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5 Ways to Get Inspired to Start a Walking Routine Today

indoor walking
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I was so excited to hear the U.S. Surgeon General Vivek H. Murthy launch his plan to promote walking and walkable communities. Nothing beats walking outdoors and I whole-heartedly agree that we should be using every resource we have to make our communities more walkable. But indoor walking is also a terrific option. You never have to worry about the weather, the cars or the looks from your neighbors. It’s so easy; here are ways to get going:

1. You can always pick up one of my DVDs and just follow along. Here’s my newest.

2. You can also put on your favorite music and keep to the beat.

How about some Motown? I can’t even sit still when that’s playing. If your walking turns into dancing, go with it! No one’s watching.

3. You can enjoy your favorite show while you’re walking indoors.

Start by walking during the commercial breaks, then switch so you’re resting during the breaks. Before you know it, you’ll be walking for a whole 30-minute show. And, because you’re moving, you’ll be less tempted to snack. Double bonus!

4. You can walk by yourself or with friends and family.

Some people thrive on that “me” time. Others like companionship. Either way, it’s a good idea to pick your time and place the day before. Mark it on your calendar. It’s your most important appointment of the day.

5. You should vary your pace when you walk.

Be sure you work all of your muscles to gain the most benefits. You’ll find my basic steps here.

Listen to America’s doctor! There’s never been a better time to start walking.

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