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10 Moves You’re Not Doing to Get Stronger Glutes

Published March 14, 2015
4 minute read
glute exercises you're not doing
Published March 14, 2015
4 minute read
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This will hurt, and you will feel the burn, but you’ll love what it does for your backside. These 10 sculpting moves require only a pair of sneakers, a yoga mat, a little bit of space and a lot of willpower.

Crystal Stein, American College of Sports Medicine Health and Fitness Specialist, Level 1 Precision Nutrition coach and a Tier 3+ trainer at Equinox in NYC, created the ultimate go-to resource for lifting, firming, tightening and toning your backside. Add a few of the exercises below to your current total-body routine (perform 2-3 sets of 8-12 reps).

Clam With Raised Toes

clamshell with raised toes

Lie on left side with left arm propping torso up, or extended on floor if that’s more comfortable. Keeping head in line with spine, bend knees forward and lift both feet off floor keeping your torso stable. Rotate right knee up, opening legs, then close right knee and immediately move into the next rep without lowering feet to floor.*


quadruped exercise

Start on all fours with wrists below shoulders, knees below hips. Keeping abs tight, extend left hand in front of body and right leg behind you. Pause, keeping spine long, then return hand and foot back to mat. Alternate sides with each rep.

Crab Extension

crab extension

Start in reverse tabletop position with feet planted on floor, knees bent, wrists below shoulders with fingers pointing away from body. Push through heels, lifting hips in air and reach right arm up and over. Pause, then lower to return to start. Alternate sides with each rep.

Spider Burpee

spider burpees

Start in the top of a plank position with abs engaged and spine long. Step right foot next to right hand, then return to plank position. Now, step left foot next to left hand, then return to plank position. Jump both feet forward on the outside of hands and explode up, jumping as high as possible. Lower back to ground and return to starting position.

Ice Skate

ice skater

Stand on left foot with right foot slightly lifted. Jump as far as you can to the right, landing on right foot, swinging left foot behind body and left hand forward. Reverse the movement, jumping to the left, landing on the left foot with right hand forward.

Rainbow Down Dog

rainbow down dog

Start in down dog position. Shift weight to left and extend right leg to right with foot pointed. Lift right leg up and over, creating a semi-circle, lowering on a diagonal behind left leg. Retrace the circle with right foot. That’s one rep.*

Jump Squat

jump squat

Start standing with feet hip-width apart and arms in front of body. Squat down until thighs are parallel to floor and explode up, jumping as high as you can, pushing arms down and back. Land gently, and immediately lower into the next rep.

Star Glide

star glide

Stand on left leg, with left knee slightly bent, hands on hips. Hold this quarter-squat position and extend right leg in front of body. Begin to draw a circle with right foot by extending it to the right, then behind body, in a slow, controlled motion. Reverse the movement and immediately move into the next rep without straightening the left leg.*

Figure Four Bridge

figure four bridge

Lie on back with knees bent, feet flat on floor with heels a few inches away from butt. Cross right ankle over left knee and spread arms in a low “V” next to body with palms facing up. Press through left heel to lift hips a few inches off mat. Pause, then slowly return hips to mat.

Pretzel Bridge

pretzel bridge

Sit on floor with left leg forward and right leg behind body, both knees bent at 90 degrees. Lean forward slightly and place left hand on floor next to left hip. Keeping both knees on floor, lift up and over to left side. Pause, then return to start.*

*Repeat on opposite side.

Gifs courtesy of SELF.


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