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10 Ways to Burn 300 Calories With Summer Sports

Published June 21, 2019
3 minute read
A graphic titled "10 Summer Sports to Burn 300 Calories" features ten icons depicting various activities: hula hooping, waterskiing, hiking, kayaking, baseball, tennis, volleyball, swimming, rollerblading and water polo against a blue background. MyFitnessPal Blog
Published June 21, 2019
3 minute read
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Activities like running and cycling are winners any time of year, but if you’d like to mix things up this summer, look to fun seasonal sports like beach volleyball, swimming and stand-up paddleboarding. All are more than just great ways to pass the time — they also burn some serious calories.

Below we’ve got 10 summer time activities that burn an estimated* 300-plus calories in 30–60 minutes. So, get out there and enjoy yourself — and feel good knowing you’re technically exercising.

*Each calorie estimate is based on a 150-pound person.

“Long walks on the beach” might be a dating profile cliché, but if you’re in the market for some scenic exercise, it’s a great way to be active. That’s because, according to the Journal of Experimental Biology, walking on the sand burns 2.1–2.7 more calories than walking on a hard surface.

Burn 300 calories in 31–38 minutes of walking at 3 miles per hour.

You don’t have to re-create a pro-level Wimbledon match to enjoy the cardio benefits of tennis. As long as you and your partner are getting the ball over the net and chasing down balls (Read: no two-bounce rule), you’ll get your muscles moving and your heart pumping.

Burn 300 calories in 33 minutes.

We already know walking on the beach is a good workout. Now, throw in some jumping, diving and the other quick movements required to play sand volleyball. It all adds up to great exercise — and it’s also just really fun, whether you’re Olympic level or learning the ropes.

Burn 300 calories in 33 minutes.

Relaxing by the pool is a classic summertime activity. Swimming for exercise is, too. While the former can result in a nice tan, the latter provides a total-body workout that’s easy on your joints.

Burn 300 calories in 37 minutes of light-to-moderate freestyle swimming.

Skating isn’t just fun, it’s also a great alternative to running, especially if you’ve got joint issues. While the sport looks smooth and easy, rollerblading takes a surprising amount of effort. The motion recruits several large muscles, including your glutes, quads and hamstrings, which in turn requires a lot of oxygen. For you, that means a bigger calorie burn.

Burn 300 calories in 22 minutes.

Standing still is usually easy, but standing still on a paddleboard floating on water requires balance and core strength. Add in the upright rowing, which works your core, chest and arms, and you’re burning calories while slowly making your way across a body of water.

Burn 300 calories in 40 minutes of moderate-paced paddleboarding.

When you’re water skiing, it may look like the boat’s doing all the work, but don’t sleep on this summertime sport as exercise. Remaining upright in the water requires core strength and enlists your leg muscles, while hanging onto the rope taxes your arms.

Burn 300 calories in 44 minutes.

Taking a nice long walk is always a good idea. Doing so in nature has the added benefit of boosting mood and lowering stress. So, go for a hike. Walking across uneven terrain burns more calories than walking on the sidewalk, and if your hike includes steep inclines, you can increase your calorie burn in a hurry.

Burn 300 calories in 44 minutes of cross-country hiking.

Paddling a kayak is a fun way to get from one place to another, but it’s also a seriously good workout. Your heart benefits from the cardio, while your back, shoulders, arms and core work to keep you steady, propel you forward and navigate turns.

Burn 300 calories in 53 minutes.

This popular summer sport ranges from competitive fast-pitch games to slow-pitch beer leagues. If you make the occasional sprint around the bases and chase after some in-the-gap doubles, you’ll get a lot more exercise than watching from the sidelines.

Burn 300 calories in 53 minutes.

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