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3 minute read

Pain is your body’s way of telling you something is up, and yes, there

5 minute read

We hear a lot about the importance of an effective warm-up, but what’s less

3 minute read

Patients ask me regularly if they really need to warm up before they work

5 minute read

If your usual warm-up is five minutes at an easy pace on a cardio

5 minute read

I’ve been experiencing chronic low back pain, and my doctor recommended I try physical

2 minute read

As a physical therapist, sometimes it’s hard for me to go to the gym

3 minute read

We live in Chicago, where the winter is cold, long and brutal, and finding

3 minute read

Strong lower abs are notoriously elusive, like a World Series win for the Cubs.

4 minute read

Q. I’m pregnant and want to maintain a healthy level of activity. What are

3 minute read

Q. I went on a long hike and now my shins are killing me.

3 minute read

Everyone has muscle tightness somewhere, which can limit your range of motion, contribute to

2 minute read

Normally, when we think of muscle imbalance, we think of the guy with a