Author posts

8 Foods Worth Making at Home For Weight Loss This Summer
8 minute read
Try making these snacks and kitchen staples at home to save calories and get
6 minute read
You don’t have to give up dessert to slim down this summer.
3 minute read
Learn about the health benefits of these veggies + ways to get more on
5 minute read
Experts take sides on the ideal meal frequency for weight loss.
9 minute read
SMART goals are the formula you need to fuel your health and weight-loss journey.
10 minute read
Consider this your foolproof guide for a successful start to your weight-loss journey.
7 minute read
Experts share how much weight is healthy to lose in a month and tips
10 minute read
Experts share why jump-starting weight loss is misleading and tips for the best weight-loss
7 minute read
Artificial sweeteners can be controversial, but nutrition experts say they’re safe for most people
8 minute read
A doctor shares why belly fat is so dangerous and how slow and steady
7 minute read
Dietitians debate pre- and post-workout fuel and how timing around workouts affects weight loss.
2 minute read
From lemons to grapefruit, here’s what you need to know about five popular citrus
9 minute read
MyFitnessPal users share unexpected weight-loss insights from correct portion sizes to serving as your
7 minute read
Date nights don’t have to involve fancy dinners; cooking classes, dance-offs and massages can
9 minute read
Use these thrifty tips to shed pounds without emptying your wallet.
11 minute read
Small changes that take a minute or less can have a major impact on
8 minute read
It’s important to have big and small goals and reframe your thinking around weight
7 minute read
To hit your health goals, it’s important to ditch weight stigma (for yourself and
9 minute read
With pre-resolutions, there’s no need to save healthy changes for the new year.
5 minute read
Here’s how to stick with a winter walking routine when you’d rather stay inside.
5 minute read
Dietitians share tips for cutting back on sugar and creating new healthy traditions to
5 minute read
Consuming more sweets can zap mood levels, especially during the time of seasonal depression.
5 minute read
Obesity and depression often affect people simultaneously, and new research shows they can be
8 minute read
Eating regularly throughout the day and managing stress are important ways to prevent weekend
7 minute read
While experts are split on which should come first, a healthy lifestyle can promote
9 minute read
Ward off your next stress-induced junk food binge with these strategies.
9 minute read
Learn how to make simple weight-loss habits an everyday reality.
9 minute read
Boost weight-loss success by writing down your intentions, planning ahead and more.
7 minute read
Losing weight puts stress on the mind and body, but you can mitigate mood
6 minute read
With gorgeous scenery and dog-friendly highlights, these trails are sure to please you and