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3 Simple Foods That Build Brain Health
5 minute read
These foods help build and maintain brain health as we age.
5 minute read
Here are five simple ways to improve wellness.
5 minute read
A commitment to training must also include a commitment to nutrition.
7 minute read

You know those days at work where everything is just hard, including balanced eating?

3 minute read

You’ve put in the time and effort to complete a hard workout and now

7 minute read

There’s nothing more fun than a classic summer barbecue. Just the thought of the

3 minute read

Protein and muscles. Muscles and protein. Those two things seem to always be paired

3 minute read

After you work out, there’s a certain amount of time in which you are

5 minute read

At many finish lines, you will find something that many runners, cyclists and triathletes

5 minute read

You may have heard about “net carbs,” but what exactly is the meaning and

9 minute read

You’ve been running for a little while now, and things are going well. You’ve

4 minute read

Adequate hydration is crucial for performance in active people. In the body, water acts

4 minute read

Running is an easy way to be active, as all it really takes is

5 minute read

It’s estimated that 57% of American adults consume coffee every day. If you are

5 minute read

When you hear “pain” and “exercise” in the same sentence, you probably think one

7 minute read

Let’s get one thing straight about weight loss: It is not a destination but

5 minute read

The goal for every athlete’s training plan is better performance. Whether you run, play

5 minute read

Wouldn’t it be great if there was one measurement that could just tell us