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Author posts

6 minute read
Dairy is increasingly being vilified in the nutrition space. Are those claims legit?
5 minute read
Instead of sugary options, try savory ones like nut butter, full-fat dairy and more.
3 minute read
Certain forms of fruit are better than others.
3 minute read
A RD weighs in on the truth behind antibiotic-raised chicken.
4 minute read
A RD shares the healthy oils to cook with, what to cut back on
5 minute read
A RD shares four common reasons for being hungry and tired on low-carb diets.
5 minute read
To change body composition, focus on healthy carbs, protein and strength moves.
4 minute read
Not all collagen is the same and it might not be worth paying for
4 minute read
Find out how your metabolism changes so you can prevent weight gain as you
5 minute read
A RD shares which foods can make you feel bloated and how to avoid
3 minute read
Smart snacking can be a simple and effective way to promote weight loss.
2 minute read
Plants contain protein in addition to key vitamins, minerals and fiber.
3 minute read
If the number on the scale wonā€™t budge, it isnā€™t necessarily a bad thing.
3 minute read
If you find yourself craving sweets, hereā€™s how to cut back.
3 minute read
How you cook your veggies can transform them into something you love.
4 minute read
Counting macros can help you reach your goals ā€” if you focus on quality.
3 minute read
Explaining the cholesterol-egg mystery and why you should eat the yolk.
3 minute read
Look into serving sizes and how to navigate portions for weight loss.
3 minute read
A dietitian explains why itā€™s better to eat your calories earlier in the day.
3 minute read
We know to eat whole foods and organic when possible, so what about processed
3 minute read
Our dietitian answers questions on weight loss, nutrition and healthy living.
4 minute read
Artificial sweeteners lend sweetness without adding extra calories, but they may not be as
3 minute read
The alkaline diet is based on the idea you can alter your pH by
3 minute read
One of our top-logged drinks, coffee continues to be controversial.
3 minute read

We cover a lot of ground when it comes to nutrition at MyFitnessPal. Some

6 minute read

Ever feel like you donā€™t get enough sleep? Youā€™re not alone. The National Institutes

5 minute read

We cover a lot of ground when it comes to nutrition at MyFitnessPal. Some

4 minute read

We cover a lot of ground when it comes to nutrition at MyFitnessPal. Some

4 minute read

Weā€™re back with yet more of your questions about nutrition, weight loss and more.

4 minute read

ā€œBreakfast is the most important meal of the day.ā€ Weā€™ve been hearing that mantra