

On How to Get More Comfortable in Your Own Skin
4 minute read
Your body does so much for you; it’s only fair to love it back.
3 minute read
Ask yourself these eight questions as you seek your new favorite instructor.
3 minute read
Experts share the importance of setting goals and acknowledging you are here for a
3 minute read
This traditional Chinese medicine modality is trending, but does it work?
4 minute read
Your lifestyle could throw your circadian rhythm out of whack, making it harder to
4 minute read
They may sound hippie, but don't dismiss this ancient practice.
4 minute read
Meditation does more than just reduce stress; it can also help protect you from
3 minute read
If these recovery methods work for trainers, chances are they’ll work for you.
5 minute read
Here are seven things that happen to your body on a rest day.
5 minute read
Skip the sheep-counting tonight by following this hour-by-hour guide.
3 minute read
Brain training is supposed to increase your cognitive abilities, but does it work?
4 minute read
When we don’t value something, we mistreat it.
4 minute read
Because no electronics before bed isn’t always realistic.
4 minute read
Maybe feeling blah about diet and exercise isn’t all about willpower after all.
4 minute read
Your body does so much for you; it’s only fair to love it back.
3 minute read
Ask yourself these eight questions as you seek your new favorite instructor.
3 minute read
Experts share the importance of setting goals and acknowledging you are here for a
3 minute read
This traditional Chinese medicine modality is trending, but does it work?
4 minute read
Your lifestyle could throw your circadian rhythm out of whack, making it harder to
4 minute read
They may sound hippie, but don't dismiss this ancient practice.
4 minute read
Meditation does more than just reduce stress; it can also help protect you from
3 minute read
If these recovery methods work for trainers, chances are they’ll work for you.
5 minute read
Here are seven things that happen to your body on a rest day.
5 minute read
Skip the sheep-counting tonight by following this hour-by-hour guide.
3 minute read
Brain training is supposed to increase your cognitive abilities, but does it work?
4 minute read
When we don’t value something, we mistreat it.
4 minute read
Because no electronics before bed isn’t always realistic.
4 minute read
Maybe feeling blah about diet and exercise isn’t all about willpower after all.
3 minute read
Hammocks may seem intimidating, but they actually help you.
4 minute read
The benefits of foam rolling post-workout are well-known, but researchers are now looking into
4 minute read
Even if your workplace has a wellness program, it might not be enough to
6 minute read
New research shows links between hormonal fluctuations and sports performance.
4 minute read
The latest research breaks down how much time you need to spend outdoors to
4 minute read
Once you know, you take action to make things better.
3 minute read
A growing body of evidence shows exercise, especially strength training, could help reduce Type
5 minute read
Foam roll as your warmup then get a massage for recovery.
3 minute read
Five reasons to consider adding bee pollen to your diet.
3 minute read
Massage guns can loosen muscles and decrease soreness. Here’s how to use one.
5 minute read
If the faintest noises jar you awake, these tips may help you finally doze
4 minute read
Why going to bed at the same time is crucial for a healthy metabolism.
3 minute read
The right songs can help you doze deeper.
4 minute read
Build recovery days into your training plan, and you’ll come back stronger than ever.
4 minute read
What you love most about summer — longer days, sunshine, vacations — could be
3 minute read
New research reveals another simple habit that may reduce your risk of obesity.


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