seems easier surrounded by others exercising. For more fitness motivation and MyFitnessPal tips, take inspiration from her dedication. MyFitnessPal Blog
In This Article

Staying motivated can be tough under the best circumstances. So what happens to your healthy eating and exercise goals when the chips are down? Often, they get pushed aside and bad habits sneak back into the daily routine. But it doesn’t have to be that way. We asked MyFitnessPal users on Facebook, “How do you stay motivated to reach your goals?” Read their tips and use them to stay on track the next time you need a pick me up!

Look at How Far You’ve Come

  • ‪“I think of how far I’ve come—I’ve lost 315lbs., and how I feel now, which is awesome!” —Les S.
  • “My motivation is knowing I’ve come too far to quit now.” —Erin S.
  • “Taking pictures every 30 days really helps. If you have been working out and tracking your calories, you may not see the scale move much, which is frustrating. But if you look at your photos every 30 days, you will see a leaner body and inches lost!” —Christina P.
  • “I wear two ankle bracelets. One shows how many inches my waist was when I started, and one shows where I want to be. Whenever I lack motivation, I take them off and compare them to where I am now.” —Elizabeth A.
  • “Looking at how happy and comfortable I looked in old pictures before I put the weight on. Looking at pictures since I put the weight on—my smile looks forced and my clothes look uncomfortable when I dress up. A healthier me is a happier me!” —Kathee B.

Get Inspired by Others

  • “I surround myself with motivated people with similar goals!” —Jennifer R. H.
  • ‪“Reading success stories and seeing my logging count increment: 502 days and counting!” —Tom W.
  • “I have my bad days, but just seeing other people progress and succeed keeps me going.” —Tessica M.
  • “I just picture all the jerks who called me fat or made fun of me while growing up and that pushes me even harder to prove that I CAN DO IT!” —Amy B.
  • “Helping others meet their goals motivates me to push myself harder towards my own.” —Richard J.

Lean on Friends and Family

  • “I look at my children. They deserve a healthy mom.” —Heidi H. P.
  • “Doing this with my wife, Melissa. She’s a hottie!” —Perry O.
  • “I have a nice bet going with a friend.” —Billie J. P.
  • “Set small goals, set targets and rewards for both small and large goals, and post on Facebook for support from friends and family.” —Lisa T.
  • “My husband/cheerleader/weight loss partner. I wouldn’t have been able to lose over 100 pounds without him!” —Laura S.

Get Excited about New Clothes

  • “I love looking at clothes on Pinterest to keep me motivated.”—Sarah Marie B.
  • “New workout clothes and shoes—it’s worked for over 3 years now!” —Kelly E. S.
  • “I buy a pair of pants or a shirt that is a couple of sizes too small.” —Roberto M.
  • “I bought a dress to wear for a special event this summer. It fits okay, but I want to look amazing in it by August!” —Krista Danielle E.
  • “My closet full of cute clothes that I haven’t been able to wear since getting pregnant and having a baby. I WILL be back in those clothes!” —Addie L. F.

Rely on MyFitnessPal

  • “Every time I click the link at the end of the day and it tells me how much I would be in 5 weeks if I continued to have the same progress—that keeps me encouraged.” —Doug C.
  • “Loving the little messages on the [android] app now! Feel a little thrill every time it tells me I’ve made a good choice!” —Katherine E.
  • “My food diary on MyFitnessPal is the only thing that has ever worked to keep me from gaining weight.” —Gina H. R.
  • “The best way is to have a MyFitnessPal partner! I had my daughter-in-law. She got me started on the program, and it worked beautifully for both of us! I still frequently thank her.” —Linda J. L.
  • “I have MyFitnessPal friends who keep me motivated on the app. And I read the Success Stories forum a lot.” —Aaron D.

Start Moving

  • “I register for mud runs and obstacle course events.” —Karie M.
  • “Exercise before breakfast. There’s nothing better than seeing that you can eat more calories than you started the day with!” —Joanne J.
  • “My wonderful daughter encouraging me and entering us in 5Ks keeps us motivated.” —Angela S. P.
  • “Sometimes, the only thing getting me out the door for a run is if I’m already in my workout clothes. Everyday, I wake up and put on my pants, sports bra, shirt, and tennis shoes. Just putting on the clothes makes me think, ‘Well, I’m already dressed, might as well go for it.’” —Tracy L. C.
  • “Exercising first thing every morning before I can talk myself out of it. I go at 7:00am everyday, except Sunday.” —Janet C.

Did we miss anything? What helps you stay motivated? Share in the comments below.

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132 Responses

  1. thank you for this. I’ve struggled for so long. false starts. no starts. bleh. i just want to be healthy.

  2. I “fake it till I make it”. Sometimes I just can’t get into counting, logging, and thinking. But if I give it just a little effort, often times the next day ends better than I anticipated, and the next one is better.

  3. My workplace is preparing to introduce paid parking – but not for bicycles. Thus, I am now cycling to work at least two days a week. It helps to have the workout clothes for warmth, though. It’s all of 6 degrees Centigrade this morning!

  4. My workplace is preparing to introduce paid parking – but not for bicycles. Thus, I am now cycling to work at least two days a week. It helps to have the workout clothes for warmth, though. It’s all of 6 degrees Centigrade this morning!

  5. My workplace is preparing to introduce paid parking – but not for bicycles. Thus, I am now cycling to work at least two days a week. It helps to have the workout clothes for warmth, though. It’s all of 6 degrees Centigrade this morning!

    1. Ugh, so jealous,it’s 20 miles of dangerous back roads for me to do that 🙁 have to drive. luckily our parking is free.

      1. I’m about 7km from work, so… just over 4 miles? About 2km on the side of the road, and the rest in parks and shared footpaths/cycleways. I’m lucky, I live close to work and the city I live in tries to promote cycling and public transport.

        1. lol i’m around OXFORD which is supposed to be good for biking but the lanes are horrendous and drivers are just idiots. saying that 80% of the bikers are just as bad as the drivers. i live out of town and work on the outskirts so even tho once at oxford the biking would be fine as it’s shared pavements, it’s getting there that’s the problem. oxford sucks, such a horrible minging town. wish i still lived in Aberdeen, took 20 mins to bike from outskirts to town, mostly off main roads. or milton keynes would be nice too. 😀

  6. Setting small achievable goals and sharing them with my husband, buying a non food treat as a reward to aim for. When I’m sat at my desk I can look up and see my new handbag (ATM) and be inspired by my reward. He keeps it safe on a high shelf for me 🙂

  7. Setting small achievable goals and sharing them with my husband, buying a non food treat as a reward to aim for. When I’m sat at my desk I can look up and see my new handbag (ATM) and be inspired by my reward. He keeps it safe on a high shelf for me 🙂

  8. Don’t break the chain! Seinfelds advice to print a year-view calendar and put an X on daily when you walk, run, track food, whatever your goal… Those x’s form a chain and you’ll not want to break it! I’m going to get mine to go right to dec 31!

  9. Don’t break the chain! Seinfelds advice to print a year-view calendar and put an X on daily when you walk, run, track food, whatever your goal… Those x’s form a chain and you’ll not want to break it! I’m going to get mine to go right to dec 31!

  10. Pingback: How to Stay Motivated for Working Out and Eating Right » Decide. Commit. Succeed.
  11. Ive been using myfitnesspal for about 6 months now, pretty diligently, and havent lost a single pound. Help!! I am only trying to lose the 6 lbs i gained when i quit smoking but just havent been able to. I am never ever able to stay at the recommended 1200 calorie net and adjusted my net goal to 1300. When i look at the “in 5 weeks youd weigh….” number, it always says id be at or under my goal, but i havent seen any results. I feel very stuck. Does anyone have tricks about how to only eat a 1200 net per day and not be hungry? Or other tips beyond this article?

  12. Ive been using myfitnesspal for about 6 months now, pretty diligently, and havent lost a single pound. Help!! I am only trying to lose the 6 lbs i gained when i quit smoking but just havent been able to. I am never ever able to stay at the recommended 1200 calorie net and adjusted my net goal to 1300. When i look at the “in 5 weeks youd weigh….” number, it always says id be at or under my goal, but i havent seen any results. I feel very stuck. Does anyone have tricks about how to only eat a 1200 net per day and not be hungry? Or other tips beyond this article?

    1. You can eat an unlimited supply of green vegetables until you’re full! If you’re hungry, eat more green veggies. Legumes really help with the full feeling.

    2. I find it almost impossible to lose weight by reducing caloric intake. Exercise is the key for me. I have always excercised so it is easy but I upped my game. Last week I rode 43 miles burning over 2,000 calories. With that it is impossible not to lose weight

      1. Agreed. If I were only counting calories, I would never succeed. I am responding well to exercise along with using MFP. I’ve dropped almost 10 lbs. in 2 weeks! 🙂

    3. Take a look at Nerd Fitness. The folks there seem to really understand people. It is an inspiring site, it feels “real”. I enjoy receiving their emails.

    4. Take a look at Nerd Fitness. The folks there seem to really understand people. It is an inspiring site, it feels “real”. I enjoy receiving their emails.

    5. Exercise is the key! I worked out diligently 4 times per week, high intensity boot camp workout and showed no results for 5 weeks! Then all of a sudden with no change in food I started losing 2 or 3 ponds a week. Keep at it!

    6. Exercise is the key! I worked out diligently 4 times per week, high intensity boot camp workout and showed no results for 5 weeks! Then all of a sudden with no change in food I started losing 2 or 3 ponds a week. Keep at it!

    7. If you are counting calories as your sole weight loss strategy, a common mistake people make is underestimating their portion sizes, and therefore eating more than they think they are. Measuring portion sizes can sometimes only accurately be achieved by using a kitchen scale you are eating ‘non-labeled’ processed food (which hopefully you are!). But, as others have pointed out, adding exercise to the routine will accelerate weight loss. Drinking water between meals helps maintain a feeling of fullness in the stomach, and eating low calorie fresh veggies and fruits will definitely fill you up. You may also want to investigate “intermittent fasting.” I dropped 15 pounds in less than a month doing that, although it does take a few days to get used to it.

    8. If you are counting calories as your sole weight loss strategy, a common mistake people make is underestimating their portion sizes, and therefore eating more than they think they are. Measuring portion sizes can sometimes only accurately be achieved by using a kitchen scale you are eating ‘non-labeled’ processed food (which hopefully you are!). But, as others have pointed out, adding exercise to the routine will accelerate weight loss. Drinking water between meals helps maintain a feeling of fullness in the stomach, and eating low calorie fresh veggies and fruits will definitely fill you up. You may also want to investigate “intermittent fasting.” I dropped 15 pounds in less than a month doing that, although it does take a few days to get used to it.

    9. I haven’t lost a pound, or even an ounce, and I’ve logged in 21 straight days. Just want to lose 10 pounds. Very frustrated.

    10. I haven’t lost a pound, or even an ounce, and I’ve logged in 21 straight days. Just want to lose 10 pounds. Very frustrated.

    11. I had the same problem, and what I found I had to do was break my food down by more than just calories. I had to look at how much fat and sodium and carbohydrates I was eating. It’s a little more tedious that just figuring out calories, but once you get a routine going, it gets easier. I looked at the quality of the foods that I was eating. Was I eating 1200 calories worth of junk, or 1200 calories worth of fruits, vegetables, and natural foods that were good for my body? I also forced myself to exercise. It’s hard, but again, once you get into a routine, it gets easier. Even if it’s only 20 minutes a day of going for a walk, or something simple like that, it’s still burning calories. Hope that helps! Good luck!

    12. Some people say eating more leafy green vegetables helps. When I’m really trying to lose weight it works for me. Right now, I’m having a rough time sticking to it. I’m going to change one thing at a time. This week my focus will be on moving more…parking further away from the entrances and walking a little more.

    13. Start small. I’m not a fan of salads, but they are good for me. I try to do a salad with hard boiled egg, cucumbers and a light dressing twice a week for lunch. It is less Calories and has good nutritional value. However, I was finding I was still hungry, so I started pairing it with a greek yogurt or adding nuts to the salad. Both helped. Switch it up, don’t always make it the same way.

    14. Start small. I’m not a fan of salads, but they are good for me. I try to do a salad with hard boiled egg, cucumbers and a light dressing twice a week for lunch. It is less Calories and has good nutritional value. However, I was finding I was still hungry, so I started pairing it with a greek yogurt or adding nuts to the salad. Both helped. Switch it up, don’t always make it the same way.

  13. Baby steps. I learned from getting back into exercising after recovering from major surgery. The first week, walk (drag my feet) 5 minutes. Week 2: Walk 10 minutes. I kept increasing my time and distance until I was back in the game. It wasn’t overwhelming as it felt very doable.

  14. Baby steps. I learned from getting back into exercising after recovering from major surgery. The first week, walk (drag my feet) 5 minutes. Week 2: Walk 10 minutes. I kept increasing my time and distance until I was back in the game. It wasn’t overwhelming as it felt very doable.

    1. I had no support at first and it was tough. I found it worked best for me to have a prove you wrong attitude, for every “why” or “again” comment it just made me work and focus that bit more. At the end of the day the journey is no one’s but your own, if you want it you go and do it and let everything that is thrown at you make you stronger and more focused. Keep a record of everything, log food and exercise with MFP and keep notes about how you feel. If you see people working out in your area, run up and ask if you could join in, new friends are a bonus and added support. As time goes on and people begin to see the changes you may find a cheer squad following you around. I have a LOT of weight to lose and slowly but surely the more change I see the more supporters I get as well as a few who have joined me. Also start a motivation/inspiration board on pinterest, that can some times help.

      1. I know you’re right, it’s just so hard to get started. I had lost 70 lbs and kept it off for about a year then I gained about 40 back. I could kick myself in the rear end. thanks so much

    2. I had no support at first and it was tough. I found it worked best for me to have a prove you wrong attitude, for every “why” or “again” comment it just made me work and focus that bit more. At the end of the day the journey is no one’s but your own, if you want it you go and do it and let everything that is thrown at you make you stronger and more focused. Keep a record of everything, log food and exercise with MFP and keep notes about how you feel. If you see people working out in your area, run up and ask if you could join in, new friends are a bonus and added support. As time goes on and people begin to see the changes you may find a cheer squad following you around. I have a LOT of weight to lose and slowly but surely the more change I see the more supporters I get as well as a few who have joined me. Also start a motivation/inspiration board on pinterest, that can some times help.

    3. Monica if you are on facebook, find me and we can support each other. Kathy koehl smith. I have about 70lbs to lose and just remember, small changes make big differences. Do it for yourself-support yourself and lift yourself up. You can do this.

        1. If I can ever find 5 minutes, I will really look at the chat/community thing and get set up. My name will probablly be kckoehl1.

          1. Hi Monica, I see your post is 2 years old. But I was wondering how you are doing? Wondering if you found the support you needed.

      1. Kathy-are you still actively trying to lose weight, or have you met your goal? (I realize your post is 2 years old)
        I would love support trying to lose 80-90 lbs that I’ve put on over the last ten years (I’m 45).
        I enjoy exercising but need to increase both time and intensity, and struggle with added sugar in my diet.
        Let me know.

        1. Are you on FB? Look me up under Kathy Koehl Smith or find me on My Fitness Pal…I’m still struggling along!

    4. Monica if you are on facebook, find me and we can support each other. Kathy koehl smith. I have about 70lbs to lose and just remember, small changes make big differences. Do it for yourself-support yourself and lift yourself up. You can do this.

    5. Do it for you. Not for anyone else… It’s like rate suckers by with weight. Some people don’t care if you succeed or not.

    6. Do it for you. Not for anyone else… It’s like rate suckers by with weight. Some people don’t care if you succeed or not.

      1. completely agree here, i have a FRIEND who tries to sabotage me at work by offering stuff (half her brownie or saying i really want some chips and cheese) even though she knows i’m not eating that stuff just now. She’s not happy with how she looks but won’t do anything about it, so she’s blatantly unhappy that i can and do do something about how i look. i’m doing it for me and my husband supports me. However, NO support is better than someone attempting to sabotage you 5 days a week.

        1. I agree. Sometimes telling people isn’t a good idea. Especially if they simply can’t realize that they need to lose a few too. Ha ha…

        2. Have you heard of the Benjamin Franklin Effect?
          Ask her for her support. Ask her for a favor. Tell her that you DO occasionally want brownies or chips but that you know you want to reach your health goals MORE. Tell her how grateful you would be if she didn’t offer you these things. Tell her that it would really HELP you if your choice wasn’t so hard sometimes. Assure her that you don’t want her to change her own eating habits, but how much you would appreciate it if she could support you in taking control of your own.
          The very FIRST time she doesn’t make the offer, thank her for it. The next couple of days tell her that she is being a big help to you.
          If she doesn’t cut it out however, tell her that she may not be your friend, but you can still be hers, and friends call each other on their sh*t. Tell her that she is being a real jerk and you’d rather not eat with her when she acts that way.

          1. Already told her that several times she doesn’t bloody listen. tbh she’s beginning to annoy me with other things that i’d be happy not to be her friend, unfortunately she also works with me (my fault for telling her to take the job) and sits directly opposite me (can’t change desks). I don’t go out at lunch with her anymore, i go off for a saunter to get a break from her constant whinging (i’ve never sat hear her before and only saw her occasionally so didn’t realise she was this bad).

        3. My sister does the same thing your friend does, and I am and have been trying to figure out how to help her if she needs it. I have finally told her to come find me when she’s ready- not sure what else to do.

          1. you probably can’t do anything. i’ve told my mate a few times i’ll teach her to run after she kept mentioning wanting to try, gave her a mag article on how to start so she’d know what to expect and she said “oh no, i couldn’t be bothered doing that’. ffs. she doesn’t want to do it, just likes sounding like she does or some other female logic that as a tomboy i can’t fathom.

        4. (Y) * 1000000 about what you said about the sabotage , that motivates me because when you overcome something you just feel how strong you are and that you can do everything…there is nothing more motivating then this 🙂

    7. Monica – if you want to connect with me on MFP – my id is dlposto – I’ll support you! You’ve got to dig deep and decide to do this for you… And find folks like me or there’s on this site to support you.

    8. I have no support also. I have tried cyber support and that doesn’t seem to help either. I have been thinking about finding a group in my area but haven’t had time. When you find a solution let me know.

      1. I’ll be honest, sounds like excuses. Think positive and realize WHY you want this and not why you can’t make it happen!

    9. I’m not on Facebook either. I’m kimdarren if you want to look me up. I’ve lost 45lbs, and still going with the support of all of my MFP peeps ☺

    10. I’m not on Facebook either. I’m kimdarren if you want to look me up. I’ve lost 45lbs, and still going with the support of all of my MFP peeps ☺

    11. I’m not on Facebook either. I’m kimdarren if you want to look me up. I’ve lost 45lbs, and still going with the support of all of my MFP peeps ☺

    12. I’m not on Facebook either. I’m kimdarren if you want to look me up. I’ve lost 45lbs, and still going with the support of all of my MFP peeps ☺

    13. I’m not on Facebook either. I’m kimdarren if you want to look me up. I’ve lost 45lbs, and still going with the support of all of my MFP peeps ☺

    14. I’m not on Facebook either. I’m kimdarren if you want to look me up. I’ve lost 45lbs, and still going with the support of all of my MFP peeps ☺

    15. You can do it Monica, it’s never easy but it’s worth it. Keep telling this to yourself every 2 hours and it will be ok…

    16. Everything you need is inside of you. You have to think of the workout as something good,something that will increase your energy.What motivates me is 1)people who say that I can’t do it,that it won’t be long term 2)my health, 3)the swimsuit in which I always look fat 4)my friends in MFP and most important that i can achieve long term,healthy results the right way. If you want you can add me in MFP my name is “Katerina9408” my food and exercise diary is open.

    17. I could no find any one to join me so went by my self and join the YWCA. Met a bunch of sweet people that are all help full

  15. I only aim to lose one pound and tell myself anyone can lose a pound, it’s easy. Then, when I have , I ask myself do you want to lose a pound and off I go again. Succeeding with small goals makes me feel successful and keeps me positive. Dee

  16. I only aim to lose one pound and tell myself anyone can lose a pound, it’s easy. Then, when I have , I ask myself do you want to lose a pound and off I go again. Succeeding with small goals makes me feel successful and keeps me positive. Dee

  17. When I work out first thing in the morning I feel strong and confident
    at the start of my day. Even just knowing I’ve used those core muscles
    [even though they have a long way to go] helps me feel stronger
    emotionally & physically – to tackle anything the day brings
    confidently. What a difference from when I don’t do anything and feel
    like I have to “handle” what comes my way in a more reactionary mode.

  18. I’ve hit a plateau for the past 4 weeks. I’m frustrated. Its hard to stay focused and motivated when you aren’t seeing results (no weight loss…clothes still fit the same). For the past 3 weeks I’ve been exercising more (going from 4 days a week to 5 days a week), I’ve been eating (most days, not all) no more than 1400 calories and 27 grams of fat. I’m just stuck.

  19. I’ve hit a plateau for the past 4 weeks. I’m frustrated. Its hard to stay focused and motivated when you aren’t seeing results (no weight loss…clothes still fit the same). For the past 3 weeks I’ve been exercising more (going from 4 days a week to 5 days a week), I’ve been eating (most days, not all) no more than 1400 calories and 27 grams of fat. I’m just stuck.

    1. Don’t focus on the scale! Your weight may stay the same but you are improving your health, increasing your vitality and adding years to your life. Try changing your routine. Instead of cardio try weights, yoga, or a class. Try changing your diet. Add more fiber, protein, and good fats and oils. Stay strong and don’t give up!!!

    2. Jillian micheals has some great tips regarding plateaus on her website you should check that out…it might help

    3. Jillian micheals has some great tips regarding plateaus on her website you should check that out…it might help

    4. Becky, I know how you feel. It’s super hard to stay on track when you feel like you have lost the game. Remember why you started. How did you feel? Usually a plateau means you need to change something in your routine. Try eating different varieties of food. Try working on absone day, arms the next, legs, etc. I hit a plateau a few years ago and that made me quit. I drove me absolutely insane. I regret every sweet I ate after that. I’m back on the journey with the Body fat Breakthrough book. I started 5/26/14 and on 5/30/14 (today), I lost 5 lbs.

    5. Becky, I know how you feel. It’s super hard to stay on track when you feel like you have lost the game. Remember why you started. How did you feel? Usually a plateau means you need to change something in your routine. Try eating different varieties of food. Try working on absone day, arms the next, legs, etc. I hit a plateau a few years ago and that made me quit. I drove me absolutely insane. I regret every sweet I ate after that. I’m back on the journey with the Body fat Breakthrough book. I started 5/26/14 and on 5/30/14 (today), I lost 5 lbs.

    6. I know!! Plateaus drive me nuts! So de-motivating! I find that I need to mix it up a little when I hit a plateau. Different exercises, different foods. It seems a little counter-intuitive, but sometimes giving myself a little splurge (a few extra calories, a bit more fat or carbs than usual) for a day/meal will kick-start my body again. Also, don’t overwork your body….if you are doing a lot of strength training, your body needs a day or two to repair the muscles. A small break or change helps me…. I will skip strength training for a day or two and focus on cardio instead (or vice versa). It’s worth the frustration…. don’t give up!

  20. Visualize how you want to look and think about that every time you are tempted to give up. Read inspirational blogs to get you motivated – they don’t have to be about weight loss – you will draw strength from others’ success stories.

  21. I have MyFitnessPal, I’m just getting started on a weight loss journey..I’ll take all the support I can get since I have only 1 supportive family member and they live hours away from me. My username is brandimay2012 🙂

  22. I have no support, I try to get to the gym in the morning before work. My major problem is eating. Also when I am stressful I go for sweets. I need some help with food choices and how do I handle stress. Can anyone help me? Also is there anyone out there in Virginia (Hampton roads area)?

    1. Ask yourself if you are really hungry or just bored, stressed, etc. Drink some flavored water or tea to help fill you up. You can have a small sweet but do not pick one that you cannot stop eating. Binging on sweets will make you feel guilty, tired and worse the next day. Focus on being and eating healthy. ‘I do not want to eat that or too much of that because I want to be healthy.”

    2. Ask yourself if you are really hungry or just bored, stressed, etc. Drink some flavored water or tea to help fill you up. You can have a small sweet but do not pick one that you cannot stop eating. Binging on sweets will make you feel guilty, tired and worse the next day. Focus on being and eating healthy. ‘I do not want to eat that or too much of that because I want to be healthy.”

  23. Hi, I have lost 20kilos and now I am trying to motivate others. Having an appointmeng in my diary to meet someone for a run or gym session or game of squash, whatever helps keep me mmoving and by keeping unhealthy foods out of my kitchen keeps me mostly honest to myself. Reading everyone elses trials and triumphs also helps heaps because I know I am not alone and hey if it was easy everyone would be doing it, it’s not easy but very worthwhile.

  24. Be your best supporter. When you see something you want have small piece or a bite. I find if I stop myself from eating something I really want I crave it so badly and I will eat the whole house until I have a bite of my craving. I when I want it to but is not hungry I say ” I don’t want that” instead ” I can’t have that.” that really helps me.

  25. Be your best supporter. When you see something you want have small piece or a bite. I find if I stop myself from eating something I really want I crave it so badly and I will eat the whole house until I have a bite of my craving. I when I want it to but is not hungry I say ” I don’t want that” instead ” I can’t have that.” that really helps me.

  26. Be your best supporter. When you see something you want have small piece or a bite. I find if I stop myself from eating something I really want I crave it so badly and I will eat the whole house until I have a bite of my craving. I when I want it to but is not hungry I say ” I don’t want that” instead ” I can’t have that.” that really helps me.

  27. One tip for everyone who workout in the mornings: sleep with yours workouts clothes, when you wake up you tell to yourself: well if I’m already wearing this it’s better to go to the gym/run/etc

  28. I have a lot of support from friends and family, and probably take that for granted. This endevour started out as a way to get toned for me. It’s always been my goal and I’ve never truly gotten all the way. Today i’m closer than I’ve ever been before. I also like setting a good example for my two boys, who don’t have the best genetics when it comes to eating what they want and staying healthy. That reason is pushing its way to the top of my list.

  29. After my weight loss…
    I think about how great it feels to wear jeans & be so comfortable in them! I refuse to put weight on, not to be able to fit into them!

  30. I would love a bigger support group, I only have one at the moment but I could really use some encouragement. Please add me: thacoolest is my username on mfp. Thank you

  31. I think that not putting a cupcake and an apple in front of you and staring at the cupcake will help with cravings. It’s simple: If you’re not disciplined and dedicated, then you’re going to fall into temptations.

  32. what works for me is that I don’t concentrate on weight loss, but instead of each day that I eat healthy and do some sort of exercise.

  33. By eating healthy and exercising, I have found that I lose weight and start feeling really good about myself. If I concentrated on just losing weight, and then I weigh in and didn’t lose weight, I get really discouraged. Concentrating on being healthy helps me feel good physically, and achieves weight loss as a by-product.

  34. Hi i am on face book and would like to lose about 12 pounds, not so much maybe but I also have very little support, my biggest problem is staying motivated to keep it off! Lets keep each other motivated;)

  35. Hi Monica try thinking about how eating healthily and exercising makes you ‘feel’ physically and mentally,instead of how it makes you ‘look’, Hope this helps…

  36. I’m trying My Fitness Pal once again! I tried it once before & I stopped tracking. I lost weight through Weight Watchers 3 times in the last 20 years, but I’ve always rather count calories than points. Also, I’m diabetic, and I must count carbs. The doctor recently put me on insulin (one shot at night) and it caused me to gain weight (30 lbs.!!!)…Anyway, I’m on the bandwagon again and know that I MUST lose this weight for my health and for the $$$ I will have to pay out-of-pocket for my insulin now that my hubby had to medically retire. I have over 100 lbs. to lose and I’m really excited about getting started. This is my second day logging on. Would appreciate the support from others on here. Thanks! Let’s lose it!

  37. I do not want a fast fix. I want to make a life long change in my eating and exercising habits. I know its just getting started but if it was easy everyone would be fit. I wish myfitnesspal had recipes like the other sites. I do not like counting calories, fat,protein and carbs. How does someone find calories on fresh vegetables and fruit?

  38. Wow Kathy 70lbs lost that’s fab. I joined a while ago but have only just started trying to loose weight. I am not dieting I am trying to eat more healthy. I am struggling so much with tiredness. Had cancer 2013 and had chemo and radiotherapy which has left me with sever fatigue. I reduced my hours at work and manage working 2 days and then have 1 or 2 off, I work shifts as well. Any one got any advice about how to start. I have started walking more with a friend when I can?

  39. I have a board on pinterest named body aspirations and all the women motivate me to push forward like they do and I remind myself they go through the same thing I am going through except they have already obtained their goal and just maintain it. It also shows me that looking fit and healthy is a daily job that requires100% devotion and effort.

  40. I’m doing this all on my own and that’s probably the reason why I fell of so bad. Anyone interested in keeping me motivated while I do the same? I’m 22 with 45lbs to go. BBM, my fitness instagram or Facebook will be great

  41. for a while now I’ve been sharing about the masai diet. The Masai are a people in Kenya who are famous for living only on products from the cow: milk; beef; and blood that they extract from their cows without killing them. The Masai also follow an important rule: “If a man eats meat and drinks milk on the same day, he is a glutton.” Therefore every day, I, who follow the diet, have to choose whether it will be a milk day or a meat day (so far I haven’t found a source for blood.) While I like meat, I prefer milk, so basically I’ve been living on fluid milk products for the last six years. Most days I drink perhaps a gallon (3.5 liters) of some kind of milk, usually skim, and that’s all I eat or drink. Sometimes I have some cream, or half and half, or some other kind of milk: 1%, 2%, or whole. I have done very well on this diet, I am six feet, one inch and this morning weighed 151 pounds. On my last physical, my PCP told me I am in the top 3% of people my age healthwise, which I attribute to the diet (my PCP is very aware of my diet.) I believe this diet would be excellent for everyone, and am particularly interested to see if it might help people with various diseases, including biggies like cancer and AIDS, and have been pushing the medical establishment to test it.

  42. As soon as you wake up, grab a 5 minute shower, wear your workout gear, eat something good – smoothie, oatmeal – then head out. On the days you have low energy, aim for 30-minutes, and before you know it you’ll have energy for a full 1-hr workout. Prioritize your workout time; it’s your no.1 commitment. Arrange meetings, dates, other schedules around it.

  43. I’m just starting and have a lot to learn. At least I’m learning why I was constantly seeing the scales on a set number and never moving. I thought I was doing the right things food wise but my sugar numbers were creeping up and like I said, the scales staying the same. Once I started MyFitness Pal and keeping a record, I’m surprised at the number of times I’m fooled by a given food or the sizes of portions and how important that is. Also I’ve always been a snacker. If it’s in my kitchen and I have to be in there (or just passing through) that item just jumps in my mouth!!! It’s good to have my eyes opened and I hope I’ll learn quickly or I will really be discouraged. (Have to stop buying those snacks, even if my hubby cries a river! — and– keep other things out of sight; –and– find something I like better than baking!) Does anyone relate? I know some steps I need to take; now just to DO them! Thanks for listening and sympathizing. My doctor is about to put me on MORE meds for diabetes if I don’t lose some weight!

  44. I am 57years old, post menopausal, extremely difficult to lose weight, need support to stick it out until I start to really feel the weight coming off!!! HELP!!!

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