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4 Reasons Why Your Cardio Addiction Won’t Help You Lose Weight

A person wearing a neon green top and black shorts is doing cardio by running on a paved road under a metal bridge. The scene appears to be in an urban-industrial area, with the bridge structure and concrete walls creating a geometric backdrop. The runner is facing away from the camera. MyFitnessPal Blog
In This Article

Attention, cardio bunnies: Your sweat style might actually be what’s standing in between you and your fitness and weight-loss goals. Do you usually spend your gym time bopping up and down on the treadmill or elliptical? Then you need to torch these four all-too-common cardio myths ASAP:


Minute-per-minute, you might burn more calories on the elliptical than you will in the weight room, but those calories will come from carbs, fat and protein — that’s right, the building blocks for muscle. And muscle is not what you want to lose if your goal is to reduce body-fat percentage, explains California-based personal trainer Mike Donavanik, CSCS.

What’s more, as soon as you finish a cardio workout, your calorie burn stops. Not so with strength training. After a strength session, your body has to work not only to repair and grow your muscles, but also to return your body’s levels of enzymes and other chemicals back to normal, says Donavanik. That process increases your caloric burn, even at rest, for up to 72 hours after you leave the gym, according to research published in the European Journal of Applied Physiology. Plus, over the long term, building — not burning — muscle, is the number 1 way to increase your metabolic rate. Hence why in a 2015 study from the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health, men who performed strength training boasted less belly fat than those who performed the same amount of cardio.


No, no, no. “They’re two totally separate forms of training,” Donavanik says. Even through running and spinning work your muscles, they target your slow-twitch muscle fibers, which are in charge of your muscular endurance. Strength training, however, hones in on your fast-twitch, power-generating muscle fibers, especially if you’re lifting heavy weights for only a handful of reps per set.

That means resistance-heavy cardio won’t eliminate the need for targeted lower-body strength workouts. Plus, if you’re vying to run your first 10K or triathlon, performing strength workouts will help prevent muscle imbalances and injury, he says. You need both strength and endurance for optimal performance and health.



So, if, for overall health and athleticism, you still need to involve some cardio in your workout routine, you should probably set your treadmill to the “fat-burning zone,” right? Wrong.

“The ‘fat-burning zone’ is based on the fact that at lower intensities you burn a higher percentage of calories from fat stores versus stored carbohydrates,” Donavanik says. “However, this fact has become so distorted that it’s ridiculous.”

See, even though you’ll burn a greater proportion of your calories from fat exercising at lower intensities, you’ll also burn fewer calories overall — and that includes calories from fat, he explains. Opt for high-intensity interval training (HIIT) if you want to burn more calories and fat during your cardio workouts. In one study from the University of Wisconsin-La Crosse, exercisers who performed a 20-minute HIIT workout torched 15 calories per minute. That’s about twice as many as you’ll burn during long endurance workouts.


“Don’t believe the numbers you see on the machine,” Donavanik says. In one University of California, San Francisco experiment conducted for “Good Morning America,” elliptical machines overestimated peoples’ calorie expenditures by up to 42%! Treadmills overestimated by 13%, stair climbers by 12%, and stationary bikes by 7%. Yikes. While cardio machines’ technology is constantly improving, most machines still aren’t able to factor in all of the variables that make every exerciser’s calorie burn unique.

Luckily, research published in Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise suggests that fitness trackers come a lot closer.

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296 Responses

  1. “as soon as you finish a cardio workout, your calorie burn stops”.. seriously? ..misleading facts !!

  2. Thanks for the downer article! I’ve lost 12lbs in 5 weeks doing mostly cardio (& calorie counting) and reading this just brought me down, as I don’t have access to a gym for strength training and only have my garage treadmill & the neighborhood hiking/walking trails.

    1. No, do not worry! You are doing what you need to. There is a reason doctors and dieticians will tell you that any exercise, especially walking and running is crucial in aiding weight loss. The title of this article is very misleading. It should have been titled “Fitness equipment can be inaccurate and in order to build muscle, you need to lift weights” which is common sense to most. I’ve lost 73lbs since Oct watching calorie intake and jogging, so clearly, the headline of this article is a little off. Lol

      1. Thanks JinjoJoey. I was going to say the same. Very misleading article. Cardio will absolutely help you lose weight (with healthy eating of course). The article talks about the muscle building side. You need cardio. It is good for overall health, for your heart, for your lunch and for losing lbs.

        1. I do the most daring cardio with a 20kg core bag weight for 60 minutes on treadmill maximum incline 5.0kph other days varying 30-60min with 4.7kph or 5 but depends on how much sleep i got.

          1. I agree with JinjoJoey, I started my weight loss a couple years back counting calories and biking for an hour, and then moved onto running. I lost 45 lbs in about 6 months from 221 to 174.

    2. I agree. I am doing the same thing you are. My doctor even told me not to lift weights and only do cardio. And I am A-OKAY with that. I wish I liked lifting but I just dont. I dread it. I won’t give up my treadmill.. if it works..it works. Also I rotate with the incline constantly I’ll go up to a 7 incline for 5 min and then go back down to a 4 or 3. I switch it up.. I think it’s strength training. Oh well.. it works and I’m sticking to it. If I stop seeing results then I’ll worry about it then.

      1. I agree! I do a similar workout on my treadmill. I’m a working mother of 2, with very little time available in the day for working out. I barely have a free hour to do cardio on the treadmill after I put the kids to bed or load them up into the stroller after dinner and walk the neighborhood. I definitely don’t have an extra hour to join a gym and “strength train” (I already get up at 5 AM to commute to work) and I don’t have weights at home. I’ll stick to my routine until it stops working and then i’ll figure out what to do next, but until then, i’d like to know that what I’m doing is doing some good (as I can see the results!) instead of reading that it’s not good enough. lol

        1. Try the Fitstar app. It’s a total body workout using only body weight and you can do it at home in about 30 mins. It’s also free in the basic version, so well worth trying it, I am a big fan.

          1. This was just on MFP I walk with my daughter 5 times per week. I have lost 30 lbs since January. I did these twice and felt like I was dying aka I felt the burn. My muscles were definitely worked! I just need to do them more consistently for them to
            actually work. They took less than 10 min.Plank 45 sec, Squat 12x, push up 12x, Lunge 12x, Squat jump 10x Cobra pose 12x. I also added crunches before and would like to do more after as well

          2. Thanks for the tip. I lost weight and looked amazing in my early 40’s doing both cardio + weights, but spent 2 hours in the gym a lot of days. Fast-forward to my mid-50’s (weight gained back) and I keep hearing how important weight-training is as we age. That combined with HIIT sounds daunting for one who wants to do a sensible workout, lose weight, feel great and keep my mood boosted. Also, I want a workout I can do anywhere! On a side note, most people I know who are faithful yoga practitioners look strong and fit. I just have not gotten into that whole world (yet).
            Thanks again for the Fitstar app tip and to @Jessiemoon for starting a great thread! Just keep doing what works for you. Our schedules and lifestyles often play the biggest roles of all in what we are able to fit into a day. You are wise and sounds like you are doing all the right things plus you are then spending precious free time outside with your little ones in a stroller, rather than away from them again in a gym.
            What do I do? Walk — a lot — jog occasionally and plan to add a few resistance exercises to the mix.

      2. Whatever works is the best to do. I’m not supposed to lift weight or walk for exercise, because my hands and feet are so bad from Rheumatoid Arthritis. So that leaves me with just cardio. Gardening, painting, shopping, cleaning, laundry, etc. I don’t any access to a gym either. I keep plugging along with needing to lose 70# all over again. Perseverance!! Good job!!

    3. 12lbs in 5 weeks is amazing! Way to go!

      I’m 9lbs from my goal with walking as my main form of exercise, especially since getting injured back in January. I’m a WAHM and go on the treadmill and work on the computer while my older kid is at school and the younger is napping. I credit the calorie burn I get from cardio and subsequent extra food I get to eat as my main reason for success!

      1. Way to go!
        I recently got a standing desk at work and it’s completely changed my at work lifestyle! I went from sitting for sooo many hours in the day, to standing all day with little to no sitting, and just constant movement. My step count is off the charts!

        1. Great work to all of you who have lost weight with diet and exercise. By taking it to the next level by adding weight training you will see your body tranform. It is so exciting! On another note, I am looking into getting an adjustable desk. I was a waitress for 23 years, now for the past 4 years I have been sitting at a desk. I despise it. Everything about it is all wrong! Do you alternate sitting and standing? If you sit, do you sit on a stool or on a chair?

        2. You can achieve the same movement by sending all your print jobs to the farthest printer in your office. That is, don’t use your $100 desktop printer, walk to your $50,000 network printer.

      2. Do not believe that someone can go 5 weeks with a 1000 calorie deficit per day. Perhaps Karen Carpenter could, but don’t try it yourself.

    4. I joined gym for a month but was nit satisfied with my weight loss. On March 22, 2017 I started jogging and keeping track of mubarak Lorie and through MyFitnessPal. Guess what! I lost 11.1 Kgs (about 25 lbs) till today (May 25, 2017). Just jogging for 8-10 Kms a day and eating healthy!

      1. Get back to the gym. Your constant jogging will play hell on your knees, as you age. I
        am one whom has learned the hard way. If you desire to remain physically fit, return to
        to the gym after first learning the execises for each muslce group. You did not remain
        long enough in the gym in your first attempt. Weight training and weight loss, walk hand-
        in-hand, provided that you eat clean, ingesting the correct amount of nutrition, consisting
        of adequate fats, protein, and carbohydrates, on a daily basis, even when you are not
        training. I train i a gym, 5 days per week, for 2 hours each day, Monday-Friday, resting
        on Saturdays and Sundays, and becoming more enthused to hit the iron on Monday.
        Think of your worksessions as your hobby/your 8 hour job, and you will view a vast
        difference in your appearance, but you must maintain a strict diet, otherwise, you can
        train for 365 days per year, and after awhile, you will hit a plateau that is difficult to defeat.

        1. Dennis is correct that running on asphalt or concrete is not sustainable. You can run on grass, rubberized tracks, wood tracks, or pro-grade treadmills for your entire life.

    5. This author is offering very specific peices of information in support of her point and leaving out a ton. Cardio has many benefits too that she has completely neglected here and they are not all physical. Cardio has mental health benefits, cardiovascular benefits (obviously) and the movements involved for the most part are more functional (unlike a lot of weight related exercises). There is a reason why cardio has withstood the test of time.

    6. There’s nothing wrong with doing cardio, both steady-state and HIIT have their benefits. I like cardio, like running, spinning and Step aerobics because it makes me feel great. It makes a difference quicker in someone like me with metabolic syndrome & thyroid issues. I also lift weights, heavy weights. I have a lot of muscle but it’s not enough to make me get lean. It’s not completely accurate that you’ll “burn up” (catabolize) your muscle doing cardio. If one’s body fat is very low, then yes, muscle will be broken down to create glucose. Finding a macro balance that suits your metabolic type is also important. You’ve done well!

        1. get over your self. Nothing she says is wrong. Don’t discount someone just because it offends someone or goes against your personal preference. You think that she is wrong? Then show me some information that proves it. I lost way more weight when i introduced weight lifting. Calorie counting of course is the most important facet of weight loss. it is 80% diet 20% workout.

    7. Your biggest “gains” in weight loss, believe it or not, is when you started to pay closer attention to your diet. Cardio also depends on the type of cardio. They mentioned “spinning”, which is usually low resistance, high cadence, used for muscle recovery. They did not mention low cadence, high resistance work, such as climbing hills. If you lost 12 lbs, in 5 weeks, that is great.

      I used to go 265 and was muscle heavy. I spent the last couple of years turning myself into an endurance athlete (triathlons). I have completely slimmed. Now that I am a bit more streamlined, I am now re-incorporating LIMITED strength training to get the benefits without the bulk. Now I go 221… just 1 lb from my goal.

      Get yourself some dumbbells or a weighted vest so you can work out at home. I have a vest that you can vary the weight from1 to 40 lbs. It gives you strength training during calisthenics while keeping the weight closer to your core.

    8. As a CPT with a BS in Physical Activity and Health and 10 years studying the topic, I concur that studies have shown over the last decade that HIIT does burn more calories overall than endurance training. Muscle is much more metabolically active than fat and the more you build, the more energy your body must expend to maintain it. Your body adapts to endurance work over time, just like strength training, and new variables must be added to continue fat loss.
      If you want to be “toned,” as the ladies tend to request, it is necessary to do some weight training to ups the required muscle.

      For general health and wellness, nothing more than steady state cardio and basic body weight movements ar necessary.
      It is important to include some things such as: push-ups, proper-form crunches (or other an work), back extensions (or supermans), some form of squat or Lunge, horizontal pulling (think rowing), and vertical pulling. These exercises ensure that, as you age, your strength remains and you’re still able to move without difficulty, even when you’re elderly.
      I also recommend getting all the way into a lying position on the fooor and standing back up at least once per day to ensure that you’ll always be able to (think burpees and Turkish get ups.)

      No form of exercise should be discouraged, but it goes back to the old adage, though all things may be good, not all things are useful.

      You must know your goals to understand what training style is required to reach them.
      Many require nothing more than steady state cardio and proper diet. Just be sure you’re varying your cardio or increasing it over time as you reach points of stagnation on the way to your goals.

      1. Most people can not do HIIT enough times per week to burn the necessary calories. Especially if they are combining it with lifting. They are too tired. As well, while HIIT may burn more calories for short duration activities (15-20 min), “regular” cardio will definitely burn more in the long run since most people run or cycle for more than 20 minutes.

        HIIT is good for people low on time and who don’t like longer cardio sessions. However, people who like run long distances should do that if that’s what they enjoy (like me).

    9. You can do strength training with body weight resistance. Don’t worry too much. Sounds like you’ve got this.

    10. Different things work for different people (so keep doing what you’re doing, it’s clearly working!) but you also don’t need fancy weight machines to do weight lifting! There are a lot of really good exercises that just require body weight to build muscle. And if you buy yourself a couple of smaller weights 2.5-10lbs, those can go a long way too.

    11. why don’t you fight back with a decent diet and you won’t need strength training. Even just doing cardio intervals fast run for a while then jog, rinse and repeat.

    12. Hey, I lost about 40 pounds walking. Seems there’s a study for everything now a days. Just watch what you eat and get active and you’ll lose weight. Forget about the books titled “50 Ways To Lose Your Flubber”. It all comes down to burning more calories than you take in. The formula hasn’t changed no mater what anyone says. 🙂

    13. Hi,
      It’s great you lost weight from doing cardio and you will. The point of this article is that you need to build lean muscle to keep the weight off. You don’t need a gym. Do push-ups, squats, sit-ups and body weight exercises. Check out Pinterest, YouTube and google.
      You may see a slight weight gain when you build lean muscle but it will even out over time. I’ve lost nearly 30 lbs.
      Check it out and see.
      Don’t feel down, do some more research. Building lean muscle is key to sustaining a healthy body weight.

    14. Awesome job on the weight loss!! In my opinion you do not need a gym for your weight training. Just incorporate a little “body weight” exercises (push-ups, sit-ups, squats, dips, etc) and you will definitely continue to see the weight fall right off of you. Great job on your progress!

    15. Lost 80 pounds in a year and kept it off for an additional year. You won’t believe how unhappy people who ask my secret are when I answer, “Just running.”

  3. UGH! Yet another “article” promoting weight lifting. If cardio is so horrible for weight loss how did I drop 150 pounds doing nothing but cardio? I’m not all fat with no muscle tone either, I was able to maintain muscle mass through diet and adding resistance to my cardio routine.

    1. Same here..l lost 20 lbs worth of pregnancy weight doing a 80% cardio workout…workout seems incomplete without cardio!! Btw good job all of you’s…

  4. My starting BMI was 32 when I became a “cardio bunny”, and then I walked my weight down at a rate of 15,000 steps per day. I lost 27% of my body weight in 11 months. I still do at least 40 minutes of cardio every day because I am type 1 diabetic and I want/need to burn the available carb fuel to keep my blood sugar from rising after a meal.

    I have since upped the intensity of my cardio workouts such that 70% of the time is now spent in zones 3 and 4. I do strength training in small bursts like 15 pushups and 30 squats.

    Works for me! A cardio bunny I will stay.

  5. This article said nothing about doing too much cardio and had an overall offputting tone in a world where most people don’t even get 10 minutes of exercise a day. There are plenty of sporty, athletic people getting hours of cardiovascular exercise most days of the week.

  6. Finally an article about cardio myths. Every day I see so many people spend literally hours on a treadmill and they still look the same after months at the gym. I really don’t like doing cardio (so boring!), I only do it to stay healthy (max 20 minutes per session) and love to switch it up with strength training. Great article!

    1. Thank you. Sounds like a lot of defensive people on here. Every time I go to the gym I see the same people spending an hour sweating on a treadmill, and their body never changes.

    2. This article is very misleading and does little dispel myths. The statement, “as soon as you finish a cardio workout, your calorie burn stops” is completely false.

      A person with a CSCS or personal training certificate are not experts in this area. CSCS requires a bachelor’s, but it doesn’t even have to be in a kineseology or related field. A personal trainer only requires an online course and no formal education.

  7. I feel like the article has been misinterpreted or maybe I’m just giving it a little extra cushion room on accuracy.

    For example, as a commenter noted, of course calorie burning doesn’t stop when cardio stops–it doesn’t stop until you die. But outside of a generous 120 minutes later (less by most estimates), any extra calorie burning related to the workout does end whereas muscle repair does require up to 72 hours of calorie expenditure…and then just pure muscle maintenance increases your resting metabolic rate as muscles simply require more calories just to exist.

    I also don’t feel the article meant lengthy cardio doesn’t have value. Burning any amount of calories can contribute to a calorie deficit thus weight loss and the cardiovascular and endurance gains are certainly very valuable! But if you’re observant you’ve certainly noticed people putting in 60 minutes of steady state, unvarying elliptical training daily who are frustrated by loss plateaus or just slow loss. There strength training and particularly HIIT can give extraordinary boosts in effectiveness. That is still not common knowledge!

  8. What a terrible article! To discourage any type of physical activity is ridiculous! I do a combination of cross fit, aerial fitness, speed walking/running. To insinuate that any one is better than another is crazy. You stop burning calories immediately afterwards? I could probably look up 1,000 articles that would challenge that theory! Shame on you for discouraging any type of fitness regime. It is almost enough to delete the myfitnesspal app for posting this article. How about a follow up article about the benefits of cardio for all of the people that you just thouroughly confused out there.

    1. THANK YOU! I strength train and I do cardio! Running, specifically, has been my “miracle drug” for depression. I 100% agree with you that any kind of physical activity should be encouraged! Especially with the rates of obesity increasing.

      1. Good for you lady. Hitting the iron is where it is at. Cardio is for individuals whom
        are reluctant to learn the art of weight training, Weight training is a scientific art, and
        therefore, the more that you read on appropriate websites, the more you will learn.
        Think of weight training as your hobby/your 8 hour job, and then, you will observe an
        appearance that you will be proud of. Join a gym and obtain a trainer for the first month.
        Nutrition is 90%, while exercising is only 10%. I have never used cardio.

    2. Seriously what is wrong with people here? She’s not against being active, but spending hours on a treadmill doesn’t have the impact of building muscle.

  9. I am sorry to say this but I agree with most comments; this article wasn’t very… Let’s say positive. Before I started reading comments and after finishing reading I felt reeeally bummed out because I rely mostly on walking and dancing for my regular “workout” and being told that does nothing isn’t really nice. I mean I have a BmI of 19.5, so i don’t have story to tell of how many pounds I lost, but still…

  10. hmmm, this article doesn’t validate my experience with cardio. personally lost 90lbs from just running and a healthy diet also taking into account how i watch my calorie intake. before i was into strength training and i noticed that i didn’t shed off the weight i needed to lose so i turned to cardio as per what my dad suggested i do (hits the gym everyday and lifts, 56). i was 200ish lbs prior to deciding to lose weight. lost it within 15weeks.

  11. Are people LOOKING for a way to be offended these days? What they’re saying is doing ALL cardio, ALL the time will give you little benefit in the long run (pun intended) for SOME people. Lifting weights helps you lose weight just as much as cardio. While cardio burns calories at the time of doing cardio, lifting weights burns calories even when you’re done. If you’re happy with running/walking/anything cardio related, I agree, you should continue to do something you enjoy. However, don’t knock lifting because it’s not your thing.

    1. But the problem is I think- it didn’t say “cardio is great, but make sure you are building strength as well.” Cardio, strength training, and healthy eating are all part and I feel like this article was like- cardio is not as good as you think so you’re screwed.

    2. No, I am not lookng for a way to be offended. I am looking for a way to lose weight. Some internet wizard coming along to tell me I am wasting my time trying doesn’t help. If the author said what you said it would be a different story. But the article is more than suggesting cardio is a waste of time and only the author’s way is right. Not a matter of being offended. But I don’t read weight loss blogs to be discouraged.

      1. Hi Eliot, if you are looking for a scientific approach, get a heart rate monitor like a Polar or a Suunto with a chest strap. This will give you constructive feedback on what sort of energy you are actually expending when your doing cardio, weights or vacuuming, everybody is different but these devises will tell you about your body. The book Heart Rate Training by Roy Benson is a great guide to their use.

    3. The problem is that this is a false statement. Even with cardio exercises there will still be post-exercise metabolic consequences. This is specifically referred to as EPOC (Excess Post-exercise Oxygen Consumption), of which there are two main categories. There is the fast response, where the body is re-synthesizing stored phospho-creatine, and replenishing blood and muscle O2 stores. Then there is the slow response (which is where the up-to 72 hours of increased metabolism comes from), which includes factors such as: elevated body temperature increases metabolic rates, gluconeogenesis (conversion of lactic acid back to glucose), and the metabolism of lactate in the heart, kidneys, liver, and muscles.

      The argument is that because phosphocreatine use and lactic acid accumulation happen during short but high intensity exercises (weight lifting), then that will have the greatest effect on long term increases of metabolism, but these effects also happen during long-duration exercises as well but not the same effect. But if a runner or cyclist were to add some hill-repeats, or use the HIIT principle, then they could have similar effects.

  12. The author of this article needs to go get some more understanding of calorie burning. For example to say that “15 calories per minute. That’s about twice as many as you’ll burn during long endurance workouts.” is inaccurate because it depends on your weight and sex how much you burn. A 300 lbs man will burn more than that per minute without doing HIIT!
    Not convincing this article…

  13. The author of this article needs to go get some more understanding of calorie burning. For example to say that “15 calories per minute. That’s about twice as many as you’ll burn during long endurance workouts.” is inaccurate because it depends on your weight and sex how much you burn. A 300 lbs man will burn more than that per minute without doing HIIT!
    Not convincing this article…

  14. The author of this article needs to go get some more understanding of calorie burning. For example to say that “15 calories per minute. That’s about twice as many as you’ll burn during long endurance workouts.” is inaccurate because it depends on your weight and sex how much you burn. A 300 lbs man will burn more than that per minute without doing HIIT!
    Not convincing this article…

  15. The author of this article needs to go get some more understanding of calorie burning. For example to say that “15 calories per minute. That’s about twice as many as you’ll burn during long endurance workouts.” is inaccurate because it depends on your weight and sex how much you burn. A 300 lbs man will burn more than that per minute without doing HIIT!
    Not convincing this article…

  16. The author of this article needs to go get some more understanding of calorie burning. For example to say that “15 calories per minute. That’s about twice as many as you’ll burn during long endurance workouts.” is inaccurate because it depends on your weight and sex how much you burn. A 300 lbs man will burn more than that per minute without doing HIIT!
    Not convincing this article…

  17. The author of this article needs to go get some more understanding of calorie burning. For example to say that “15 calories per minute. That’s about twice as many as you’ll burn during long endurance workouts.” is inaccurate because it depends on your weight and sex how much you burn. A 300 lbs man will burn more than that per minute without doing HIIT!
    Not convincing this article…

  18. The author of this article needs to go get some more understanding of calorie burning. For example to say that “15 calories per minute. That’s about twice as many as you’ll burn during long endurance workouts.” is inaccurate because it depends on your weight and sex how much you burn. A 300 lbs man will burn more than that per minute without doing HIIT!
    Not convincing this article…

  19. The author of this article needs to go get some more understanding of calorie burning. For example to say that “15 calories per minute. That’s about twice as many as you’ll burn during long endurance workouts.” is inaccurate because it depends on your weight and sex how much you burn. A 300 lbs man will burn more than that per minute without doing HIIT!
    Not convincing this article…

  20. The author of this article needs to go get some more understanding of calorie burning. For example to say that “15 calories per minute. That’s about twice as many as you’ll burn during long endurance workouts.” is inaccurate because it depends on your weight and sex how much you burn. A 300 lbs man will burn more than that per minute without doing HIIT!
    Not convincing this article…

  21. The author of this article needs to go get some more understanding of calorie burning. For example to say that “15 calories per minute. That’s about twice as many as you’ll burn during long endurance workouts.” is inaccurate because it depends on your weight and sex how much you burn. A 300 lbs man will burn more than that per minute without doing HIIT!
    Not convincing this article…

  22. The author of this article needs to go get some more understanding of calorie burning. For example to say that “15 calories per minute. That’s about twice as many as you’ll burn during long endurance workouts.” is inaccurate because it depends on your weight and sex how much you burn. A 300 lbs man will burn more than that per minute without doing HIIT!
    Not convincing this article…

  23. The author of this article needs to go get some more understanding of calorie burning. For example to say that “15 calories per minute. That’s about twice as many as you’ll burn during long endurance workouts.” is inaccurate because it depends on your weight and sex how much you burn. A 300 lbs man will burn more than that per minute without doing HIIT!
    Not convincing this article…

  24. The author of this article needs to go get some more understanding of calorie burning. For example to say that “15 calories per minute. That’s about twice as many as you’ll burn during long endurance workouts.” is inaccurate because it depends on your weight and sex how much you burn. A 300 lbs man will burn more than that per minute without doing HIIT!
    Not convincing this article…

  25. The author of this article needs to go get some more understanding of calorie burning. For example to say that “15 calories per minute. That’s about twice as many as you’ll burn during long endurance workouts.” is inaccurate because it depends on your weight and sex how much you burn. A 300 lbs man will burn more than that per minute without doing HIIT!
    Not convincing this article…

  26. The author of this article needs to go get some more understanding of calorie burning. For example to say that “15 calories per minute. That’s about twice as many as you’ll burn during long endurance workouts.” is inaccurate because it depends on your weight and sex how much you burn. A 300 lbs man will burn more than that per minute without doing HIIT!
    Not convincing this article…

  27. The author of this article needs to go get some more understanding of calorie burning. For example to say that “15 calories per minute. That’s about twice as many as you’ll burn during long endurance workouts.” is inaccurate because it depends on your weight and sex how much you burn. A 300 lbs man will burn more than that per minute without doing HIIT!
    Not convincing this article…

  28. The author of this article needs to go get some more understanding of calorie burning. For example to say that “15 calories per minute. That’s about twice as many as you’ll burn during long endurance workouts.” is inaccurate because it depends on your weight and sex how much you burn. A 300 lbs man will burn more than that per minute without doing HIIT!
    Not convincing this article…

  29. The author of this article needs to go get some more understanding of calorie burning. For example to say that “15 calories per minute. That’s about twice as many as you’ll burn during long endurance workouts.” is inaccurate because it depends on your weight and sex how much you burn. A 300 lbs man will burn more than that per minute without doing HIIT!
    Not convincing this article…

  30. The author of this article needs to go get some more understanding of calorie burning. For example to say that “15 calories per minute. That’s about twice as many as you’ll burn during long endurance workouts.” is inaccurate because it depends on your weight and sex how much you burn. A 300 lbs man will burn more than that per minute without doing HIIT!
    Not convincing this article…

  31. The author of this article needs to go get some more understanding of calorie burning. For example to say that “15 calories per minute. That’s about twice as many as you’ll burn during long endurance workouts.” is inaccurate because it depends on your weight and sex how much you burn. A 300 lbs man will burn more than that per minute without doing HIIT!
    Not convincing this article…

  32. The author of this article needs to go get some more understanding of calorie burning. For example to say that “15 calories per minute. That’s about twice as many as you’ll burn during long endurance workouts.” is inaccurate because it depends on your weight and sex how much you burn. A 300 lbs man will burn more than that per minute without doing HIIT!
    Not convincing this article…

  33. The author of this article needs to go get some more understanding of calorie burning. For example to say that “15 calories per minute. That’s about twice as many as you’ll burn during long endurance workouts.” is inaccurate because it depends on your weight and sex how much you burn. A 300 lbs man will burn more than that per minute without doing HIIT!
    Not convincing this article…

  34. The author of this article needs to go get some more understanding of calorie burning. For example to say that “15 calories per minute. That’s about twice as many as you’ll burn during long endurance workouts.” is inaccurate because it depends on your weight and sex how much you burn. A 300 lbs man will burn more than that per minute without doing HIIT!
    Not convincing this article…

  35. The author of this article needs to go get some more understanding of calorie burning. For example to say that “15 calories per minute. That’s about twice as many as you’ll burn during long endurance workouts.” is inaccurate because it depends on your weight and sex how much you burn. A 300 lbs man will burn more than that per minute without doing HIIT!
    Not convincing this article…

  36. The author of this article needs to go get some more understanding of calorie burning. For example to say that “15 calories per minute. That’s about twice as many as you’ll burn during long endurance workouts.” is inaccurate because it depends on your weight and sex how much you burn. A 300 lbs man will burn more than that per minute without doing HIIT!
    Not convincing this article…

  37. The author of this article needs to go get some more understanding of calorie burning. For example to say that “15 calories per minute. That’s about twice as many as you’ll burn during long endurance workouts.” is inaccurate because it depends on your weight and sex how much you burn. A 300 lbs man will burn more than that per minute without doing HIIT!
    Not convincing this article…

  38. The author of this article needs to go get some more understanding of calorie burning. For example to say that “15 calories per minute. That’s about twice as many as you’ll burn during long endurance workouts.” is inaccurate because it depends on your weight and sex how much you burn. A 300 lbs man will burn more than that per minute without doing HIIT!
    Not convincing this article…

  39. The author of this article needs to go get some more understanding of calorie burning. For example to say that “15 calories per minute. That’s about twice as many as you’ll burn during long endurance workouts.” is inaccurate because it depends on your weight and sex how much you burn. A 300 lbs man will burn more than that per minute without doing HIIT!
    Not convincing this article…

  40. The author of this article needs to go get some more understanding of calorie burning. For example to say that “15 calories per minute. That’s about twice as many as you’ll burn during long endurance workouts.” is inaccurate because it depends on your weight and sex how much you burn. A 300 lbs man will burn more than that per minute without doing HIIT!
    Not convincing this article…

  41. The author of this article needs to go get some more understanding of calorie burning. For example to say that “15 calories per minute. That’s about twice as many as you’ll burn during long endurance workouts.” is inaccurate because it depends on your weight and sex how much you burn. A 300 lbs man will burn more than that per minute without doing HIIT!
    Not convincing this article…

  42. The author of this article needs to go get some more understanding of calorie burning. For example to say that “15 calories per minute. That’s about twice as many as you’ll burn during long endurance workouts.” is inaccurate because it depends on your weight and sex how much you burn. A 300 lbs man will burn more than that per minute without doing HIIT!
    Not convincing this article…

  43. The author of this article needs to go get some more understanding of calorie burning. For example to say that “15 calories per minute. That’s about twice as many as you’ll burn during long endurance workouts.” is inaccurate because it depends on your weight and sex how much you burn. A 300 lbs man will burn more than that per minute without doing HIIT!
    Not convincing this article…

  44. The author of this article needs to go get some more understanding of calorie burning. For example to say that “15 calories per minute. That’s about twice as many as you’ll burn during long endurance workouts.” is inaccurate because it depends on your weight and sex how much you burn. A 300 lbs man will burn more than that per minute without doing HIIT!
    Not convincing this article…

  45. The author of this article needs to go get some more understanding of calorie burning. For example to say that “15 calories per minute. That’s about twice as many as you’ll burn during long endurance workouts.” is inaccurate because it depends on your weight and sex how much you burn. A 300 lbs man will burn more than that per minute without doing HIIT!
    Not convincing this article…

  46. The author of this article needs to go get some more understanding of calorie burning. For example to say that “15 calories per minute. That’s about twice as many as you’ll burn during long endurance workouts.” is inaccurate because it depends on your weight and sex how much you burn. A 300 lbs man will burn more than that per minute without doing HIIT!
    Not convincing this article…

  47. The author of this article needs to go get some more understanding of calorie burning. For example to say that “15 calories per minute. That’s about twice as many as you’ll burn during long endurance workouts.” is inaccurate because it depends on your weight and sex how much you burn. A 300 lbs man will burn more than that per minute without doing HIIT!
    Not convincing this article…

  48. The author of this article needs to go get some more understanding of calorie burning. For example to say that “15 calories per minute. That’s about twice as many as you’ll burn during long endurance workouts.” is inaccurate because it depends on your weight and sex how much you burn. A 300 lbs man will burn more than that per minute without doing HIIT!
    Not convincing this article…

  49. The author of this article needs to go get some more understanding of calorie burning. For example to say that “15 calories per minute. That’s about twice as many as you’ll burn during long endurance workouts.” is inaccurate because it depends on your weight and sex how much you burn. A 300 lbs man will burn more than that per minute without doing HIIT!
    Not convincing this article…

  50. The author of this article needs to go get some more understanding of calorie burning. For example to say that “15 calories per minute. That’s about twice as many as you’ll burn during long endurance workouts.” is inaccurate because it depends on your weight and sex how much you burn. A 300 lbs man will burn more than that per minute without doing HIIT!
    Not convincing this article…

  51. The author of this article needs to go get some more understanding of calorie burning. For example to say that “15 calories per minute. That’s about twice as many as you’ll burn during long endurance workouts.” is inaccurate because it depends on your weight and sex how much you burn. A 300 lbs man will burn more than that per minute without doing HIIT!
    Not convincing this article…

  52. The author of this article needs to go get some more understanding of calorie burning. For example to say that “15 calories per minute. That’s about twice as many as you’ll burn during long endurance workouts.” is inaccurate because it depends on your weight and sex how much you burn. A 300 lbs man will burn more than that per minute without doing HIIT!
    Not convincing this article…

  53. The author of this article needs to go get some more understanding of calorie burning. For example to say that “15 calories per minute. That’s about twice as many as you’ll burn during long endurance workouts.” is inaccurate because it depends on your weight and sex how much you burn. A 300 lbs man will burn more than that per minute without doing HIIT!
    Not convincing this article…

  54. The author of this article needs to go get some more understanding of calorie burning. For example to say that “15 calories per minute. That’s about twice as many as you’ll burn during long endurance workouts.” is inaccurate because it depends on your weight and sex how much you burn. A 300 lbs man will burn more than that per minute without doing HIIT!
    Not convincing this article…

  55. The author of this article needs to go get some more understanding of calorie burning. For example to say that “15 calories per minute. That’s about twice as many as you’ll burn during long endurance workouts.” is inaccurate because it depends on your weight and sex how much you burn. A 300 lbs man will burn more than that per minute without doing HIIT!
    Not convincing this article…

  56. The author of this article needs to go get some more understanding of calorie burning. For example to say that “15 calories per minute. That’s about twice as many as you’ll burn during long endurance workouts.” is inaccurate because it depends on your weight and sex how much you burn. A 300 lbs man will burn more than that per minute without doing HIIT!
    Not convincing this article…

  57. The author of this article needs to go get some more understanding of calorie burning. For example to say that “15 calories per minute. That’s about twice as many as you’ll burn during long endurance workouts.” is inaccurate because it depends on your weight and sex how much you burn. A 300 lbs man will burn more than that per minute without doing HIIT!
    Not convincing this article…

  58. The author of this article needs to go get some more understanding of calorie burning. For example to say that “15 calories per minute. That’s about twice as many as you’ll burn during long endurance workouts.” is inaccurate because it depends on your weight and sex how much you burn. A 300 lbs man will burn more than that per minute without doing HIIT!
    Not convincing this article…

  59. The author of this article needs to go get some more understanding of calorie burning. For example to say that “15 calories per minute. That’s about twice as many as you’ll burn during long endurance workouts.” is inaccurate because it depends on your weight and sex how much you burn. A 300 lbs man will burn more than that per minute without doing HIIT!
    Not convincing this article…

  60. The author of this article needs to go get some more understanding of calorie burning. For example to say that “15 calories per minute. That’s about twice as many as you’ll burn during long endurance workouts.” is inaccurate because it depends on your weight and sex how much you burn. A 300 lbs man will burn more than that per minute without doing HIIT!
    Not convincing this article…

  61. The author of this article needs to go get some more understanding of calorie burning. For example to say that “15 calories per minute. That’s about twice as many as you’ll burn during long endurance workouts.” is inaccurate because it depends on your weight and sex how much you burn. A 300 lbs man will burn more than that per minute without doing HIIT!
    Not convincing this article…

  62. The author of this article needs to go get some more understanding of calorie burning. For example to say that “15 calories per minute. That’s about twice as many as you’ll burn during long endurance workouts.” is inaccurate because it depends on your weight and sex how much you burn. A 300 lbs man will burn more than that per minute without doing HIIT!
    Not convincing this article…

  63. The author of this article needs to go get some more understanding of calorie burning. For example to say that “15 calories per minute. That’s about twice as many as you’ll burn during long endurance workouts.” is inaccurate because it depends on your weight and sex how much you burn. A 300 lbs man will burn more than that per minute without doing HIIT!
    Not convincing this article…

  64. The author of this article needs to go get some more understanding of calorie burning. For example to say that “15 calories per minute. That’s about twice as many as you’ll burn during long endurance workouts.” is inaccurate because it depends on your weight and sex how much you burn. A 300 lbs man will burn more than that per minute without doing HIIT!
    Not convincing this article…

  65. The author of this article needs to go get some more understanding of calorie burning. For example to say that “15 calories per minute. That’s about twice as many as you’ll burn during long endurance workouts.” is inaccurate because it depends on your weight and sex how much you burn. A 300 lbs man will burn more than that per minute without doing HIIT!
    Not convincing this article…

  66. The author of this article needs to go get some more understanding of calorie burning. For example to say that “15 calories per minute. That’s about twice as many as you’ll burn during long endurance workouts.” is inaccurate because it depends on your weight and sex how much you burn. A 300 lbs man will burn more than that per minute without doing HIIT!
    Not convincing this article…

  67. The author of this article needs to go get some more understanding of calorie burning. For example to say that “15 calories per minute. That’s about twice as many as you’ll burn during long endurance workouts.” is inaccurate because it depends on your weight and sex how much you burn. A 300 lbs man will burn more than that per minute without doing HIIT!
    Not convincing this article…

  68. The author of this article needs to go get some more understanding of calorie burning. For example to say that “15 calories per minute. That’s about twice as many as you’ll burn during long endurance workouts.” is inaccurate because it depends on your weight and sex how much you burn. A 300 lbs man will burn more than that per minute without doing HIIT!
    Not convincing this article…

  69. The author of this article needs to go get some more understanding of calorie burning. For example to say that “15 calories per minute. That’s about twice as many as you’ll burn during long endurance workouts.” is inaccurate because it depends on your weight and sex how much you burn. A 300 lbs man will burn more than that per minute without doing HIIT!
    Not convincing this article…

  70. The author of this article needs to go get some more understanding of calorie burning. For example to say that “15 calories per minute. That’s about twice as many as you’ll burn during long endurance workouts.” is inaccurate because it depends on your weight and sex how much you burn. A 300 lbs man will burn more than that per minute without doing HIIT!
    Not convincing this article…

  71. The author of this article needs to go get some more understanding of calorie burning. For example to say that “15 calories per minute. That’s about twice as many as you’ll burn during long endurance workouts.” is inaccurate because it depends on your weight and sex how much you burn. A 300 lbs man will burn more than that per minute without doing HIIT!
    Not convincing this article…

  72. The author of this article needs to go get some more understanding of calorie burning. For example to say that “15 calories per minute. That’s about twice as many as you’ll burn during long endurance workouts.” is inaccurate because it depends on your weight and sex how much you burn. A 300 lbs man will burn more than that per minute without doing HIIT!
    Not convincing this article…

  73. The author of this article needs to go get some more understanding of calorie burning. For example to say that “15 calories per minute. That’s about twice as many as you’ll burn during long endurance workouts.” is inaccurate because it depends on your weight and sex how much you burn. A 300 lbs man will burn more than that per minute without doing HIIT!
    Not convincing this article…

  74. The author of this article needs to go get some more understanding of calorie burning. For example to say that “15 calories per minute. That’s about twice as many as you’ll burn during long endurance workouts.” is inaccurate because it depends on your weight and sex how much you burn. A 300 lbs man will burn more than that per minute without doing HIIT!
    Not convincing this article…

  75. The author of this article needs to go get some more understanding of calorie burning. For example to say that “15 calories per minute. That’s about twice as many as you’ll burn during long endurance workouts.” is inaccurate because it depends on your weight and sex how much you burn. A 300 lbs man will burn more than that per minute without doing HIIT!
    Not convincing this article…

  76. The author of this article needs to go get some more understanding of calorie burning. For example to say that “15 calories per minute. That’s about twice as many as you’ll burn during long endurance workouts.” is inaccurate because it depends on your weight and sex how much you burn. A 300 lbs man will burn more than that per minute without doing HIIT!
    Not convincing this article…

  77. The author of this article needs to go get some more understanding of calorie burning. For example to say that “15 calories per minute. That’s about twice as many as you’ll burn during long endurance workouts.” is inaccurate because it depends on your weight and sex how much you burn. A 300 lbs man will burn more than that per minute without doing HIIT!
    Not convincing this article…

  78. The author of this article needs to go get some more understanding of calorie burning. For example to say that “15 calories per minute. That’s about twice as many as you’ll burn during long endurance workouts.” is inaccurate because it depends on your weight and sex how much you burn. A 300 lbs man will burn more than that per minute without doing HIIT!
    Not convincing this article…

  79. The author of this article needs to go get some more understanding of calorie burning. For example to say that “15 calories per minute. That’s about twice as many as you’ll burn during long endurance workouts.” is inaccurate because it depends on your weight and sex how much you burn. A 300 lbs man will burn more than that per minute without doing HIIT!
    Not convincing this article…

  80. The author of this article needs to go get some more understanding of calorie burning. For example to say that “15 calories per minute. That’s about twice as many as you’ll burn during long endurance workouts.” is inaccurate because it depends on your weight and sex how much you burn. A 300 lbs man will burn more than that per minute without doing HIIT!
    Not convincing this article…

  81. The author of this article needs to go get some more understanding of calorie burning. For example to say that “15 calories per minute. That’s about twice as many as you’ll burn during long endurance workouts.” is inaccurate because it depends on your weight and sex how much you burn. A 300 lbs man will burn more than that per minute without doing HIIT!
    Not convincing this article…

  82. The author of this article needs to go get some more understanding of calorie burning. For example to say that “15 calories per minute. That’s about twice as many as you’ll burn during long endurance workouts.” is inaccurate because it depends on your weight and sex how much you burn. A 300 lbs man will burn more than that per minute without doing HIIT!
    Not convincing this article…

  83. The author of this article needs to go get some more understanding of calorie burning. For example to say that “15 calories per minute. That’s about twice as many as you’ll burn during long endurance workouts.” is inaccurate because it depends on your weight and sex how much you burn. A 300 lbs man will burn more than that per minute without doing HIIT!
    Not convincing this article…

  84. The author of this article needs to go get some more understanding of calorie burning. For example to say that “15 calories per minute. That’s about twice as many as you’ll burn during long endurance workouts.” is inaccurate because it depends on your weight and sex how much you burn. A 300 lbs man will burn more than that per minute without doing HIIT!
    Not convincing this article…

  85. The author of this article needs to go get some more understanding of calorie burning. For example to say that “15 calories per minute. That’s about twice as many as you’ll burn during long endurance workouts.” is inaccurate because it depends on your weight and sex how much you burn. A 300 lbs man will burn more than that per minute without doing HIIT!
    Not convincing this article…

  86. The author of this article needs to go get some more understanding of calorie burning. For example to say that “15 calories per minute. That’s about twice as many as you’ll burn during long endurance workouts.” is inaccurate because it depends on your weight and sex how much you burn. A 300 lbs man will burn more than that per minute without doing HIIT!
    Not convincing this article…

  87. The author of this article needs to go get some more understanding of calorie burning. For example to say that “15 calories per minute. That’s about twice as many as you’ll burn during long endurance workouts.” is inaccurate because it depends on your weight and sex how much you burn. A 300 lbs man will burn more than that per minute without doing HIIT!
    Not convincing this article…

  88. The author of this article needs to go get some more understanding of calorie burning. For example to say that “15 calories per minute. That’s about twice as many as you’ll burn during long endurance workouts.” is inaccurate because it depends on your weight and sex how much you burn. A 300 lbs man will burn more than that per minute without doing HIIT!
    Not convincing this article…

  89. The author of this article needs to go get some more understanding of calorie burning. For example to say that “15 calories per minute. That’s about twice as many as you’ll burn during long endurance workouts.” is inaccurate because it depends on your weight and sex how much you burn. A 300 lbs man will burn more than that per minute without doing HIIT!
    Not convincing this article…

  90. The author of this article needs to go get some more understanding of calorie burning. For example to say that “15 calories per minute. That’s about twice as many as you’ll burn during long endurance workouts.” is inaccurate because it depends on your weight and sex how much you burn. A 300 lbs man will burn more than that per minute without doing HIIT!
    Not convincing this article…

  91. The author of this article needs to go get some more understanding of calorie burning. For example to say that “15 calories per minute. That’s about twice as many as you’ll burn during long endurance workouts.” is inaccurate because it depends on your weight and sex how much you burn. A 300 lbs man will burn more than that per minute without doing HIIT!
    Not convincing this article…

  92. The author of this article needs to go get some more understanding of calorie burning. For example to say that “15 calories per minute. That’s about twice as many as you’ll burn during long endurance workouts.” is inaccurate because it depends on your weight and sex how much you burn. A 300 lbs man will burn more than that per minute without doing HIIT!
    Not convincing this article…

  93. The author of this article needs to go get some more understanding of calorie burning. For example to say that “15 calories per minute. That’s about twice as many as you’ll burn during long endurance workouts.” is inaccurate because it depends on your weight and sex how much you burn. A 300 lbs man will burn more than that per minute without doing HIIT!
    Not convincing this article…

  94. The author of this article needs to go get some more understanding of calorie burning. For example to say that “15 calories per minute. That’s about twice as many as you’ll burn during long endurance workouts.” is inaccurate because it depends on your weight and sex how much you burn. A 300 lbs man will burn more than that per minute without doing HIIT!
    Not convincing this article…

  95. The author of this article needs to go get some more understanding of calorie burning. For example to say that “15 calories per minute. That’s about twice as many as you’ll burn during long endurance workouts.” is inaccurate because it depends on your weight and sex how much you burn. A 300 lbs man will burn more than that per minute without doing HIIT!
    Not convincing this article…

  96. The author of this article needs to go get some more understanding of calorie burning. For example to say that “15 calories per minute. That’s about twice as many as you’ll burn during long endurance workouts.” is inaccurate because it depends on your weight and sex how much you burn. A 300 lbs man will burn more than that per minute without doing HIIT!
    Not convincing this article…

  97. The author of this article needs to go get some more understanding of calorie burning. For example to say that “15 calories per minute. That’s about twice as many as you’ll burn during long endurance workouts.” is inaccurate because it depends on your weight and sex how much you burn. A 300 lbs man will burn more than that per minute without doing HIIT!
    Not convincing this article…

  98. The author of this article needs to go get some more understanding of calorie burning. For example to say that “15 calories per minute. That’s about twice as many as you’ll burn during long endurance workouts.” is inaccurate because it depends on your weight and sex how much you burn. A 300 lbs man will burn more than that per minute without doing HIIT!
    Not convincing this article…

  99. The author of this article needs to go get some more understanding of calorie burning. For example to say that “15 calories per minute. That’s about twice as many as you’ll burn during long endurance workouts.” is inaccurate because it depends on your weight and sex how much you burn. A 300 lbs man will burn more than that per minute without doing HIIT!
    Not convincing this article…

  100. The author of this article needs to go get some more understanding of calorie burning. For example to say that “15 calories per minute. That’s about twice as many as you’ll burn during long endurance workouts.” is inaccurate because it depends on your weight and sex how much you burn. A 300 lbs man will burn more than that per minute without doing HIIT!
    Not convincing this article…

  101. The author of this article needs to go get some more understanding of calorie burning. For example to say that “15 calories per minute. That’s about twice as many as you’ll burn during long endurance workouts.” is inaccurate because it depends on your weight and sex how much you burn. A 300 lbs man will burn more than that per minute without doing HIIT!
    Not convincing this article…

  102. The author of this article needs to go get some more understanding of calorie burning. For example to say that “15 calories per minute. That’s about twice as many as you’ll burn during long endurance workouts.” is inaccurate because it depends on your weight and sex how much you burn. A 300 lbs man will burn more than that per minute without doing HIIT!
    Not convincing this article…

  103. The author of this article needs to go get some more understanding of calorie burning. For example to say that “15 calories per minute. That’s about twice as many as you’ll burn during long endurance workouts.” is inaccurate because it depends on your weight and sex how much you burn. A 300 lbs man will burn more than that per minute without doing HIIT!
    Not convincing this article…

  104. The author of this article needs to go get some more understanding of calorie burning. For example to say that “15 calories per minute. That’s about twice as many as you’ll burn during long endurance workouts.” is inaccurate because it depends on your weight and sex how much you burn. A 300 lbs man will burn more than that per minute without doing HIIT!
    Not convincing this article…

  105. The author of this article needs to go get some more understanding of calorie burning. For example to say that “15 calories per minute. That’s about twice as many as you’ll burn during long endurance workouts.” is inaccurate because it depends on your weight and sex how much you burn. A 300 lbs man will burn more than that per minute without doing HIIT!
    Not convincing this article…

  106. The author of this article needs to go get some more understanding of calorie burning. For example to say that “15 calories per minute. That’s about twice as many as you’ll burn during long endurance workouts.” is inaccurate because it depends on your weight and sex how much you burn. A 300 lbs man will burn more than that per minute without doing HIIT!
    Not convincing this article…

  107. The author of this article needs to go get some more understanding of calorie burning. For example to say that “15 calories per minute. That’s about twice as many as you’ll burn during long endurance workouts.” is inaccurate because it depends on your weight and sex how much you burn. A 300 lbs man will burn more than that per minute without doing HIIT!
    Not convincing this article…

  108. The author of this article needs to go get some more understanding of calorie burning. For example to say that “15 calories per minute. That’s about twice as many as you’ll burn during long endurance workouts.” is inaccurate because it depends on your weight and sex how much you burn. A 300 lbs man will burn more than that per minute without doing HIIT!
    Not convincing this article…

  109. The author of this article needs to go get some more understanding of calorie burning. For example to say that “15 calories per minute. That’s about twice as many as you’ll burn during long endurance workouts.” is inaccurate because it depends on your weight and sex how much you burn. A 300 lbs man will burn more than that per minute without doing HIIT!
    Not convincing this article…

  110. The author of this article needs to go get some more understanding of calorie burning. For example to say that “15 calories per minute. That’s about twice as many as you’ll burn during long endurance workouts.” is inaccurate because it depends on your weight and sex how much you burn. A 300 lbs man will burn more than that per minute without doing HIIT!
    Not convincing this article…

  111. The author of this article needs to go get some more understanding of calorie burning. For example to say that “15 calories per minute. That’s about twice as many as you’ll burn during long endurance workouts.” is inaccurate because it depends on your weight and sex how much you burn. A 300 lbs man will burn more than that per minute without doing HIIT!
    Not convincing this article…

  112. The author of this article needs to go get some more understanding of calorie burning. For example to say that “15 calories per minute. That’s about twice as many as you’ll burn during long endurance workouts.” is inaccurate because it depends on your weight and sex how much you burn. A 300 lbs man will burn more than that per minute without doing HIIT!
    Not convincing this article…

  113. The author of this article needs to go get some more understanding of calorie burning. For example to say that “15 calories per minute. That’s about twice as many as you’ll burn during long endurance workouts.” is inaccurate because it depends on your weight and sex how much you burn. A 300 lbs man will burn more than that per minute without doing HIIT!
    Not convincing this article…

  114. The author of this article needs to go get some more understanding of calorie burning. For example to say that “15 calories per minute. That’s about twice as many as you’ll burn during long endurance workouts.” is inaccurate because it depends on your weight and sex how much you burn. A 300 lbs man will burn more than that per minute without doing HIIT!
    Not convincing this article…

  115. The author of this article needs to go get some more understanding of calorie burning. For example to say that “15 calories per minute. That’s about twice as many as you’ll burn during long endurance workouts.” is inaccurate because it depends on your weight and sex how much you burn. A 300 lbs man will burn more than that per minute without doing HIIT!
    Not convincing this article…

  116. The author of this article needs to go get some more understanding of calorie burning. For example to say that “15 calories per minute. That’s about twice as many as you’ll burn during long endurance workouts.” is inaccurate because it depends on your weight and sex how much you burn. A 300 lbs man will burn more than that per minute without doing HIIT!
    Not convincing this article…

  117. The author of this article needs to go get some more understanding of calorie burning. For example to say that “15 calories per minute. That’s about twice as many as you’ll burn during long endurance workouts.” is inaccurate because it depends on your weight and sex how much you burn. A 300 lbs man will burn more than that per minute without doing HIIT!
    Not convincing this article…

  118. The author of this article needs to go get some more understanding of calorie burning. For example to say that “15 calories per minute. That’s about twice as many as you’ll burn during long endurance workouts.” is inaccurate because it depends on your weight and sex how much you burn. A 300 lbs man will burn more than that per minute without doing HIIT!
    Not convincing this article…

  119. The author of this article needs to go get some more understanding of calorie burning. For example to say that “15 calories per minute. That’s about twice as many as you’ll burn during long endurance workouts.” is inaccurate because it depends on your weight and sex how much you burn. A 300 lbs man will burn more than that per minute without doing HIIT!
    Not convincing this article…

  120. The author of this article needs to go get some more understanding of calorie burning. For example to say that “15 calories per minute. That’s about twice as many as you’ll burn during long endurance workouts.” is inaccurate because it depends on your weight and sex how much you burn. A 300 lbs man will burn more than that per minute without doing HIIT!
    Not convincing this article…

  121. The author of this article needs to go get some more understanding of calorie burning. For example to say that “15 calories per minute. That’s about twice as many as you’ll burn during long endurance workouts.” is inaccurate because it depends on your weight and sex how much you burn. A 300 lbs man will burn more than that per minute without doing HIIT!
    Not convincing this article…

  122. The author of this article needs to go get some more understanding of calorie burning. For example to say that “15 calories per minute. That’s about twice as many as you’ll burn during long endurance workouts.” is inaccurate because it depends on your weight and sex how much you burn. A 300 lbs man will burn more than that per minute without doing HIIT!
    Not convincing this article…

  123. The author of this article needs to go get some more understanding of calorie burning. For example to say that “15 calories per minute. That’s about twice as many as you’ll burn during long endurance workouts.” is inaccurate because it depends on your weight and sex how much you burn. A 300 lbs man will burn more than that per minute without doing HIIT!
    Not convincing this article…

  124. The author of this article needs to go get some more understanding of calorie burning. For example to say that “15 calories per minute. That’s about twice as many as you’ll burn during long endurance workouts.” is inaccurate because it depends on your weight and sex how much you burn. A 300 lbs man will burn more than that per minute without doing HIIT!
    Not convincing this article…

  125. The author of this article needs to go get some more understanding of calorie burning. For example to say that “15 calories per minute. That’s about twice as many as you’ll burn during long endurance workouts.” is inaccurate because it depends on your weight and sex how much you burn. A 300 lbs man will burn more than that per minute without doing HIIT!
    Not convincing this article…

  126. The author of this article needs to go get some more understanding of calorie burning. For example to say that “15 calories per minute. That’s about twice as many as you’ll burn during long endurance workouts.” is inaccurate because it depends on your weight and sex how much you burn. A 300 lbs man will burn more than that per minute without doing HIIT!
    Not convincing this article…

  127. The author of this article needs to go get some more understanding of calorie burning. For example to say that “15 calories per minute. That’s about twice as many as you’ll burn during long endurance workouts.” is inaccurate because it depends on your weight and sex how much you burn. A 300 lbs man will burn more than that per minute without doing HIIT!
    Not convincing this article…

  128. The author of this article needs to go get some more understanding of calorie burning. For example to say that “15 calories per minute. That’s about twice as many as you’ll burn during long endurance workouts.” is inaccurate because it depends on your weight and sex how much you burn. A 300 lbs man will burn more than that per minute without doing HIIT!
    Not convincing this article…

  129. The author of this article needs to go get some more understanding of calorie burning. For example to say that “15 calories per minute. That’s about twice as many as you’ll burn during long endurance workouts.” is inaccurate because it depends on your weight and sex how much you burn. A 300 lbs man will burn more than that per minute without doing HIIT!
    Not convincing this article…

  130. The author of this article needs to go get some more understanding of calorie burning. For example to say that “15 calories per minute. That’s about twice as many as you’ll burn during long endurance workouts.” is inaccurate because it depends on your weight and sex how much you burn. A 300 lbs man will burn more than that per minute without doing HIIT!
    Not convincing this article…

  131. The author of this article needs to go get some more understanding of calorie burning. For example to say that “15 calories per minute. That’s about twice as many as you’ll burn during long endurance workouts.” is inaccurate because it depends on your weight and sex how much you burn. A 300 lbs man will burn more than that per minute without doing HIIT!
    Not convincing this article…

  132. The author of this article needs to go get some more understanding of calorie burning. For example to say that “15 calories per minute. That’s about twice as many as you’ll burn during long endurance workouts.” is inaccurate because it depends on your weight and sex how much you burn. A 300 lbs man will burn more than that per minute without doing HIIT!
    Not convincing this article…

  133. The author of this article needs to go get some more understanding of calorie burning. For example to say that “15 calories per minute. That’s about twice as many as you’ll burn during long endurance workouts.” is inaccurate because it depends on your weight and sex how much you burn. A 300 lbs man will burn more than that per minute without doing HIIT!
    Not convincing this article…

  134. The author of this article needs to go get some more understanding of calorie burning. For example to say that “15 calories per minute. That’s about twice as many as you’ll burn during long endurance workouts.” is inaccurate because it depends on your weight and sex how much you burn. A 300 lbs man will burn more than that per minute without doing HIIT!
    Not convincing this article…

  135. The author of this article needs to go get some more understanding of calorie burning. For example to say that “15 calories per minute. That’s about twice as many as you’ll burn during long endurance workouts.” is inaccurate because it depends on your weight and sex how much you burn. A 300 lbs man will burn more than that per minute without doing HIIT!
    Not convincing this article…

  136. The author of this article needs to go get some more understanding of calorie burning. For example to say that “15 calories per minute. That’s about twice as many as you’ll burn during long endurance workouts.” is inaccurate because it depends on your weight and sex how much you burn. A 300 lbs man will burn more than that per minute without doing HIIT!
    Not convincing this article…

  137. The author of this article needs to go get some more understanding of calorie burning. For example to say that “15 calories per minute. That’s about twice as many as you’ll burn during long endurance workouts.” is inaccurate because it depends on your weight and sex how much you burn. A 300 lbs man will burn more than that per minute without doing HIIT!
    Not convincing this article…

  138. The author of this article needs to go get some more understanding of calorie burning. For example to say that “15 calories per minute. That’s about twice as many as you’ll burn during long endurance workouts.” is inaccurate because it depends on your weight and sex how much you burn. A 300 lbs man will burn more than that per minute without doing HIIT!
    Not convincing this article…

  139. The author of this article needs to go get some more understanding of calorie burning. For example to say that “15 calories per minute. That’s about twice as many as you’ll burn during long endurance workouts.” is inaccurate because it depends on your weight and sex how much you burn. A 300 lbs man will burn more than that per minute without doing HIIT!
    Not convincing this article…

  140. The author of this article needs to go get some more understanding of calorie burning. For example to say that “15 calories per minute. That’s about twice as many as you’ll burn during long endurance workouts.” is inaccurate because it depends on your weight and sex how much you burn. A 300 lbs man will burn more than that per minute without doing HIIT!
    Not convincing this article…

  141. The author of this article needs to go get some more understanding of calorie burning. For example to say that “15 calories per minute. That’s about twice as many as you’ll burn during long endurance workouts.” is inaccurate because it depends on your weight and sex how much you burn. A 300 lbs man will burn more than that per minute without doing HIIT!
    Not convincing this article…

  142. The author of this article needs to go get some more understanding of calorie burning. For example to say that “15 calories per minute. That’s about twice as many as you’ll burn during long endurance workouts.” is inaccurate because it depends on your weight and sex how much you burn. A 300 lbs man will burn more than that per minute without doing HIIT!
    Not convincing this article…

  143. The author of this article needs to go get some more understanding of calorie burning. For example to say that “15 calories per minute. That’s about twice as many as you’ll burn during long endurance workouts.” is inaccurate because it depends on your weight and sex how much you burn. A 300 lbs man will burn more than that per minute without doing HIIT!
    Not convincing this article…

  144. The author of this article needs to go get some more understanding of calorie burning. For example to say that “15 calories per minute. That’s about twice as many as you’ll burn during long endurance workouts.” is inaccurate because it depends on your weight and sex how much you burn. A 300 lbs man will burn more than that per minute without doing HIIT!
    Not convincing this article…

  145. The author of this article needs to go get some more understanding of calorie burning. For example to say that “15 calories per minute. That’s about twice as many as you’ll burn during long endurance workouts.” is inaccurate because it depends on your weight and sex how much you burn. A 300 lbs man will burn more than that per minute without doing HIIT!
    Not convincing this article…

  146. The author of this article needs to go get some more understanding of calorie burning. For example to say that “15 calories per minute. That’s about twice as many as you’ll burn during long endurance workouts.” is inaccurate because it depends on your weight and sex how much you burn. A 300 lbs man will burn more than that per minute without doing HIIT!
    Not convincing this article…

  147. The author of this article needs to go get some more understanding of calorie burning. For example to say that “15 calories per minute. That’s about twice as many as you’ll burn during long endurance workouts.” is inaccurate because it depends on your weight and sex how much you burn. A 300 lbs man will burn more than that per minute without doing HIIT!
    Not convincing this article…

  148. The author of this article needs to go get some more understanding of calorie burning. For example to say that “15 calories per minute. That’s about twice as many as you’ll burn during long endurance workouts.” is inaccurate because it depends on your weight and sex how much you burn. A 300 lbs man will burn more than that per minute without doing HIIT!
    Not convincing this article…

  149. The author of this article needs to go get some more understanding of calorie burning. For example to say that “15 calories per minute. That’s about twice as many as you’ll burn during long endurance workouts.” is inaccurate because it depends on your weight and sex how much you burn. A 300 lbs man will burn more than that per minute without doing HIIT!
    Not convincing this article…

  150. The author of this article needs to go get some more understanding of calorie burning. For example to say that “15 calories per minute. That’s about twice as many as you’ll burn during long endurance workouts.” is inaccurate because it depends on your weight and sex how much you burn. A 300 lbs man will burn more than that per minute without doing HIIT!
    Not convincing this article…

  151. The author of this article needs to go get some more understanding of calorie burning. For example to say that “15 calories per minute. That’s about twice as many as you’ll burn during long endurance workouts.” is inaccurate because it depends on your weight and sex how much you burn. A 300 lbs man will burn more than that per minute without doing HIIT!
    Not convincing this article…

  152. The author of this article needs to go get some more understanding of calorie burning. For example to say that “15 calories per minute. That’s about twice as many as you’ll burn during long endurance workouts.” is inaccurate because it depends on your weight and sex how much you burn. A 300 lbs man will burn more than that per minute without doing HIIT!
    Not convincing this article…

  153. The author of this article needs to go get some more understanding of calorie burning. For example to say that “15 calories per minute. That’s about twice as many as you’ll burn during long endurance workouts.” is inaccurate because it depends on your weight and sex how much you burn. A 300 lbs man will burn more than that per minute without doing HIIT!
    Not convincing this article…

  154. The author of this article needs to go get some more understanding of calorie burning. For example to say that “15 calories per minute. That’s about twice as many as you’ll burn during long endurance workouts.” is inaccurate because it depends on your weight and sex how much you burn. A 300 lbs man will burn more than that per minute without doing HIIT!
    Not convincing this article…

  155. The author of this article needs to go get some more understanding of calorie burning. For example to say that “15 calories per minute. That’s about twice as many as you’ll burn during long endurance workouts.” is inaccurate because it depends on your weight and sex how much you burn. A 300 lbs man will burn more than that per minute without doing HIIT!
    Not convincing this article…

  156. The author of this article needs to go get some more understanding of calorie burning. For example to say that “15 calories per minute. That’s about twice as many as you’ll burn during long endurance workouts.” is inaccurate because it depends on your weight and sex how much you burn. A 300 lbs man will burn more than that per minute without doing HIIT!
    Not convincing this article…

  157. The author of this article needs to go get some more understanding of calorie burning. For example to say that “15 calories per minute. That’s about twice as many as you’ll burn during long endurance workouts.” is inaccurate because it depends on your weight and sex how much you burn. A 300 lbs man will burn more than that per minute without doing HIIT!
    Not convincing this article…

  158. The author of this article needs to go get some more understanding of calorie burning. For example to say that “15 calories per minute. That’s about twice as many as you’ll burn during long endurance workouts.” is inaccurate because it depends on your weight and sex how much you burn. A 300 lbs man will burn more than that per minute without doing HIIT!
    Not convincing this article…

  159. The author of this article needs to go get some more understanding of calorie burning. For example to say that “15 calories per minute. That’s about twice as many as you’ll burn during long endurance workouts.” is inaccurate because it depends on your weight and sex how much you burn. A 300 lbs man will burn more than that per minute without doing HIIT!
    Not convincing this article…

  160. The author of this article needs to go get some more understanding of calorie burning. For example to say that “15 calories per minute. That’s about twice as many as you’ll burn during long endurance workouts.” is inaccurate because it depends on your weight and sex how much you burn. A 300 lbs man will burn more than that per minute without doing HIIT!
    Not convincing this article…

  161. The author of this article needs to go get some more understanding of calorie burning. For example to say that “15 calories per minute. That’s about twice as many as you’ll burn during long endurance workouts.” is inaccurate because it depends on your weight and sex how much you burn. A 300 lbs man will burn more than that per minute without doing HIIT!
    Not convincing this article…

  162. The author of this article needs to go get some more understanding of calorie burning. For example to say that “15 calories per minute. That’s about twice as many as you’ll burn during long endurance workouts.” is inaccurate because it depends on your weight and sex how much you burn. A 300 lbs man will burn more than that per minute without doing HIIT!
    Not convincing this article…

  163. The author of this article needs to go get some more understanding of calorie burning. For example to say that “15 calories per minute. That’s about twice as many as you’ll burn during long endurance workouts.” is inaccurate because it depends on your weight and sex how much you burn. A 300 lbs man will burn more than that per minute without doing HIIT!
    Not convincing this article…

  164. The author of this article needs to go get some more understanding of calorie burning. For example to say that “15 calories per minute. That’s about twice as many as you’ll burn during long endurance workouts.” is inaccurate because it depends on your weight and sex how much you burn. A 300 lbs man will burn more than that per minute without doing HIIT!
    Not convincing this article…

  165. The author of this article needs to go get some more understanding of calorie burning. For example to say that “15 calories per minute. That’s about twice as many as you’ll burn during long endurance workouts.” is inaccurate because it depends on your weight and sex how much you burn. A 300 lbs man will burn more than that per minute without doing HIIT!
    Not convincing this article…

  166. The author of this article needs to go get some more understanding of calorie burning. For example to say that “15 calories per minute. That’s about twice as many as you’ll burn during long endurance workouts.” is inaccurate because it depends on your weight and sex how much you burn. A 300 lbs man will burn more than that per minute without doing HIIT!
    Not convincing this article…

  167. The author of this article needs to go get some more understanding of calorie burning. For example to say that “15 calories per minute. That’s about twice as many as you’ll burn during long endurance workouts.” is inaccurate because it depends on your weight and sex how much you burn. A 300 lbs man will burn more than that per minute without doing HIIT!
    Not convincing this article…

  168. The author of this article needs to go get some more understanding of calorie burning. For example to say that “15 calories per minute. That’s about twice as many as you’ll burn during long endurance workouts.” is inaccurate because it depends on your weight and sex how much you burn. A 300 lbs man will burn more than that per minute without doing HIIT!
    Not convincing this article…

  169. The author of this article needs to go get some more understanding of calorie burning. For example to say that “15 calories per minute. That’s about twice as many as you’ll burn during long endurance workouts.” is inaccurate because it depends on your weight and sex how much you burn. A 300 lbs man will burn more than that per minute without doing HIIT!
    Not convincing this article…

  170. The author of this article needs to go get some more understanding of calorie burning. For example to say that “15 calories per minute. That’s about twice as many as you’ll burn during long endurance workouts.” is inaccurate because it depends on your weight and sex how much you burn. A 300 lbs man will burn more than that per minute without doing HIIT!
    Not convincing this article…

  171. The author of this article needs to go get some more understanding of calorie burning. For example to say that “15 calories per minute. That’s about twice as many as you’ll burn during long endurance workouts.” is inaccurate because it depends on your weight and sex how much you burn. A 300 lbs man will burn more than that per minute without doing HIIT!
    Not convincing this article…

  172. The author of this article needs to go get some more understanding of calorie burning. For example to say that “15 calories per minute. That’s about twice as many as you’ll burn during long endurance workouts.” is inaccurate because it depends on your weight and sex how much you burn. A 300 lbs man will burn more than that per minute without doing HIIT!
    Not convincing this article…

  173. The author of this article needs to go get some more understanding of calorie burning. For example to say that “15 calories per minute. That’s about twice as many as you’ll burn during long endurance workouts.” is inaccurate because it depends on your weight and sex how much you burn. A 300 lbs man will burn more than that per minute without doing HIIT!
    Not convincing this article…

  174. The author of this article needs to go get some more understanding of calorie burning. For example to say that “15 calories per minute. That’s about twice as many as you’ll burn during long endurance workouts.” is inaccurate because it depends on your weight and sex how much you burn. A 300 lbs man will burn more than that per minute without doing HIIT!
    Not convincing this article…

  175. The author of this article needs to go get some more understanding of calorie burning. For example to say that “15 calories per minute. That’s about twice as many as you’ll burn during long endurance workouts.” is inaccurate because it depends on your weight and sex how much you burn. A 300 lbs man will burn more than that per minute without doing HIIT!
    Not convincing this article…

  176. The author of this article needs to go get some more understanding of calorie burning. For example to say that “15 calories per minute. That’s about twice as many as you’ll burn during long endurance workouts.” is inaccurate because it depends on your weight and sex how much you burn. A 300 lbs man will burn more than that per minute without doing HIIT!
    Not convincing this article…

  177. The author of this article needs to go get some more understanding of calorie burning. For example to say that “15 calories per minute. That’s about twice as many as you’ll burn during long endurance workouts.” is inaccurate because it depends on your weight and sex how much you burn. A 300 lbs man will burn more than that per minute without doing HIIT!
    Not convincing this article…

  178. The author of this article needs to go get some more understanding of calorie burning. For example to say that “15 calories per minute. That’s about twice as many as you’ll burn during long endurance workouts.” is inaccurate because it depends on your weight and sex how much you burn. A 300 lbs man will burn more than that per minute without doing HIIT!
    Not convincing this article…

  179. The author of this article needs to go get some more understanding of calorie burning. For example to say that “15 calories per minute. That’s about twice as many as you’ll burn during long endurance workouts.” is inaccurate because it depends on your weight and sex how much you burn. A 300 lbs man will burn more than that per minute without doing HIIT!
    Not convincing this article…

  180. The author of this article needs to go get some more understanding of calorie burning. For example to say that “15 calories per minute. That’s about twice as many as you’ll burn during long endurance workouts.” is inaccurate because it depends on your weight and sex how much you burn. A 300 lbs man will burn more than that per minute without doing HIIT!
    Not convincing this article…

  181. The author of this article needs to go get some more understanding of calorie burning. For example to say that “15 calories per minute. That’s about twice as many as you’ll burn during long endurance workouts.” is inaccurate because it depends on your weight and sex how much you burn. A 300 lbs man will burn more than that per minute without doing HIIT!
    Not convincing this article…

  182. The author of this article needs to go get some more understanding of calorie burning. For example to say that “15 calories per minute. That’s about twice as many as you’ll burn during long endurance workouts.” is inaccurate because it depends on your weight and sex how much you burn. A 300 lbs man will burn more than that per minute without doing HIIT!
    Not convincing this article…

  183. The author of this article needs to go get some more understanding of calorie burning. For example to say that “15 calories per minute. That’s about twice as many as you’ll burn during long endurance workouts.” is inaccurate because it depends on your weight and sex how much you burn. A 300 lbs man will burn more than that per minute without doing HIIT!
    Not convincing this article…

  184. The author of this article needs to go get some more understanding of calorie burning. For example to say that “15 calories per minute. That’s about twice as many as you’ll burn during long endurance workouts.” is inaccurate because it depends on your weight and sex how much you burn. A 300 lbs man will burn more than that per minute without doing HIIT!
    Not convincing this article…

  185. The author of this article needs to go get some more understanding of calorie burning. For example to say that “15 calories per minute. That’s about twice as many as you’ll burn during long endurance workouts.” is inaccurate because it depends on your weight and sex how much you burn. A 300 lbs man will burn more than that per minute without doing HIIT!
    Not convincing this article…

  186. The author of this article needs to go get some more understanding of calorie burning. For example to say that “15 calories per minute. That’s about twice as many as you’ll burn during long endurance workouts.” is inaccurate because it depends on your weight and sex how much you burn. A 300 lbs man will burn more than that per minute without doing HIIT!
    Not convincing this article…

  187. The author of this article needs to go get some more understanding of calorie burning. For example to say that “15 calories per minute. That’s about twice as many as you’ll burn during long endurance workouts.” is inaccurate because it depends on your weight and sex how much you burn. A 300 lbs man will burn more than that per minute without doing HIIT!
    Not convincing this article…

  188. I never do cardio anymore. I just lift weights and my waist is the smallest it has ever been in years. I’m just strong and muscular and I eat like an animal. lol

  189. This is the kind of article that makes me want to say “the hell with trying.” It’s telling me that my cardiologist, nutritionist and other “experts” are ignorant liars. Okay, so the author likes weight training. That’s what it comes down to. Every “expert” has his/her own agenda to sell. The bottom like is that what is going to make you lose weight, is whatever you will stick to. So, I don’t particularly like weight training, but cardio is, apparently, a waste of time, despite all the experts saying otherwise. Hell with it.

    1. I agree. I want to get healthier most of all. Cardio is very good at that but I know not to go t extremes. How does one keep track if strength training is only burning a small amount of calories during and more after? If I cant’ trust the cardio machine’s numbers, how do I adjust? Keep in mind that if you overcompensate for the reduction you may create a situation where you calories deficit is too low. While the facts in the article are very convincing, it would be better if a solution was proposed.

  190. Agree with Jessiemoon on negative tone. Cardio works for me better than weights for weight loss, though I do both types for different reasons. Is “cardio bunny” a needed descriptor for people who like to run or cycle?

  191. This says exercise machines overestimate the caloric burn by as much as 42%, and the article suggests fitness trackers are more accurate. What do you mean by fitness trackers. I ask because I read another article recently (wish I could remember the source) mentioning trackers like the Fitbit are notoriously incorrect. Which is a bummer since I recently purchased one.

    1. I have tried a fitbit and found it to be unreliable, I have also used a Suunto and a Polar both with chest straps primarily to monitor heart rate whilst training but they also calculate calories burned based on your personal info – weight, age, sex etc. I have found both to be very accurate to my weight lost and calories consumed. Garmin is supposed to be the pinnacle of this technology but pricey. Hope this helps.

  192. I don’t believe this is totally accurate. I’ve lost 22kg+ since January. I gym almost every day and calorie count. I ONLY do cardio at the gym:
    15 mins bike warm up (machine says 130kcal)
    20 minute cross trainer (machine says 320kcal)
    20 minute rowing (machine says 240ka)
    Even if these readings are inaccurate, that’s definitely going to be a 400-600kcal burn. I log down to the nearest hundred and generally round food kcals up to the nearest 5/10g

    In 2014 I gave up dieting/gyming because I stopped loosing weight… I now understand this is because at the time I was doing lots of strength training and was infact gaining muscle mass.

    In my opinion it’s completely counterproductive to be trying to gain muscle while loosing fat – it makes it impossible to track fat loss vs muscle gain. All the people I’ve seen ‘toning’ fats end looking built/stocky as opposed to athletic as the ones who loose the fat then gain pure lean muscle…

    1. Losing fat while gain muscle happens to every beginner to lifts so its not at all counter productive. Trying to lose fat while gaining muscle is only counter productive if you try to do it forever.

  193. This is really fake news. The headline it won’t help you loose wieght is just not true or supported by the points. It will help you just not as much as you may think. To say exercise will not help you loose wieght is just stupid. are headlines that lie something that is taught?

      1. You missed the pointOMG. I understand the science and it’s good. The headline is false and doesn’t match the points. Cardio over nothing will help you loose weight.

  194. I guess those 50 lbs I lost just doing cardio were just my imagination. I always tell myself I’ll never open up another one of these dumb articles but I do and I always get ticked off by the stupidity of the writing

  195. Okay….everyone needs to calm down. Take a breath. Whatever you are doing, you are doing better than those doing nothing! Yes, I agree this article isn’t very well written, but I don’t think the point was to state cardio is a waste of time. Studies have shown that the primary driver of weight loss is a change in diet. This gives you the biggest “bang for your buck,” so to speak. Cardio is great for many reasons – primarily for the cardiovascular benefits – and any physical activity/calorie burn is going to help you achieve your weight loss goals, but studies have also shown cardio alone without diet change won’t do the trick for most people trying to lose a significant amount of weight. This is especially true of steady-state endurance cardio, but again, that doesn’t mean it is a waste of time. It’s not. Weight loss doesn’t require perfect efficiency, only persistence. Strength training is important – or at least helpful – for long term weight loss and maintenance. It will help you get over the plateaus we all face at some point. It will make it a bit easier to keep your metabolism humming once your body mass decreases. It is also very important for maintaining bone and muscle mass as we age. This doesn’t mean you necessarily need to “lift heavy” if you don’t want to, or are not physically able to do so, or don’t have access to the equipment needed.
    Use what you’ve got. Do what works for you. Listen to your body. Do what you enjoy. Do your best to cover the three bases of healthy diet, cardiovascular fitness, and strength (I would add balance and flexibility as well but that’s another can of worms). There is NO MAGIC SOLUTION. There is no ONE SINGLE WAY. Take a deep breath, congratulate yourself for your efforts, and continue to do your best. You’re all doing wonderful work and making amazing progress. Don’t let the ridiculous industry that churns out articles like these get you down.

    1. I agree. Everyone got a bit defensive here. The headline may have been click bait, but reread the 4 main headings. They are right. Also, she says that some levels of cardio will burn fat, carbs and protein, but you really want to be burning as much fat as possible. She also mentions HIIT which is really the best thing for combo cardio/muscle strengthening, and weight loss. It shakes things up so your body doesn’t get used to what you’ve been doing. Muscle confusion. If you ever plateau with your weight loss, consider HIIT.

      Strength training IS super important for about as many reasons as cardio. They are different with tons of benefits.

      But to really lose weight, it’s way more about diet than exercise. I’ve read several articles and studies (and learned in training classes) that it’s an 80-20 rule: 80% has to do with what you eat and 20% comes from exercise. This is of course approximate, but you get the idea.

      Anytime you’re up off the couch and moving is a good thing!

  196. When I first read the article I was quite impressed as it confirmed what my friend who is also a personal trainer had stated in past. I believe it is correct however it may be over complicating the matter. If you want to lose weight it simply maths. A calorie deficit should be enough.

  197. Fitness trackers have been shown to be a lot less accurate than the calorie counts exercise machines give you.

    1. I am with you all the way. Cardio and strength training has given me the strength, confidence and muscle tone to keep a 90 lb weight loss for almost 40 years.

  198. There is virtually NO physiologic basis for this article. The expert sited is a trainer, not a scientist. He does not reference any scientific work. For example, there is no such thing as a ‘fat burning zone’; it just means that at a lower intensity, exercise can be sustained for longer periods. C’mon, MFP, please do some “peer review” before publishing!! I am an MD and am familiar with exercise metabolism/physiology.

  199. I think pretty much any diet and fitness advice given to women (especially women over 40) that is based on studies done on men is about as worthless as a screen door on a submarine. Where are the studies where the subjects are WOMEN???

  200. I’ve lost over 50lbs in the last 6 months and I gotta say, adding cardio really did help. Gotta balance strength training and cardio.

  201. Articles like this are useless without context. They do not start with any sort of premise (i.e., are you trying to lose 20 lbs, 50 lbs or the hard to lose last 5?) so drawing conclusions is impossible. Body types are different. What age group you are in matters. What type of lifestyle do you lead? Most importantly, what do you like to do? If you like to run, don’t let someone tell you that you need to shift to weight training. OTOH, if you are overweight but hate to run, don’t force yourself into a cardio program. Ultimately you will probably quit and be back where you were.

    This article talks about ellipticals and treadmills. That is not where the real work gets done if you want improvement and fitness. Runners need to get out on the road and push themselves.

    There is some meaningful afterburn after running is over but definitely not as much as when you are in the gym. But so what. If you burn 900 calories in a 7-8 mile workout but maybe 150-200 in the gym, there better be some after burn. The real question is where are you the next day.

    The observations in 2, 3 and 4 are absolutely correct.

  202. About 99% of my clients not do traditional cardio workouts, They get amazing results through High Intensity strength training and eating a balanced diet. If you enjoy cardio that’s fine but if you are doing to it to lose you weight you might want to reconsider your program

  203. I’m really GLAD I read all the comments. The article was just plain discouraging. They comments were way more beneficial than the article so thank you very much to all the commenters!

  204. Body weight exercises are also strength training. I have some Dr. Axe Burst Fit dvds that are HIIT and incorporate cardiovascular and strength training. 20 minutes a day. I have lost 7 lbs in 3 weeks.

    1. I loved the Burst Fit DVD. Used it for months. Now I’m doing HIIT cardio and HIIT strength training 6 days a week (3 of each) on fitnessblender. And then in the evenings I may do a 10 minute isolation workout like abs, back, or triceps.

  205. I lost 16 ponds on my own just doing the treadmill, watching my diet & a little bit of weights here & there. Then I got a personal trainer who swears by the opposite of what I was doing for weight loss. I’ve been working with him now for a month & the scale has not moved, nor do my clothes fit any different. So I’m thinking my way was better for me.

    1. Do your clothes fit different? Could be that you have continued to lose but have built muscle, which weighs more than fat. Since January, I have lost only 10 pounds, but have gone down 2.5 sizes.

  206. I wish my ex-doctor wasn’t a dumbass. Luckily, I’m not someone who will be held down. When I went in his office for “help” he pretty much told me in the most round about way. “Im fat, nothing will help you- no amount of working out or running will help- eat salads.” While it’s a little bold and at that time hurtful, I do agree my diet needed a serious adjustment but any other person would have gone out on a ledge. What he said and handed to a “hyvee dietician” name was pathetic, unprofessional and seriously depressing. I wasn’t going in expecting drugs I was actually going to get my thyroid checked but before the test was even done he said that’s not my problem. Like he “knew”. I left the office crying, whale tears. It’s easy to get access to illegal drugs for most people. At that point I thought no wonder people have so many weight issues. Damn, if doctors are like what I just encountered either you’d turn anorexic, illegal drug customer or eat more food. I left a sweet yelp review and note on google with his name included about my visit. Since then I changed my diet, I did these things after doctor #2 suggested ways, gave me a little hope and courage and didn’t assume anything and slam the door on my fat ass. THIS IS A BIG F U to ex-doctor Dr Garstang.

    1. Figure your TDEE (google). Set a 20% deficit based on that number. Calculate macro breakdown to 30% protein; 30% healthy fats; 40% carbs (the lower glycemic the better).

      Buy a food scale that weighs in grams, read labels and write down portion sizes and macro/calories totals, stay within your limits and it will drop like a stone.

  207. Wow! Oversimplification of the facts! From a PhD in Exercise Physiology, here is what I see. One experimental study out of context, one epidemiological study that cannot determine the cause of change over a long period of time, one “case study” of one person being tested on a TV show – none of this would pass for a basic assignment in my exercise physiology course. This is why the general public hates exercise and metabolism research – our results are often taken out of context to promote headlines and for-profit businesses. Both cardiorespiratory training (CRT) and resistance training (RT) can cause excess post-exercise oxygen consumption (EPOC) and caloric expenditure! CRT burns more calories during the activity, has stronger relationships with overall improvement in many health indicators, improves bone mineral density (BMD) of the spine and lower limbs (mostly in weight-bearing activities like walking and running), and is easily accessible (walking, running, bicycling, etc.). Whereas RT improves muscle strength/endurance, can increase muscle mass (mainly in males and especially in those that were born with a higher percentage of fast-twitch muscle fibers) – which can increase resting metabolic rate (RMR), can increase BMD (mostly in the spine and lower body of those doing squat/leg press type exercises), and can have a greater EPOC. However, (and this is a big HOWEVER), all of the effects of exercise depend on the type, duration, intensity, and frequency of the exercise. That’s why you have to read the original experimental research article, and understand what they actually did, to be able to judge the results fairly – and obviously most people don’t have that background.

    So here is my simple suggestion: do whatever physical activity you enjoy and try to do something physically active every day – just do something! Does it matter if it burns 50 more calories than something else – Not really. If you do nothing you won’t burn any extra calories. All physical activity will improve your overall health! If you want to lose body fat, then yes, decrease your caloric intake. How much you should decrease intake by should be based on how much weight (specifically body fat) you need to lose. In just general guidelines I would begin with a 10-20% reduction in every meal, not just one type of food. If you want to reduce your intake if high fat/high sugar (empty calorie) foods that’s the best place to begin. Remember, carbohydrates are not causing the obesity epidemic in the US, overeating is! Carbohydrates are need to burn fat, and fuel exercise. The only “trick” in the whole process is to eat less calories than you expend – but that’s the problem we all have – judging how many calories we really eat (we all underestimate) and how much we really expend (we typically overestimate). If you want good information read the Phys Ed column in the New York Times, Gretchen Reynolds does a really good job of researching the research and not going after headlines. Best of luck! Anthony Bull, PhD (Sorry I don’t have the time to follow this and reply again, nor do I have time to respond to e-mails.)

  208. That is perfect… exactly where you want to be. As you lose, you’ll have to re-calculate your TDEE every 10lbs or so to reflect new calorie limits… this is what many people neglect to do and end up “plateauing.”

  209. Haha people here are so sad get a grip.. Ive learned that people dont like it when they hear unpopular truths, they would rather follow popular half-truths because that’s what their equally dumb friends do.

  210. Notice how most of the commentators are women. They are the ones that are the most against lifting for whatever reason.

  211. Im not saying everything in the article is true though, for example for reason #1 the answer is that it depends. And reason#2 is generally true because cardio will never work your legs like heavy squats and deadlifts do. The point is is that for fat loss whether exercise or diet is more important depends on the individual.

  212. I also find it funny how people say “Well I personally lost weight doing just cardio AND TRACKING CALORIES so this article is false” haha don’t kid yourself, we all know what you did that actually made you lose weight. Next time do strength training and track calories before you open your mouth

  213. I wish I had saved the reference, since we seem to be continually bombarded with contradictory advice, but I just read a study that concluded that metabolic rate is determined much more by activity (e.g., cardio) than age or muscle (the focus of the study was primarily the effect of age on metabolic rate). The contribution to metabolic rate from muscle is only about 15-20% of the total. Your brain is actually the biggest driver of metabolism. The gist of the article was that to increase your metabolic rate, stay active more than anything. Don’t think that building muscle alone, or remaining young (if you had that choice), is going to increase your metabolic rate significantly. Still, I think there is consensus that a fitness program generally should have a mix of exercise types, not just cardio or just strength.

  214. The logical truth….proper diet, cardio and easy weight lifting to keep muscles strong. However, no one speaks about flexibility. A lot of efficiency is due to how well we can maneuver doing simple tasks. Has anyone ever notice this, especially with age? My weight training is light according to my needs, however I do make flexibility an equal partner.

    1. You are so right. Age is an important factor in what you should be doing. If you’re over 40, running 10 miles a day is not going to help with sarcopenia (the decline in skeletal muscle with age) which is one of the most important causes of functional decline in older adults. As we get older, we must engage in some sort of overall body strength training.

  215. Wow look at all these internet experts discounting an article from a professional. It could be an article that says “Humans need oxygen to live” and someone would talk crap about how wrong they were.

  216. I agree that this article was biased in a way against cardio workouts, which can burn a lot of calories actually, and keep you alive as the heart is a muscle that needs training even more than those pectorals. without the heart everything else stops. good circulation results from cardio and brings better skin health and brain health. we all need to cross train, which is what the article would more correctly have said, cardio, strength, and flexibility and balance are all needed for optimal health.

  217. Oh well running takes up less time for me getting more done than going to the gym waiting to use a bench. I managed to drop 25kg in 6 months, running 33km a week and managing my carbs going for ketosis while doing shorter runs and “carbing up” for longer ones. And I can actually see my stomach muscles now for the first time in 15 years. I do throw in a few pull-ups, dips and crunches though…

  218. The best exercise is the exercise you enjoy and will stick with. If you don’t enjoy a form of exercise, you wont give it your full effort, and if you can’t stick with something, any benefits will only be as short term as your workouts, and it’ll all end up pretty pointless. For this reason, weight lifting is useless for some people, and cardio the best thing since sliced bread for others.

    I enjoy a mix of exercise – I currently enjoy slow long runs 2-3 times a week, lift heavy 2-3 times a week, and sometimes sneak a HIIT session in there. I also really enjoy walking. Besides that, I’ll shake it up depending on how I feel from time to time, doing more of one and less of the other if it takes my fancy. For instance, this week, I’m focusing on running and giving the lifting a break, as I have a race in a few days and find I run best when I cool it on the lifting a little!

    Enjoy your workouts! They’re not your job!

  219. What about this carrying weights on your back for 30-60 minutes on treadmill or step mill lets say 20kg weight, max incline and 4.7kph or 5kph extreme fat burn maybe everything burn?

  220. You keep posting the same useless article that virtually no one agrees with. I may have to just start deleting your emails if you don’t start paying attention.

  221. If you have a healthy heart and are fit enough to run ten miles, why are you still trying to lose weight? Maybe you have an emotional problem that needs attention.
    Still, mixing up your workout is valuable. It keeps you interested. You avoid repetitive stress injuries, and you work both aerobic and anaerobic muscles.

  222. Have to remember that many times those connected with gyms (some trainers) want to sell a service. Cardio does not require a gym membership. Outdoors is free. A pair of sneakers and something to wear is what you need. The emphasis on weight training in many cases may be to push people to gyms and memberships.
    Best type of exercises: Do something you enjoy!! Do something that gets out moving every day!! Do not do something that you are forcing yourself into, it’s not sustainable. By the way, swimming is a great workout often overlooked, but again you need a pool for that. So, if you run, walk, crawl, swim your way to weight loss and better health, it really doesn’t matter how you did it. It matters you did.

  223. I’m considering a heart rate monitor for my cardio days. However, the rate calculated for my age seems low and therefore doesn’t seem like a lot of calories will be burned. If I’m not mistaken, the article is saying to increase intensity to get the most fat burn. What are your thoughts?

  224. Who does a cardio exercise that quits hurting as soon as they stop? How well did that theory work for Phillipidies (spelling?)? Didn’t the original Marathon runner drop dead because his body continued to exercise after he sat down? I know in my personal case that my body continues to repair itself well past the point that I slow down to a walk.

  225. Age is an important factor in what you should be doing. If you’re over 40, running 10 miles a day is not going to help with sarcopenia (the decline in skeletal muscle with age) which is one of the most important causes of functional decline in older adults. As we get older, we must engage in some sort of overall body strength training.

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