Our MyFitnessPal users inspire us every day by achieving personal goals that go beyond a number on a scale. We’re just one month into the new year, and the progress has been uplifting. From going for a walk in minus 11 degrees to being on a five-day, no-sugar streak to trying Zumba for the first time, here are a few non-scale victories users shared on the MyFitnessPal Facebook page:
1. Going from 5 minutes to 4 1/2 miles on the elliptical trainer
2. Fitting into pants that were once too tight
3. From grieving the loss of a parent to using MFP again and working out
4. Walking 2 miles in minus 11 degrees
5. Getting off sugar for five days and counting
6. Hopping right back on the healthy-eating wagon after enjoying the holidays
7. Choosing a smoothie instead of Chick-fil-A
8. Jumping off a diving board for the first time
9. Upping the water intake
10. Trying Zumba for the first time
> 100 Soda-Free Days and 19 More Non-Scale Victories by MyFitnessPal Users
> 200 Days Logged and 19 Other Non-Scale Victories by MyFitnessPal Users
> It’s Not Just About the Scale: 20 Victories by MyFitnessPal Users