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7 Foam Rolling Traps to Avoid
4 minute read
Foam rolling seems simple, but there are a few things to avoid when using
4 minute read
Training with heart rate zones can help you track your intensity, which will help
3 minute read

“I’m always amazed at the fact that the best preventatives have no pills, no

3 minute read

These days, holiday season stretches from Halloween all the way to New Year’s. That

3 minute read

Save the gym for the dark, cold winter days, or go to the gym

2 minute read

While walking at a relaxed pace has major health benefits — and for sedentary

4 minute read

We all know the value of getting our steps in, but there’s even more

3 minute read

A goal is a goal. Whether yours is to finish a marathon or to

4 minute read

So many runners hit a plateau fairly early on in training — we get