Author posts

How METs Can Help Measure Workout Intensity
4 minute read
Metabolic equivalents can be a useful measurement of intensity.
5 minute read
Knee pain is common, but the best medicine is to find movement and exercise
5 minute read
Get even more of a boost out of your workout with these 4-minute circuits.
5 minute read
Shoulder pain is common, but the best medicine is to find movement and exercise
6 minute read
Stress feeds into and exacerbates chronic pain, here’s how to relax your way out
4 minute read
Target your oft-overlooked abdominal obliques with these six exercises.
6 minute read
Learn how to use heart rate training to get into the fat-burning zone during
6 minute read
This is a 10-move, at-home HIIT workout that requires very little equipment but still
6 minute read
This is a 10-move, at-home leg workout that requires very little equipment but still
6 minute read
These are 10 challenging core exercises you can do at home.
6 minute read
This is a 10 exercise full-body workout you can do in your living room.
4 minute read
Balance exercises are useful for injury rehab and fall prevention.
5 minute read
Work your shoulders in seven minutes with this circuit.
4 minute read
A high-intensity interval training workout that takes seven minutes.
5 minute read
This 7-minute kettlebell workout uses your full body.
4 minute read
You can do this full-body band workout in 7 minutes.
4 minute read
A 7-minute abs workout that uses no equipment.
5 minute read
Keep it simple and quick with this seven-minute total-body workout with dumbbells.
4 minute read
This seven-minute circuit includes bodyweight resistance exercises.
4 minute read
Use resistance bands to get a quick, but thorough, lower-body workout in nine minutes.
4 minute read
Use kettlebells to get a quick, but thorough, total-body workout in nine minutes.
4 minute read
This nine-minute circuit includes total body and ab exercises.
4 minute read
This is a total-body bodyweight workout you can complete in nine minutes.
5 minute read
You need heavy weights to build strength, but not muscle.
3 minute read
This is a total-body bodyweight workout you can complete in 9 minutes.
5 minute read
Five movements that help you warm up for your workout.
5 minute read
Foam roll as your warmup then get a massage for recovery.
5 minute read
Box jumps make you run faster and jump higher.
6 minute read
Stepups can be an aerobic exercise or strength-training exercise.
6 minute read
Try different deadlift variations to see which ones feel the best and to master