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4 minute read

Have you ever looked for sleep at the bottom of a wineglass? Sometimes, we’re

3 minute read

When it comes to protein, most of us can meet our needs with a

2 minute read

We know about good fats and bad fats; good carbs and bad carbs. But

4 minute read

One of our readers, Ewa K., asked on Facebook: “Which is better for weight

4 minute read

Hunger is your brain telling you that your body is low on the fuel

4 minute read

Lately, it feels like we’re in the throes of sugar-phobia. And, to be fair,

4 minute read

Happy 2017! For those of you who have been with us all along, great

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We all know that calories matter a lot when it comes to weight loss.

7 minute read

Protein powder and bars are trendy supplements for bodybuilders to bulk up. But, is

7 minute read

Are you (still) afraid of fat? Don’t be. For decades, we’ve been advised to

9 minute read

Ever since the introduction of carb-cutting diets some 20 years ago, carbohydrates have been

2 minute read

Food is undeniably at the heart of holiday celebrations. Whether it’s deep fried turkey,

3 minute read

With the continued excitement for eating low-carb and Paleo – two diets known for

4 minute read

Think about what triggered your weight-loss journey. It could have been anything from being

3 minute read

Do you take dietary supplements? If you use  MyFitnessPal to track nutrition, you may

5 minute read

Most of us, particularly if we struggle with our weight goals, have blamed the

1 minute read

So you want to stop drinking soda! You know it’s not great for you,

8 minute read

Contrary to popular belief, the majority of your daily calorie burn doesn’t come from

5 minute read

Food cravings are a bittersweet experience. The extreme desire for the craving in question

4 minute read

By definition, “processed meats” refer to meat preserved by smoking, curing, salting or adding

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Are you carb-curious? The popularity of low-carb, ketogenic and other Atkins-style diets are fueling

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If you found out that the calorie counts you’re reading on the back of

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As women, our bodies undergo a lot of changes from the time we hit

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Not surprisingly, the weight-loss journey is different for everyone, but did you know that

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Last Friday was World Egg Day! Bet you didn’t eggs-pect a whole day dedicated

6 minute read

Earlier this month, the 2015-2020 Dietary Guidelines for Americans were officially released. A team

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Congratulations on taking your health and fitness to the next level! Now that you

5 minute read

While most of us prefer a consistent daily calorie goal, some find it helpful

3 minute read

Detox. Shed weight. Purify your body. These are some of the marketing claims designed

1 minute read

We know you’re a savvy shopper and we fully support that! You don’t need