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Healthy for the Holidays Fitness Plan: Total-Body Training

Healthy for the Holidays Fitness Plan: Total-Body Training
In This Article

Welcome to Day 2: Healthy for the Holidays!

Your Day 2 workout is a total-body strength-training session that uses one of my favorite pieces of portable, inexpensive gym equipment — a resistance band!  If you’re traveling for the holidays, toss your band in your suitcase. This routine is tailor-made for a small space in your hotel or at home. If you don’t have a band, feel free to use dumbbells instead.

In our workout video below, we’ll focus on multimuscle moves that help keep your heart rate elevated to make the most of of this short but sweaty session. I’ll show you options throughout the workout so you can make it work for you and adjust to your current fitness level as needed.

Prefer to do your own routine? Schedule 15–20 minutes of your favorite total-body strength training, and check in with us in the comments below or on social media once you are done.

Today’s Healthy for the Holidays Tip: Sleep!

Rest up to keep your immune system strong, your energy high and even fend off those holiday treat-induced sugar cravings. While it can be easier said than done sometimes, it is possible to improve your nightly sleep habits. Check out these five expert tips for getting more quality sleep.

Let me help you fit in fitness 10 minutes at a time with my brand new “Walk On: 10 Minute Quick Walk Mix!” This at-home exercise program features cardio, strength and flexibility routines that work with even the busiest of schedules.

Day 2: Total-Body Workout

This workout can be logged as “CIRCUIT TRAINING, GENERAL” in your MyFitnessPal app.

YouTube video

Tell us when you’ve completed today’s workout. Share it in the comments below, or tag us in your check-ins @MyFitnessPal so we can cheer you on!

More Healthy for the Holidays Workouts

> Join Our Healthy for the Holidays Fitness Plan
> Day 1: Cardio
> Day 3: A.B.S. (Abs, Back + Stability)

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25 Responses

  1. How is it going so far team? How did your Day 2 workout go? Share with us in the comments below and let’s help keep each other accountable 🙂

    1. Sorry to hear you arent feeling well! Please take the time you need to rest and fully recover before jumping back in to exercise. We will be here for you as soon as you feel 100% again 🙂

  2. Used 5#… building my strength back. Fat 2 lose Muscle 2 gain! These short workouts are perfect for me as I build my endurance post surgery.

  3. Thanks, Jessica! Great resistance band workout in a short amount of time! I worked an 11 hour day, but I’m committed to exercising daily even on crazy days like this!

    1. Way to go Wendy! Thanks for sharing your time and energy with us today even after such a long work day.. great job! Please keep up the awesome work you are doing taking care of your body and your health 🙂

  4. Thanks for this with the modifications as needed. I had a laparoscopic knee surgery 15 days ago. Doc said I could start working out again. It has been a while, as my knee has been hurting with a torn meniscus. But this workout with 1# weights was a good place to start.

  5. Day 2 done. I didn’t have the resistance bands but raided my sewing kit where I had some wide elastic. Made it work for me :). Enjoyed this new type of workout (for me). Now resistance band is on my Christmas wish list.

  6. Day 2 done. Half resistance band, half Dumbbells. Didn’t burn as many calories as yesterday. I’ll make it up doing Body Beast Bulk Chest later! Loving this workout because it’s low impact and, so far, no floor work. I can’t get up and down easily due to hip replacement.

  7. Thank you again Jessica for keeping us accountable. I’m definitely in and did Day 1 & Day 2. I am so glad you used the resistance band as I have been forbidden to use weights anymore due to a herniated disc and Degenerative Disc Disease. I look forward to hearing that ping on my iPad that you have added Day 3. 😀

  8. Day 2 done! I just stumbled upon this workout after posting my lunch in the MyFitnessPal app. Jessica you have such a peaceful tone while guiding us through exercises with the band. I didn’t realize that you could do so much with the band. I work from home and keep the bands, a exercise ball, and a set of free weights in here to stretch every couple hours throughout the day. Now that I have found you, I will be sticking with you! You do a great job of reminding us of proper positioning and posture. You are also very encouraging without being demanding or yelling. Your videos are very professional and your music is very well selected. Great job! Looking forward to Day 3 tomorrow during my lunch!

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