7 Spices that Make You Slimmer, Smarter, Happier

7 Spices that Make You Slimmer, Smarter, Happier
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Self_2013_vectorRaid your spice rack and start using these! Science finds mixing them into meals adds a health boost.

Curb appetite with fenugreek This spice packs fiber—each nutty-tasting teaspoon of the seed has a gram. Study participants who took a fenugreek supplement in the a.m. ate less at lunch. Sprinkle it generously onto chicken before roasting.

Stronger bones from cinnamon Yes, it can help regulate blood sugar, but it also provides manganese, a mineral that helps maintain bone density; 1 tablespoon provides nearly a day’s worth. Spread it out: Shake it into coffee and onto apples and oatmeal.

Stay sharp with cumin A lab study shows cumin’s anti-inflammatory properties may improve memory and lower stress. Blend it with hummus or toss it with pumpkin seeds before roasting.

Calm your belly with cloves A compound in ground cloves, eugenol, may soothe your stomach, says Michelle Dudash, R.D. Try a pinch in applesauce or tea.

Soothe muscle pain with ginger Blend this spice into your post-workout shake. It contains gingerol, a natural anti-inflammatory that research finds may reduce next-day muscle pain. Bonus: It may even ease period cramps.

Beat the blues with turmeric Research shows that the antioxidant and anti-inflammatory agent in turmeric called curcumin can help reduce depression. Stir it into rice and couscous.

Slim down with crushed red pepper Its metabolism-boosting properties (and heat) come from the capsaicin in the chilies. Plus, a study found women who added 2 tsp. of the spice to their food took in fewer caloriess and fat in later meals. Stir into guacamole or pasta.

Planning to sprinkle one of these on your plate today? Share your thoughts in the comments!


SELF is the magazine that makes living healthy easy and fun. SELF’s motto: Being fit, strong and active means feeling great, being happy and looking your most beautiful. With trademark authority, SELF speaks to women about three key areas of her being: her body, her looks and her life. SELF makes it fun and fulfilling to be your happiest, healthiest, best self. Reaching a total audience of 12 million each month, SELF is the founder of the Pink Ribbon for breast cancer awareness and an ASME National Magazine Award winner for excellence in journalistic achievement in print and digital. SELF is published by Condé Nast, publisher of Vogue, Vanity Fair, Bon Appétit, GQ, Glamour, The New Yorker, Wired and other celebrated media brands. Visit Self.com and follow @SELFmagazine on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Foodily and Google+.

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