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What is clean eating?

Clean eating is simple. Eat Real Food.

  • Choose mostly whole or minimally processed foods

  • Avoid highly processed and fast foods

  • Hydrate with water instead of sweetened beverages or juice

real food, defined

what real food is

Real food is simple.
Fruits, vegetables, meats, dairy, seafood, nuts, seeds, whole grains and beans are all real food. Natural sweeteners, coffee, chocolate and wine count, too—just enjoy them in moderation!

what real food is not

Real food is not complicated.
It is not highly processed, and it doesn’t have long, complex ingredient lists and items you can’t pronounce or visualize easily.

How to




Commit to eating 1, 2 or 3 clean eating meals a day for 10 days.

Snack on whole, unprocessed foods and hydrate with water only.


Level 1:

1 real food meal per day

Consider this level if you mainly eat highly processed convenience foods or fast food.

Level 2:

2 real food meals per day

Consider this level if you frequently eat highly processed convenience foods or fast food.

Level 3:

3 real food meals per day

Consider this level if you occasionally eat highly processed convenience foods or fast food.

Join the challenge Facebook page to connect with others, get support and share your successes.






Our bodies were designed to run on real food.

Highly processed foods have changed what people eat, and not for the better. When foods are heavily processed, nutrition is stripped, fiber is removed, and sugar is added. A lot of sugar. Unfortunately, the food supply has been adulterated worldwide. It’s no coincidence that, despite massive advances in health-care and nutrition research, globally we’re more overweight and sicker than we were 50 years ago. Getting back to eating real food is the first step toward improving our health and the food supply.



10 days can make a bigger difference than you think.

A recent study led by Robert Lustig, MD, showed that by simply taking fructose (from added sugar) out of the diet for 10 days, liver fat was reduced nearly 30%. There was no reduction in calories in the diet the patients were put on. Why is this important? A fatty liver is both a sick liver and a leading indicator for metabolic disease, which significantly increases your risk for heart disease and diabetes. A fatty liver can occur in anyone, it doesn’t matter if you’re young or old, thin or overweight.



Challenges create momentum.

Ten days may not be long enough to leave you with a set of completely new diet habits, but it will leave you with a social network to get you there; one that can provide you with support and encouragement along your health journey.

In addition to personal momentum, challenges create social momentum. Together, we can start a movement. A movement toward eating more unprocessed, real foods, foods that create wellness, not illness.

Clean Eating Tips

Check out the resources below to help you incorporate more real food into your diet.

A Special Offer for Clean Eating Challenge Participants

For only $.99 (regularly $2.99), you can stream the public television program Sweet Revenge: Turning the Tables on Processed Food which offers practical ways to get sugar and processed food out of your life and explains why real food is essential to good health.

Eat well and do good! 15% of your purchase supports the Institute for Responsible Nutrition in its mission to end food-related illness and promote good health.

Click here to take advantage of this special offer. Enter the Code "MFPIRNe" for the English version and "MFPIRNs" for the Spanish version.

Click here for a preview of the program.

Join the challenge Facebook page to connect with others, get support and share your successes.