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5 minute read

From trendy superfoods to the latest cooking techniques, chefs, foodies and health junkies are

4 minute read

With the holiday season in full swing, temptation is everywhere — from office parties

4 minute read

It shouldn’t necessarily be a shock that nutrition experts don’t always follow their own

3 minute read

We’re a society of snackers, using quick grab-and-go bites to get us through long,

1 minute read

The office can be a weight-loss battlefield. Between those well-intentioned food-focused celebrations and hours

4 minute read

Are you working out hard at the gym but feel like you aren’t seeing

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Our relationship with food is undoubtedly complex, and sometimes the lines between healthy and

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Addiction does not always have to involve an addictive substance or drug. It can

3 minute read

Weight management comes down to simple math: calories in minus calories out. But if

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By now, you may know (perhaps you’re even highly aware) that every food you

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Calories in, calories out. Oh, if it were only that simple. The good news

3 minute read

Globally, we waste about 1.3 million tons of food every year, which equals to

8 minute read

[bc_video video_id=”5538026646001″ account_id=”5415335156001″ player_id=”rJuKveaLb”] Summer brings more energy, a renewed spirit and the best

3 minute read

Grocery delivery is an amazing invention: Order your groceries online or through an app

4 minute read
Here are five signs you might need to think about alternate ways to track
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Summer is coming, which means your getaway is dead ahead. Yes, vacation means rest

5 minute read

Calories in minus calories out: That’s the simple, age-old equation for creating a calorie

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What gets your morning started and keeps you energized throughout the day? For 54

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You don’t have to look too far to see the latest diet gimmicks promising

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As the old saying goes, no pain, no gain. We all hear about athletes

4 minute read

Eating healthy is an investment in your well being. Unfortunately, it also requires an

3 minute read

You know how great vegetables are for you. You’ve heard all about the fiber

4 minute read

Many athletes wonder whether they should work out on an empty stomach or whether

9 minute read
Breakfast is the most important meal of the day, especially before a workout.
1 minute read

This kid-friendly Peanut Butter Jelly Smoothie from Love & Zest is packed with nutrition from

4 minute read

Snacking while cooking dinner, eating while writing emails, munching on the drive to work.

5 minute read

Say goodbye to the days of feeling helpless and defeated when trying to eat

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Let’s face it. Eating out is fun. But it’s also notorious for high-calorie, sodium-saturated

3 minute read

You may think eliminating certain foods from your diet is the way to shed

3 minute read

So you hate veggies. Let me guess: Your parents wouldn’t let you leave the