Author posts

The Ins and Outs of Muscle Soreness and Recovery
4 minute read
Muscle recovery is an important piece in the fitness puzzle.
3 minute read
Forward and reverse lunge variations offer unique benefits, so it’s a good idea to
4 minute read
While exercise is great, there are better ways to approach weight loss beyond this
4 minute read
Exercise can help you sleep better. But for some people, timing matters and those
5 minute read
Learn about the muscle fibers that fuel your movements.
4 minute read
The duration and intensity of your workout affects how ready you are to eat
5 minute read
Get the most out of this staple exercise by avoiding these common squat mistakes.
3 minute read
Fix these common lunge mistakes to see maximum benefits and gain good lower-body strength.
4 minute read
Keep an eye out for these common plank mistakes if you want to score
6 minute read
Your best bet for fat loss is to do a combination of these exercises.
4 minute read
Try one of these mental strategies the next time you feel like quitting.
5 minute read
Reap the maximum benefits from pushups by avoiding these common mistakes.
4 minute read
Here are six strategies busy people can use to make exercise part of their
4 minute read
Muscle-shakes during exercise hit everyone at some point. Here’s why they happen.
6 minute read
Master these basic moves before you advance in your strength routine.
5 minute read
There are many benefits to staying still during exercise.
7 minute read
How to know which of these three popular cardio options is the best workout.
5 minute read
Experts help you (finally) lunge pain-free.
5 minute read
Workouts that maximize afterburn may be your best bet for fat loss.
5 minute read
Bodyweight training offers many perks to anyone interested in gaining strength.
5 minute read
One expert explains what muscle soreness is, and how to handle it.
4 minute read
If you’re bothered by joint pain, try one of these low-impact cardio options.
6 minute read
Most of us struggle to stick with an exercise routine — you’re not alone.
5 minute read
Lose fat by cutting calories the smart way.
4 minute read
The gym can be an intimidating place, but these tips help break down barriers.
5 minute read
Our expert weighs in on the fat-loss benefits of cardio.
4 minute read
Keep your stretch session on-point by avoiding these common pitfalls.
5 minute read
If you’re in the dark about powerlifting, here’s what to know about the sport
4 minute read
You can take time off without losing too much progress (key words: too much).
4 minute read
A great warmup is essential for a great workout (and maximizing injury prevention).