

Why Recovery Isn't Just For Pro Athletes
4 minute read
If you think recovery is just for elite athletes, you’re missing out on reaching
4 minute read
A lack of sleep limits your workouts in more ways than one.
3 minute read
Essential oils, like lavender and peppermint, can reduce stress and increase athletic performance.
6 minute read
Plus, how to stimulate it for better health.
3 minute read
Learn what throws off your melatonin levels and when a supplement might be necessary.
5 minute read
A list of our top-10 most-read wellness stories in 2019, plus this editor’s extra
4 minute read
If you’re tired of waking up from a nap feeling even more tired, try
3 minute read
Cupping is usually done by someone else with glass cups, but now athletes can
3 minute read
After a poor night’s sleep, should you get up and work out or sleep
3 minute read
Sitting is inevitable, but foam rolling your hamstrings can keep your muscles supple.
4 minute read
Quick fixes to stay healthy during cold and flu season, here and now.
4 minute read
Struggling to fall (and stay) asleep? These mistakes could be hindering your ZZZ’s.
5 minute read
Workouts that maximize afterburn may be your best bet for fat loss.
3 minute read
This traditional Chinese medicine modality is trending, but does it work?
4 minute read
If you think recovery is just for elite athletes, you’re missing out on reaching
4 minute read
A lack of sleep limits your workouts in more ways than one.
3 minute read
Essential oils, like lavender and peppermint, can reduce stress and increase athletic performance.
6 minute read
Plus, how to stimulate it for better health.
3 minute read
Learn what throws off your melatonin levels and when a supplement might be necessary.
5 minute read
A list of our top-10 most-read wellness stories in 2019, plus this editor’s extra
4 minute read
If you’re tired of waking up from a nap feeling even more tired, try
3 minute read
Cupping is usually done by someone else with glass cups, but now athletes can
3 minute read
After a poor night’s sleep, should you get up and work out or sleep
3 minute read
Sitting is inevitable, but foam rolling your hamstrings can keep your muscles supple.
4 minute read
Quick fixes to stay healthy during cold and flu season, here and now.
4 minute read
Struggling to fall (and stay) asleep? These mistakes could be hindering your ZZZ’s.
5 minute read
Workouts that maximize afterburn may be your best bet for fat loss.
3 minute read
This traditional Chinese medicine modality is trending, but does it work?
3 minute read
Fuel your training with inflammation-fighting phytonutrients.
3 minute read
If these recovery methods work for trainers, chances are they’ll work for you.
5 minute read
Skip the sheep-counting tonight by following this hour-by-hour guide.
4 minute read
Because no electronics before bed isn’t always realistic.
3 minute read
Your muscles will thank you for taking the time to roll.
4 minute read
The benefits of foam rolling post-workout are well-known, but researchers are now looking into
4 minute read
Physical and mental tricks to smooth the transition.
5 minute read
Foam roll as your warmup then get a massage for recovery.
3 minute read
Massage guns can loosen muscles and decrease soreness. Here’s how to use one.
4 minute read
Picking the right carbs helps you recover faster and meet your goals sooner.
4 minute read
Why going to bed at the same time is crucial for a healthy metabolism.
4 minute read
Build recovery days into your training plan, and you’ll come back stronger than ever.
4 minute read
What you love most about summer — longer days, sunshine, vacations — could be
4 minute read
Stretching in the right way can help your workout — and more important, your recovery.
4 minute read
Keep your stretch session on-point by avoiding these common pitfalls.
5 minute read
Keep your recovery routine from causing more harm than good.


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