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3 minute read
New research shows hot water immersion offers some serious heart-health benefits.
3 minute read
New research shows you should time your exposure to bright lights.
3 minute read
Hunger could lead you to make impulsive decisions and focus on short-term rewards, according
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Recent research shows sticking to healthy habits is the most important factor in maintaining
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New research shows downhill and cross-country skiing offer significant health benefits.
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Learn what throws off your melatonin levels and when a supplement might be necessary.
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If you’re tired of waking up from a nap feeling even more tired, try
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You don’t need to log a long workout to reap the health benefits.
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A walking coach can help you improve speed, stamina and more.
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A slew of new studies have associated eating red meat with a higher risk
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Waist circumference is more predictive of heart disease than weight. Losing belly fat could
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Most Americans’ diets rank below average (which means a C grade), according to a
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Some of the most delicious foods are associated with decreased cancer and heart disease
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Consuming too much sugar on a keto diet cheat day could harm your heart.
3 minute read
The middle-aged spread increases mortality, and science has some idea why.
3 minute read
Hate running? A brisk walk is all you need to improve your heart health.
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Exercise boosts mood and coaching in a class or trainer setting could alleviate depression.
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From counting sheep to drinking herbal tea, there is no shortage of advice to
2 minute read
Sitting beats standing when it comes to helping your body recognize hunger cues.
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Research shows daily smartphone use of more than five hours was linked to a
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Experts share the importance of setting goals and acknowledging you are here for a
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Your lifestyle could throw your circadian rhythm out of whack, making it harder to
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Whether you exercise before the sun rises or after it sets could impact the
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Meditation does more than just reduce stress; it can also help protect you from
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New research shows you burn more calories at rest in late afternoon than early
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Instead of passing on a new-to-you dish, try these tips for expanding your palate.
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The latest research breaks down how much time you need to spend outdoors to
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A growing body of evidence shows exercise, especially strength training, could help reduce Type
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New research shows just 4,400 steps per day can help you live longer.
4 minute read
Picking the right carbs helps you recover faster and meet your goals sooner.