losing weight

losing weight

Ways to Progress From Walking to Running
4 minute read
Starting with small intervals and the right gear can help you learn to love
8 minute read
Ease into a new, healthy routine with this step-by-step guide to becoming a runner.
3 minute read
Chicken is a healthy protein and whether you opt for dark or light meat
8 minute read
Set yourself up for a healthy start to the day by following this simple
6 minute read
Walking is one of the most accessible exercises for weight loss. Here’s how to
5 minute read
Banning visceral belly fat is an important first step toward achieving long-term health goals.
5 minute read
Walking is great exercise for weight loss, but when you hit a plateau it's
8 minute read
Adding a brisk walk to your day provides more benefits than weight loss.
3 minute read
Jessica’s weight-loss journey began with Google, but MyFitnessPal has kept her accountable every day
5 minute read
Food sensitivities can lead to inflammation, which, in turn can hamper your weight-loss efforts.
4 minute read
JC turned his transformation into a WBFF title, and now he’s helping others achieve
4 minute read
If your goals are in a slump, here’s how to rise above it —
7 minute read
These incremental changes are the key to making weight loss habits stick long-term.
5 minute read
CC joined MyFitnessPal to find support as she trained for her first half marathon,
4 minute read
Starting with small intervals and the right gear can help you learn to love
8 minute read
Ease into a new, healthy routine with this step-by-step guide to becoming a runner.
3 minute read
Chicken is a healthy protein and whether you opt for dark or light meat
8 minute read
Set yourself up for a healthy start to the day by following this simple
6 minute read
Walking is one of the most accessible exercises for weight loss. Here’s how to
5 minute read
Banning visceral belly fat is an important first step toward achieving long-term health goals.
5 minute read
Walking is great exercise for weight loss, but when you hit a plateau it's
8 minute read
Adding a brisk walk to your day provides more benefits than weight loss.
3 minute read
Jessica’s weight-loss journey began with Google, but MyFitnessPal has kept her accountable every day
5 minute read
Food sensitivities can lead to inflammation, which, in turn can hamper your weight-loss efforts.
4 minute read
JC turned his transformation into a WBFF title, and now he’s helping others achieve
4 minute read
If your goals are in a slump, here’s how to rise above it —
7 minute read
These incremental changes are the key to making weight loss habits stick long-term.
5 minute read
CC joined MyFitnessPal to find support as she trained for her first half marathon,
7 minute read
Walking is an easy, effective way to improve your health. Here’s how to add
6 minute read
Varying your walking routine is your best bet for weight-loss benefits.
4 minute read
Losing weight can be as simple as properly stocking your pantry. These six healthy
3 minute read
Is apple cider vinegar the miracle super liquid you need?
4 minute read
Sue once struggled to bend over and tie her shoes. Today, she’s a nationally
4 minute read
Find out how long and how fast you need to walk to shed pounds.
6 minute read
Dietitians say: For better weight-loss results, start your morning savory, not sweet.
4 minute read
Plus, why you need to be hydrated to burn fat.
3 minute read
Increasing her daily calorie limit helped Molly push past a weight-loss plateau.
7 minute read
The secret to working out for weight loss is to find a workout you
5 minute read
On a scale from plain water to diet soda, where does sparkling water go?
3 minute read
Victoria tracked calories, found strength training, and lost 100 pounds in one year.
3 minute read
Offset sitting and get your heart rate up with extra steps.
5 minute read
By focusing on these cornerstone habits, you’ll set yourself up for success.
3 minute read
Michael tracked his calories and learned to love exercise, losing 65 pounds in the process.
3 minute read
An unhealthy extreme diet helped Kelsey learn the right way to approach weight loss.


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