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4 minute read

Most dedicated runners often approach their grueling sport with a one-track mind. Runners are

3 minute read

It’s OK to feel angry, stressed out or like you want to give up.

3 minute read

You’ve read about the benefits of yoga: more flexibility, strength, energy and vitality, and

4 minute read

Meditation can be a highly useful weight-loss tool: It can give you a productive

3 minute read

Here’s a big problem with yoga: so many people think it’s all about doing

4 minute read

“Not enough time.” This is an excuse we use for pretty much everything. But

3 minute read

Don’t get it twisted. Meditation isn’t magic mumbo-jumbo. The practice has been probed, prodded,

4 minute read

The number one thing to remember about yoga, and life, for that matter, is: