Author posts

The Dark Side of an Extreme Fitness and Diet Challenge
5 minute read
You may think you need to make an extreme change, but proceed with caution.
3 minute read
Beware of these “healthier” options which might be more likely to upset your digestion.
5 minute read
Dietitians weigh in on trends to look for in the new year.
3 minute read
Here are three tricks that build mental strength to help with weight loss.
4 minute read
Learn if it's better to disconnect or use tech the next time you exercise.
4 minute read
Ironically, the less you try, the easier it is to be mindful.
5 minute read
Yoga teachers aren’t perfect, and they struggle with poses — just like we do!
3 minute read
And you probably don't realize you're doing them.
4 minute read
It's not going to be comfortable. But it will be rewarding.
4 minute read
Seven out-of-date healthy eating beliefs and what to do instead.
3 minute read
Experts weigh in on trendy personalized diets.
1 minute read
Here’s what the beverage can do for your waistline and how to choose the
6 minute read
Workouts should be as fun as playing — only more rewarding. Here’s how …
4 minute read
This new plan is popular with bodybuilders but sports nutritionists say be wary.
3 minute read
Maybe you can out-exercise a bad diet, after all.
3 minute read
New science finds lifting weights may have mental health benefits.
3 minute read
Any time outdoors is good, but specific greenery may have greater benefits.
1 minute read
Be good to your body, your wallet and the environment.
4 minute read
Registered dietitians weigh in on the trendy, low-carb plan.
5 minute read
Here are the pros and cons to the popular diet.
4 minute read
Consistently named a best diet, DASH has benefits beyond heart health.
3 minute read
You work hard to build it, so be sure you're not inadvertently ruining your
5 minute read
Registered dietitians weigh in on whether eating like our ancestors a smart idea.
5 minute read
This way of eating is popular with doctors. RDs weigh in on the pros
4 minute read
Registered dietitians weigh in on going 100% gluten free if you’re not celiac.
4 minute read
Registered dietitians weigh in on going 100% plant-based.
4 minute read
The right support can make a big difference.
3 minute read
Coffees, teas and tonics with fungi are all the rage … but are they effective?
3 minute read
It's for way more than holding sushi — and it's also way healthy for you.
3 minute read
Yoga isn't the only way to reap mind-body benefits.