
10-Minute Core and Cardio Circuit

core and plyos video
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This plyometric and core circuit was designed for beginning-intermediate or intermediate-level exercisers. If you’re a beginner and want to give the workout a try, replace the plyometric moves with walking in place. Slowly add in the high-impact plyometrics as you’re able—make sure you can complete one round of the circuit with good form before you progress on to two rounds.

Before you can build strength or power, you must have stability—and that stability comes from a strong core. Your abdominal wall—rectus abs, transversus and obliques—back (erector spinae) and hips make up your core complex, and a standing core workout is a great way to help your stability, balance and posture. Combining standing core exercises with plyometrics is a fun way to challenge your body and get a great, quick workout!

Before you start any workout, make sure you have consulted with your physician. Start by doing dynamic, full range of motion warm-up movements like torso rotations, arm circles, squats, reverse lunges, knee lifts and bottom kickers. Your warm-up movements should mimic your workout. For example, if you are doing squats during your workout, you should perform squats in your warm-up.

I used the Tabata Pro app for my timer, and I set it for 30 seconds of work and three seconds of recovery. When devising your own workout, you can start with 15/15, 20/20 or whatever split you want to feel successful.


  • Jumping Jacks & Wood Chop
  • High Knees & Knee Up with Ab Rotation
  • Scissors & Reverse Lunge with Torso Rotation
  • Jog/Sprint & Side Reaches
  • Jumps & T-Top Balance

Complete the circuit twice for a 10-minute workout.

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