mindful eating

mindful eating

3 minute read
Registered dietitians share what changes they make when they want to slim down.
4 minute read

In today’s world where anyone with an Instagram account can claim to be a

3 minute read
Here’s how to keep your friendships — and still get healthier.
4 minute read
There are distinctions between guilt and shame that are important to understand to develop
4 minute read

With 2,000 locations nationwide and a menu that boasts veggie-packed salads, no artificial flavors

5 minute read

We all know the feeling of eating too much food, of being not just

6 minute read

When searching for healthy eating or weight loss tips, the phrase “portion control” pops

4 minute read

It can be hard not to overeat. You eat a healthy meal at home,

4 minute read

With the holiday season in full swing, temptation is everywhere — from office parties

3 minute read

Thanksgiving can be a challenge for your waistline if you let it. The average

3 minute read

Thanksgiving tends to be associated with overindulgence followed by extreme guilt. But with some

4 minute read

The few weeks between Thanksgiving and New Year’s are the most festive time of

2 minute read

If you’ve found yourself stocking up on appetizers, tubs of hummus and gourmet cheeses

2 minute read

We’ve all been tempted to ‘cheat’ by indulging in less nutritious foods from time

3 minute read
Registered dietitians share what changes they make when they want to slim down.
4 minute read

In today’s world where anyone with an Instagram account can claim to be a

3 minute read
Here’s how to keep your friendships — and still get healthier.
4 minute read
There are distinctions between guilt and shame that are important to understand to develop
4 minute read

With 2,000 locations nationwide and a menu that boasts veggie-packed salads, no artificial flavors

5 minute read

We all know the feeling of eating too much food, of being not just

6 minute read

When searching for healthy eating or weight loss tips, the phrase “portion control” pops

4 minute read

It can be hard not to overeat. You eat a healthy meal at home,

4 minute read

With the holiday season in full swing, temptation is everywhere — from office parties

3 minute read

Thanksgiving can be a challenge for your waistline if you let it. The average

3 minute read

Thanksgiving tends to be associated with overindulgence followed by extreme guilt. But with some

4 minute read

The few weeks between Thanksgiving and New Year’s are the most festive time of

2 minute read

If you’ve found yourself stocking up on appetizers, tubs of hummus and gourmet cheeses

2 minute read

We’ve all been tempted to ‘cheat’ by indulging in less nutritious foods from time

4 minute read

Airports aren’t known for having enough healthy options, especially if your only option is

5 minute read

By now, we’re well aware of the benefits and pitfalls of social media. Most

5 minute read

There are so many wonderful things about going out to eat: It’s fast, quick,

3 minute read

During an average day, we make more than 200 food-related decisions. With so many

3 minute read

It seems like any meal you call a feast is bound to cause dread

1 minute read

When the foliage breaks out and the temperature dips, it’s natural to go into

2 minute read

A healthy dinner should be hearty, satisfying and balanced, without going overboard on calories.

3 minute read

Breakfast has been touted as the most important meal of the day for so

4 minute read

Losing weight is one thing, keeping the weight off is another. We’ve all heard

3 minute read

Even if you’re not a huge taco or burrito lover, you’ve probably stopped at

1 minute read

The office can be a weight-loss battlefield. Between those well-intentioned food-focused celebrations and hours

5 minute read

Calories in minus calories out: That’s the simple, age-old equation for creating a calorie

3 minute read

Just because we know what’s healthy, we don’t necessarily change our eating behavior, but

5 minute read

Food not only nourishes the body but soothes and satiates as well–which is a

3 minute read

Lunch is often an afterthought. Most of our mornings are far too hectic with

3 minute read

Whether a fun social occasion or an everyday reality, dining out poses a challenge


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