2025 is your year for progress. Get 30 days MyFitnessPal Premium on us!

Get 30 days MyFitnessPal Premium on us!

Nutrition tracking
for real life

Forget quick fixes, impossibly high bars, and swearing off your favorite foods. This year, let’s get real: reachable goals, plenty of grace, and real results. Let’s go!

Forget quick fixes, impossibly high bars, and swearing off your favorite foods. This year, let’s get real: reachable goals, plenty of grace, and real results. Let’s go!

See what nutrition for real life
means to us

One app, millions of
success stories

MyFitnessPal meets you where you’re at and helps you get where you want to go. Your why, your way.

Resolutions made real

Hover over these popular resolutions for simple suggestions that can help make these big goals feel a lot more gettable!

Tap on the popular resolutions that resonate most with you, and get suggestions to help make each big goal more gettable!

Whatever your goal,
we can help!

The MyFitnessPal app has all kinds of tools and resources to help you make your resolution a reality.

Eat a high-protein diet

Protein is a key part of your health journey. Are you getting enough?

Connect nutrition and sleep

Eat right, sleep tight. Learn how your daily decisions can affect your ZZZs.

Improve your gut health

Boosting your inner biome may offer all kinds of benefits—even weight loss.

Count calories

Weight loss isn’t JUST “calories in vs. out” (but it’s a great place to start).

Identify nutrient gaps

Are you feeding your body all of the macro (and micro) nutrients it needs?

Balance your macros

Stay on track with personalized daily targets for carb, protein & fat intake

Build muscle

Strength and performance gains take the right nutrition. We can help.

Lose weight

We’ve helped millions of users reach their weight goals. Let’s go!

Cultivate mindful eating habits

Nutrition tracking helps you build a healthier relationship with food.

Adam Devine

Protein power recipes

Adam Devine knows acting. He knows comedy. And it turns out, he knows more than a thing or two about health journeys (and eating well!) We teamed up with Adam to bring you a collection of fun, high-protein recipes that are sure to leave you smiling—only in the MyFitnessPal app!

It’s time for a resolution reframe

As you take on the new year, remember to keep things in perspective. Here are 10 affirmations to live by in 2025