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6 minute read
You don’t have to go cold turkey on meat and cheese to reap the
1 minute read
Nutrition experts take sides on whether supplements are worth the trouble.
5 minute read
Faux meat products look and taste better than ever before but here’s what RDs
1 minute read
RDs weigh in on what the GMO label really means and whether to include
5 minute read
Physical weight loss might be the ultimate goal, but overcoming mental hurdles is part
4 minute read
Regardless of ability level, walking can help improve balance, strength and more.
5 minute read
Experts share the foods easy to over-consume and how to make smarter choices.
6 minute read
Experts weigh in on how to listen to your body when walking pains arise.
5 minute read
Lowering the number on the scale isn’t just about subtraction.
1 minute read
Quality might be more important than quantity.
4 minute read
Here’s why you might regain weight you lose and how to actually keep it
3 minute read
Alcohol might not be the biggest culprit if you’re trying to lose weight.