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5-Minute Workout: Burpees

A group of people exercise in a gym. Two individuals perform push-ups while three others do pull-ups on a bar. Another two people stand watching, discussing their recent 5-Minute Workout. The gym has a rope hanging from the ceiling and various equipment scattered around, including space for burpees. MyFitnessPal Blog
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Our 5-minute workouts feature big-bang-for-your-buck exercises that work multiple muscle groups—some moves work the cardiovascular system, as well. Because they’re so efficient and over before you know it, these routines are made to be challenging yet achievable. Take it at your own pace, and modify as needed to suit your fitness level.

What gets your heart rate up, glutes firm, arms strong and abs worked? The burpee.

The burpee is a favorite move among many fitness trainers and enthusiasts because it’s a total body workout in one move. If you’re trying to build balance, give your cardiovascular fitness a boost and lose belly pooch, the burpee can help you get there.

When you find yourself low on time to squeeze in a longer workout, or need an instant fat-burning boost, try these burpee variations. Make sure to do 5 minutes of walking quickly in place or walking quickly up and down stairs to warm up before you start this burpee circuit:

1. Burpee

Begin by standing tall with your abs pulled in. Lower down into a squat, and place your hands on the ground in between your feet. Jump your legs back so you’re in a plank position. Hold for 2 counts, jump your feet back to your hands, and stand up. Repeat as fast as you can for 30 seconds.

2. Burpee Walk

Begin by standing tall with your abs pulled in. Lower down into a squat position, then place your palms on the ground in between your aligned feet. Step your right foot back, followed by your left. You should be in a plank position now. Hold for 2 counts, then step your left foot to meet your left hand followed by your right foot to meet your right hand. Press off your heels, and stand up. Do this as fast as you can while maintaining proper form for 30 seconds.

3. Burpee with a Jump

Begin by standing tall with your abs pulled in. Lower down into a squat, and place your hands on the ground in between your feet. Jump your legs back so you’re in a plank position. Hold, lower down, and do a push-up, then push up back to a plank position, jump your feet back to your hands, and explode up off the ground, reaching for the ceiling. Land softly with your knees bent, and repeat as fast as you can for 30 seconds.

4. Burpee with a Twist

Begin by standing tall with your abs pulled in. Lower down into a squat, and place your hands on the ground in between your feet. Jump your legs back so you’re in a plank position. Lower down and do a push-up, push up back to a plank position, jump your feet back to your hands, and explode up off the ground. As you jump, turn your shoulder to the right so your whole body turns 180 degrees. Land softly with your knees bent facing the other direction. Repeat, but when you explode off the ground, twist to the left to work the other side. Continue to alternate as fast as you can for 30 seconds.

5. Burpee Step Up/Box Jump

You’ll need a step or box for this one.

Do your basic burpee. When you stand tall, step with your right foot up on the step followed by your left. Repeat the move, but then step up with your left foot. Continue to alternate as fast as you can for 30 seconds.

Alternative: Instead of a step up, you can do a basic burpee. When you stand up, jump onto the box to do a box jump. Step down from the box, and repeat as fast as you can for 30 seconds.

Repeat this circuit 1 more time.

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